A New World

Ren Nakamaru is your typical college student. What makes him different from others is his IQ. He can be considered as one of the brightest minds in the world. But he doesn't use his IQ for any productive works like scientific research or studies. He keeps an façade of an average student with no standout point.

This façade of his has many reasons. One he being an orphan, he faced the dark side of society early in his life. He knows that many organization will fight him to take him in for his high IQ. He also doesn't want to do anything that he doesn't like. When he was small, leaving in the orphanage he tried to be independent. He was greatly influenced by the character Naruto of his favorite show.

He saw how Naruto struggled and didn't hate anybody for their behavior towards him. Though he doesn't like it, when others point finger at him. He doesn't hate them. He thought that if he was in Naruto's situation perhaps he would have left Konoha. Because he knows that the more he will face the hatred, the more he will be angry at them. Everybody can't be like Naruto. That's why he likes Naruto. Sometime he feels if he is given a chance he will help him with everything he has.

As he grew up, he watched how Naruto fought his way for the recognition of the people of Konoha. How he became the hero and savior of Ninja World, how he brought back Sasuke from his darkness. He knows that he can't be like Naruto so he decided to be an average guy so that no problem comes his way.

But fate played a joke in his life when he helped a girl from some drunk guys. The one time he did something out of box, that became his last time. While saving her, someone took a knife out and started randomly waving it. As he has not done any kind of physical exercise he couldn't react even if his mind knows. He got stabbed in his neck. Everyone freaked out and the guys started running. The girl didn't know what to do. As his life was fading out, he began thinking if he is given another chance he will definitely do something extraordinary rather being an average guy with his IQ.

He died due to excessive blood loss.

As he watched his body lying on the ground, his soul started to move at the speed of light as he moved towards another planet. He can't see where he was as his soul started to move towards someone. His last thought was that he got reincarnated and thanked god for giving him a second chance.

He didn't know how much time passed when one day he started getting pushed out. He knows that he is going to be born. When he was out, he got blinded by light. As he is a baby now he started crying for attention. He doesn't want to be orphan again.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was someone's crying face. He knows that the person should be his mother. When he saw her face clearly, he got shocked. Princess Kaguya is his mother! He would not forget that face, the face of final boss of Naruto! he looked around to see if there is a twin brother of his. But he didn't find anyone. He started to get excited. He is going to be the big brother of Sage of Six Path Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura!

"Damn this is awesome!"

He started dreaming how he going to be around his little brothers. Just the thought, he started laughing. He is reincarnated in his most favorite anime world! Just then someone opened the door and greeted his mother Kaguya. He knows this must be Aino his mother's maid and most trusted person. Her death what drove his mother to eat the Chakra Fruit.

"Now that I think, this should not be the same world. There was no big brother of Hagoromo in the anime. Then that means it must be somewhat different from the anime as I am born. There must be butterfly effect. It means I can change the history in my own way. Naruto doesn't have to be orphan and hated by all people. I can give him the love of family". He got happy when he thought about saving his most admired person. As for how to be alive for that, he will think later. If worst come to he will eat the chakra fruit instead of his mother.

He looked towards his mother and found that his mother lost in thoughts. He made some noise to attract his mother's attention. Aino came forward and hold him in her arms and brought him to Kaguya. Kaguya smiled as she took him. Ren stared at Kaguya as he for the first time saw his mother's love for him. He was extremely jealous in his previous life as he watched other children with their parents.

"Ren your father would have been so happy seeing you." said Kaguya. Ren could feel sadness in his mother's eyes. He got confused. In the anime father of Sage of Six Path was Tenji a normal human of Naruto World. Who is his father? He began to think. After some time he discarded that thought and give his full thought to be with his mother.

Everyone who watched the anime know that Kaguya didn't fight with her full strength against the two brothers or Naruto and Sasuke. She has so much power that she could crush them completely. If Madara had that much power he could have completed the war alone in less time. No need for White Zetsu army. She could not bring herself to kill her sons. So he knows that she was hurt when the two brothers sealed her. So when he saw Kaguya is his mother, he is happy.

"Kami you should now rest in peace. I will take care of our son and train him so that he can avenge you and change our clan for better." said Kaguya as she lightly kissed Ren in the forehead. When he heard her, he knows that Kami must have been his father and he must be an Otsutsuki. He was surprised that he was a pure blood Otsutsuki. But he became sad when he knew that his father was no more. he decided that he will get revenge for his father.

Ren wanted to know more about his father and about his clan. But he knew that it must be a painful memory for his mother. He decided he will ask his mother in the future. Now he just wanted to be with his mother and think later when he grow up.

Time Skip 3 years

In the last 3 years, Ren was happy all the time. He wouldn't trade this for anything. He got to know what is mother's love. Ren spend all his time with his mother. Kaguya was also very happy to be with Ren. After the death of Kami, she had locked her heart. Ren filled the void of her heart. She poured all her love to him. She decided that she will train him after he is 3 years old.

Ren is matured compared to other child. He is very intelligent and talented. He has eidetic memory. He just need a glance and he will never forget.

Today is his 3rd birthday. Her mother told him that he will know the truth about his father and start training from today with his mother. He rushed towards his mother's room. They are leaving in Tenji's house. His mother changed all their memory. They think that we are relative. They are not disturbed by them. His mother is peace loving person. She has so much but did not rule them.

"I don't know what drove mother to eat the chakra fruit in the original anime. Guess I will stop her when that happens. I don't want her to change how she is now. I will protect her from any harm."

Ren thought as he reached Kaguya's room. "Come in Ren" said Kaguya. She knows when he arrived with her highly developed sense. "Sit by my side. I am very happy with how you are. You are now ready and old enough to know the truth."

When Ren heard Kaguya's word he knew that the day has come when he will the truth. He was looking forward to it for a long time.