Chapter 277 Implicit Emphasis

Zhu Danchen sat on the chair next to the bed with both hands on her thighs, waiting quietly like a student in the classroom. Seeing me who was leaning against the bed put down the documents in my hand, she nervously asked, "Xiao Chu, do you think this is okay?"

I glanced at Dong Xiaoye who was sitting at the end of the bed peeling apples. I didn't expect that she was also waiting for my answer like Zhu Danchen. When our eyes met, we hurriedly looked away. 'God damn it, this is so awkward.'

The words Sister Tiger said yesterday made it clear that she had obviously misunderstood my intention to donate. The most frightening thing was that she actually told me that she had a little 'interest' in a certain boar. I didn't think that I was thinking too much, because I could smell the danger hidden in her words.