
After discussing what to do, Kushina opened Kurama's seal and changed the environment of the seal space. It transformed into a beautiful landscape with mountains, river and grassland. Now Kurama can freely move around. He conversed all his chakra and started slowly leaking some chakra to her chakra pathways to prepare her body to accept his complete power. His chakra is very overbearing, so it takes a lot of time for the body to bear that amount of chakra. Unlike in anime, now Kurama has both Yin-Yang halves. So its power is much more from anime. Ren estimated that if Kushina can perfectly adapt and performs a tail beast transformation, she can defeat Madara in his peak easily. But she has to gain some combat experience, otherwise that much is going to be wasted.

Ren has confidence in Kushina. With her Uzumaki physic, it will not take much time. Suddenly an idea came to his mind, if he can use nine tails chakra to completely merge within a human body, then that would be a force to reckon with. Don't think this is a simple idea. Normal human's chakra can't compare with quality to a tail beast's chakra. Their chakra density is very high. Body starts to burn when it directly comes into contact. If our body can change to produce such dense chakra, then a simple C rank jutsu can easily produce the effect of S rank jutsu. The chakra consumption will decrease very much.

"Well I will test it after Kushina's body adapts to nine tails' chakra. I can also test it on Minato's body. He hehe.."

Seeing his wretched laugh, a shiver ran down their spine.

"Hey Ren! What happened?"

"Nothing Kushina. I just thought of an incredible idea. It will increase your power to whole another level. Don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt you."

Kushina didn't believe his words. Who knows what he is thinking.

"OK now that Kushina has find her way to train, I will try to improve my space time jutsu."

"Yeah, your space time attainment is very high. If you can think of a way to teleport without marker, it would be better. Your kunai won't always work."

"Yes. I am currently working on developing an updated version of 'Flying Thunder God Jutsu'. Once completed, I will be able to transfer an attack to another place."

"So, he is working on that technique, which he used to transfer a bijudama away. That's certainly a good news." Ren thought about when Minato transferred Ten Tails' bijudama to the sea in the fourth ninja war. If Minato is given time, he certainly can create new jutsu like Rasengan.

"You should focus on that. Space ninjutsu are one of the most unique and powerful. Not everyone can master it. In the mean time, you should work on your attack technique. Shinobi of mortal god level have their own signature attack skills."

"I will think about that. But my chakra reserve is not as big as Kushina. I don't think, I can improve about that aspect quickly."

"You don't need to worry about that. I have a plan, if it works, you will have chakra compared to the tailed beast."

"Then what are you planning to do? You can come with us to Konoha, if you want. We will protect you."

"It's not that I don't want to. If my identity is exposed, everyone will after me. I don't think you can protect me then. Also, I don't want to be a burden to you. What I need now is a quite place, away from people to regain my power."

"How about you come live with us? We are only two of us in my house. And we could also discuss our next plan and learn together. It will increase our chances in the future battle."

Ren started thinking about his future plans. He cannot use chakra for another 2 years. To accelerate the process of adaptation to the power of Rinne Sharingan, he have to learn chakra control to a perfect degree. Otherwise, who knows when the Otsutsukis will knock his front door, if they manage to locate his chakra signature if he uses Rinne Sharingan. Hidding his chakra to look like a normal people is a must for him. Though he has knowledge of the anime, it doesn't mean that he know everything. So at one point, he has to look for others for help. Who better to look for than this couple. He knows they are trustworthy as long as he is doesn't have any unreasonable demand. Also he has to work on Tenseigan. He no longer needs Rinnegan. If he can have Tenseigan, he could easily reach six path level. He doesn't need to use Rinne Sharingan if situation is not dire. Also he needs real combats to properly utilise his power. Otherwise he will be like Momoshiki, though he had far greater power, he lost to Naruto and Sasuke due to lack of combat experience and his feeling of god complex. If he had taken them seriously, then the result would have been the opposite.

So he decided to go with Kushina and Minato.

"OK. I will go with you then. But please don't tell my real identity to anybody, not even the hokage. Can I trust you both with that?"

After some thinking, they both agreed. They started preparing to live early next morning. Ren got to know that they both were returning from border of country of fire after delivering some secret information. They were resting in the cave after completing the mission, when Minato sensed the space fluctuation.

Next morning, they started their journey to Konoha. Ren, being not able to use any chakra, slowed their pace. Before evening they reached near Konoha. Ren decided to wear a blindfold to hide his Byakugan and Rinne Sharingan from being discovered. This blindfold had different seals to guard against Hyugas and other sensory ninja. They thought of excuse of him being a war orphan, starving in the woods, when Minato and Kushina found him. He has no chakra, so they took him under their care out of pity. As for the blindfold, he had his eyes taken by some criminal for some reason and became blind. There was some marks left behind by the criminal as to torture him. So, to hide his marks, he covered his whole forehead with the blindfold.

Though this excuse sound lame, there are many with such experience after the first shinobi war. So, if he act like a commoner, nobody would suspect him to hide something. With his mother's seal on his body, nobody can detect his chakra, if he didn't release them.

They reached the gate and explained them his situation. The ninjas guarding the gate was a member of Hyuga clan. They were nervous if their excuse would discovered. But the ninja seeing Minato and Kushina didn't ask further and allowed him entry with some registration. He changed his name to Namikaze Ren as Minato decided to adopt him as his younger brother.

At last, they entered the village. Looking at the village, Ren saw the difference from anime. The village was larger and more livelier than the anime. Nine tail rampage has not happened and they have just won the war. People of village had a smile on their face. It really looked peaceful.