
"Ren you know that we are not the inhabitant of this planet. Our clan is called Otsutsuki clan. We are one of the strongest beings in the world. Our bloodline allows us to live for a long time. Lifespan of ordinary pure blood Otsutsuki is more than 1000 years. Don't look at 1000 years as many years. In this vast space there are beings who are real immortals. They live as long as they want and they don't have natural death. It means if they are not killed they can live indefinitely. They are mainly summoned beings. They have their own human form and primordial form which can be a beast, dragon, phoenix, turtle etc. They are spread across the space and to encounter them you have to have some fate. Why I am telling you this because don't get arrogant because of Otsutsuki bloodline. There are beings who can wipe out this planet with one move."

When Ren heard this his blood starts to boil. He started to yearn to have such power and immortality. Don't think he is wrong. Anybody who has died once will yearn for immortality. And who doesn't want to live as much as he wants and explore the unknown space. With immortality he doesn't have afraid of not having much time. Orochimaru dedicated his whole life for immortality and he did many sins. If Ren can achieve without any moral degradation then why not go for it.

His mother watched his expression and smiled. She knows how much attraction the word immortality can get. Even she is not an exception. She then continued.

"Our Otsutsuki clan is descendant of such a being. He is the ancestor of our clan Otsutsuki Shiva. He is an all powerful being who is known as God of Destruction in the entire universe. There is a saying in our clan that when he open his third eye destruction follows wherever he goes. Though he is known as God of Destruction, he loves peace and all living beings. Even an ant is respected by him. He never look down on anything. His duty is to punish the evil."

Ren was shocked when he heard Kaguya's word. In his previous world Lord Shiva is known by the same name in Hinduism. He started thing that all the gods he heard in his previous life must be some almighty being. They must have visited earth some time ago and there deeds must have been recorded and passed down.

"We are descendant of Lord Shiva. Most importantly our side of family are his direct descendants. Your father Otsutsuki Kami is great great great grandson of Lord Shiva and I am related to Otsutsuki Parvati who is wife of Lord Shiva. As far as I know they are alive from the beginning of the universe. Now you should know how long they have lived."

Ren was shocked again because he knows that Lord Shiva is part of three primordial gods known as 'Trimurti' and Goddess Parvati is Lord Shiva's wife. This confirms his previous theory. Gods and Goddess may be known in different names but they are living beings not imaginary beings. He was looking forward to know them.

"Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati have long been withdrawn from our clans affair. Where are they now nobody knows. Even among our clansmen some thought them as myths and legends. But I know that they are living and watching us. Just they don't show themselves. I can feel their blessings. Otherwise I can not escape from our clansmen watchful eyes even if Kami act as a decoy. Our clansmen have forgotten our ancestors' teachings. They are blinded by greed for longevity without hardwork and dedication. They started thinking of shortcuts so they can achieve immortality. So started looking for 'Chakra Fruit' which is forbidden by our ancestors. Eating these fruit will allow you longevity but it takes your sanity. You become more and more greedy for them. And these fruits does not grant permanent power. To maintain or increase your power, you need to eat again. You can only free yourself from this cycle if you start proper training and strong willpower."

"So after someone from our clan stole some fruits and ate them with others of his belief, everybody in our clan started searching for more fruits. It started a bloody era where many planets lost their vitality completely and many living beings were killed. Once respected as God Clan and protector of life became a Shura Clan and destroyer of life. They started to become the very thing that our ancestor despises. Your father and I lead remaining clansmen loyal to us to eradicate them and cleanse our clan. This is known as Heavenly Purge. Many planets were destroyed, immortal beings fell. It reached an point where every living being was influenced. To stop this your decided to take matter to his own hand. He fought against them and eradicated many shura Otsutsuki members. At that time I was pregnant and my power was reduced a lot. At that time some shura members found my location and attacked me. Your father had to return to us in middle of fight. He was heavily injured and tired from many battles. He protected me from our pursuers and divert their attention to allow my escape. I was so desperate at that moment that I choose the most remote planet and started to teleport away. But my power was not enough. Someone attacked me at that moment but a powerful blinding light descended and merge with me. At that moment, I heard someone speaking to me. He told me to protect you as you are the saviour of our clansmen. He also said that I will have two twin sons who will guide and help you on the path. I was surprised and asked who he was and why help us. He only spoke one word. Shiva."

Ren was startled to hear the name. "So he helped me and my mother. And now I can understand why I was reincarnated. He must have done it for some purpose. Well I will think about that later."

"I know Lord Shiva helped us to escape safely. I can't thank him enough for what he did. And about your brothers I think it must be his blessings. As I am pregnant again."

Ren was happy to hear that his brothers are finally on their way to the world.

"Ren, I will be weakened in this period of time. If something happens, I can't use my power."