Chapter 422 Shu Tong lied?

Although Shu Tong asked Chu Yuan to tell me that there was no need to see her family today, after leaving the hospital, I still went directly to the Shangri-La Hotel.

On the way, Dong Xiaoye talked about Liu Xiaosheng deliberately splashing me with wolf piss and had been plotting to harm me, but she concealed why she compromised with her principles and did not get the police involved. I also didn't ask her because I felt that if I had asked her, my relationship with Dong Xiaoye would develop in a strange direction.

Dong Xiaoye was afraid that the Liu family would retaliate against me and was actively seeking the best interests on my behalf. There could only be one answer to this question... But I couldn't just ask her why she treated me so nicely, right?

In this world, there was a kind of woman that was so innocent and simple that even if she knew that it was wrong, she would still continue to be wrong.