The Fated Day(2)

After everyone returned to their room, Ren became worried of what's coming decided to talk to his mother about the situation.

Knock Knock

"Come in Ren"

"Mother, I want to talk to you about something."

"I know Ren, you are worried about me using power in this state. Well rest assured. I am fine. It took very little amount of power. So don't worry."

"Thanks god that you are fine. But mother, I think Tenji will do something to harm you to please the ambassador. I don't think the ambassador will left this chance to attack Land of Ancestor. They have always want to do so."

After listening to Ren's reason, Kaguya thought that it would be safe to leave this place. She can't use her power continuously or it would affect her babies. So she decided to leave this place in the middle of the night.

"OK Ren. We will not take any risk. We will leave this place tonight. Tell Aino if she wants to leave with us or not."

Ren was happy when he heard his mother's decision. He can finally save his mother. He quickly went to Aino's room and told her their decision. She immediately decided to leave with us. As she was an orphan, she had only us as closest to family. She immediately started packing.

Ren went to his room and started packing some clothes and light weight food. Though he and his mother don't require food for sustenance, it was better to take some to replenish energy on the journey.

Nightfall approached. Soon it was middle of the night.

Kaguya, Aino and Ren were all packed and ready to leave this place. They silently left the house and moved in the opposite direction of Land of That. They have to go near the God Tree to shorten their path. Kaguya already warned Ren not to give in to the temptation of God Tree. The nearer they got to it, the more it influenced their mind. Aino was ok as she is normal human. But it got worse for Kaguya. She was already weakened due to pregnancy, God Tree started targeting her solely.

But willpower of Kaguya was not something that would easily give in. God Tree stopped his influence after some time and they continue their journey smoothly. Ren began to think that God Tree must have some consciousness to influence their mind.

"It may be possible. God Tree accumulate and absorb natural energies from the earth and bear chakra fruit every thousand years. Without a will it will not become the Ten Tails and fight side by side with mother in the anime. It seems there is more to God Tree than meet the eye."

While they were getting closer to the tree, they suddenly heard some noises.

"Awful. It seems that Tenji give in to pressure and decided to attack us so quickly. What can I do? Think! Think! Think! Think! Use your brain or history will repeat itself. Mother's power is very low. Mine is sealed by mother for better adaption of body. Think! Ren Think!" When Ren saw the army approaching, he began to feel fear of death. Dying one time and living doesn't mean that he doesn't fear death. He fears death more as he knows that he will not get another chance. Most importantly he will loose his family which he loves so much. He doesn't want to be separated from his mother. If that happens, he may do something crazy like Madara, launching 'Infinite Tsukuyomi' to free his mother. He knows very well that his brothers will not do nothing and watch by. He doesn't want to fight them.

"Let see what happens. If worst come worst I will forcefully unlock mother's seal in my body even if it harms me." While Ren was thinking his next course of action, the army started shooting arrows towards us. When Kaguya saw this, she decided to go near the God Tree. As people feared it, they would not come near it. They would be safe.

"Ren, Aino lets go to the God Tree. They will not follow us their."

"But mother.."

"No time to think Ren. I know both of us can endure it's tempting."

Ren thought for some time and agreed. As long as he prevented his mother from eating the fruit, it will be okay.

"OK mother."

They started running towards the tree. When they reached the tree near the fruit, the temptation was overwhelming for young Ren. He bit his tongue to not lose focus. His practice in meditation also helped him to overcome the temptation with great difficulty.

But fate had some different plan for the mother and son pair. Someone was approaching them. Nobody found out until he reached near Ren. When Kaguya became aware of him, it was already too late. The man held Ren with a tight grip around his neck. Ren began to choke.

"Well! Well! Well! Look who I found. Princess Kaguya and her son. He must Kami's son eh! If I brought them back, how many fruits the Elders will give me. Just this child alone will give me a fortune. The last of the pure blood direct descendant!"

Kaguya almost become mad when she heard the man. She knows someone from the Shura faction had find her son and her.

"Leave my son alone. I dare you, if you he loses one hair I will torture your for eternity!"

"Ohhhhh! I am so scared! You don't have much power now that you are pregnant again. Come to think of it, how did you become pregnant? Did you mate with the aboriginal of this planet. Wow! What a great news! The great Princess Kaguya would fall so low."

Ren become angry when he heard his words. He was insulting his mother! Ren tried to free himself from hold but the man tighten his grip.

"Shut up! You insect! You dare to insult me!"

"Ohhhh! Princess is angry." The man stretched out his right hand. A bone lance came out and rush straight towards Kaguya. Ren watched as the bone lance hit his mother's shoulder. Blood started pouring out. Her white kimono became red. But she didn't make any sound just shook her head to Ren to warn not to do anything stupid. But Ren was completely angry as he watched her bleeding. Memories of last 12 years repeated in his mind. His body started shaking due to anger.

"Why? Why? Why I am so weak that I can't save my mother. I thought escaping from the tragic fate would help me and mother to gain some time. Why did I forgot that this is not the anime. This is all real. Any change can happen at any moment. What I know just is the knowledge of something that may happen. Why I got ahead of me and thought everything will happen according to my knowledge. The moment I born, everything is changed."

Ren started self loathing himself. He scolded himself for his stupidity. He gripped his hands tightly and started struggling fiercely. His anger kept rising to brim. Then it happened...