
The man ignored Ren's struggle and watched as Kaguya took out the bone lance from her shoulder. Her wound started healing rapidly. He knew that something like this would not kill her. He also didn't want to kill her. She may be last of pure blood direct descendant. So her value alive is much more than dead. He wanted to capture both of them and take his rewards from the Elders. He started thinking of all the fortune he would earn.

Kaguya took out the bone lance and watched as she saw Ren's body starting to shake. His pure white eyes started glowing ominous red. She was surprised and worried. She knew that his body can't take evolution of Byakugan at this time. His body has yet to properly adapt. An evolution may break his body completely if there is no help.

Aino who was trembling watching all that was happening also noticed the changes in Ren. Though she doesn't know what was happening to him, she knew that it was not good. She decided to save Ren from the man. She attacked him and bit his hand. But there was no injury in the man's hand.

"You imbecile! You dare to bite me!"

The man roared as he sent another bone lance towards Aino. Aino couldn't dodge the incoming lance. It through her heart. Pain flooded through her mind and her conscious began to fade. But she didn't let go of his hand instead she bit with last of her strength.


Ren watched with horror as all this happen. His last straw of sanity faded. His vision became world of red. His Byakugan turned red from white. A tearing pain came from between his eyebrow. Something was wriggling to come out. His last thought was as he saw Aino's lifeless body fell down.

Kaguya witnessed all this happening. Grinding her teeth hard she decided to eat the Chakra Fruit. Otherwise Ren will surely die from the evolution that is currently progressing in his body.

"Serves you right ant. To dare to bite me. Hmmm! What's happening with the boy? Is he currently undergoing evolution. This is interesting! Let see what are you going to awaken. His body certainly can't handle it. Well I will just pluck his eyes out. I can sell for some treasure. It may also save him. Hmmm. Your luck is good boy to keep your life. It no good if you die. I will help you to keep your life. You should thank me for my help, boy."

While the man was distracted with Aino and watched Ren's evolution, Kaguya made up her mind and rush towards the Chakra Fruit.

"I sorry my son. You can rest assured I will save you. Sorry Hagoromo! Sorry Hamura!. I have to do this to save your big brother and save us from the predicament."

Tears rushed from her eyes. She doesn't know what will happen to her babies if she eat now. She asked for their forgiveness in her mind and resolutely ate the Chakra Fruit. The very thing she hated the most, become her only life saving straw.

Suddenly, blinding light started spreading from Kaguya's body. The man turned towards Kaguya's position only to find her undergoing evolution. This process didn't last long. She being a pure blood direct descendant and a mature one at that, the time taken for evolution was very little.

A powerful heartbeat echoed. The sound of the beat was like the whole planet is beating drum. Cold sweat started running down his face. he knew that he was out time and luck. His thoughts proved to be right when his gaze landed in between her eyebrows. There a thin line like cut appeared. The cut opened up to reveal a blood red Rinnegan with nine tomoes and three concentric black circle. Just one look, his blood turned cold, his breathing stopped. His already pale face turned completely white devoid of blood. He knew what that eye means. Rinne Sharingan. The eye of legends. He only heard that Otsutsuki Kami has unlock this eye. He thought this as a rumor spread in their clan. But looking at the eye now, he knew that it may not be rumor.

"If that man's wife can awaken Rinne Sharingan, then he must have awaken it. That means no way he is dead. He must be waiting and training his eye. If he got a chance he will surely look for revenge. Then that day must be the end of all of us. I must escape and return with this news."

While he was thinking of escaping, Kaguya's gaze fell on him. The space froze around around him. He couldn't move a muscle. At this time a powerful chakra pulse started emitting from Ren's body.

Kaguya's attention turned towards Ren's. There was ditress in her eyes. With Byakugan, she could see that all his chakra started rushing towards his head and started gathering in between his eyebrows. Suddenly, a cut mark appeared in between his eyebrows. She knew that his chakra was not enough to complete the evolution. His chakra pathways were under tremendous pressure. His underdeveloped body started to break. Blood started to flow from his eyes, nose and ears. She rushed to his side and started infusing her chakra directly to the cut mark.

After her chakra came in contact with his, his body started to return to normal. The evolution process continued without delay. At this time the managed free himself from space freeze and started to open a space tunnel to escape. Kaguya realizing that he wanted to escape, threw a grey colored bone from her hand. This bone different from his. It's called 'All-Killing Ash Bones'. Just a touch can reduce you to nothing.

Looking at the nearing grey bone, the man decisively gave up escaping from this planet. He knew he has no time to open long distance space tunnel. He opened a space tunnel to other side of this planet. At this time, the grey bone just reached his lower half. He cut his lower half and escaped through the space tunnel. Kaguya didn't care as she knows he can't escape from this planet. Atleast need long time to heal. Now all her attention was on Ren. She continued to infuse chakra. After some time, Ren regained conscious, looked around to find his head on his mother's lap. His mother's right hand on his forehead infusing chakra.

"You are awake."