Chapter 421 Dongfang Secretly Uses Computer In The Middle Of The Night

The next day.

I woke up very early. For me, who was used to sleeping in, this kind of situation was very rare, especially under the premise that there was nothing special to do today.

After I came back from downstairs with breakfast, I saw Chu Yuan who was in her pajamas holding a kitty cat plush toy in her arms and reluctantly walking out of my room with a pair of sleepy eyes. This was probably the only similarity between us. We both like to sleep in.

While setting the table, I called out to Chu Yuan who was still in the bathroom, "Yuan Yuan, after washing your face, wake Dongfang and your Elder Sister Xiaoye up for breakfast."

Chu Yuan was standing lazily in front of the sink with her eyes half-open while brushing her teeth absentmindedly. When she heard my words she said in a muffled voice, "By the way, Elder Brother, when school was over yesterday, Ms. Shu asked me to tell you that you don't need to go to the hotel to meet her family today."