Life in Konoha

After entering the village, they headed towards the hokage's office to hand over their mission report. They reached the door to where hokage works and asked the secretary to meet the 3rd Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. He is a strong ninja, if not strongest of the five kage. He is hailed as a "God of Shinobi". He is the teacher of the Sannin; Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade. He is part of the first generation of ninja produced by Konoha and he, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane were placed under the tutelage of Tobirama Senju. He early on displayed prodigious talent in the ninja arts, earning him additional training from Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage. He is known to know countless jutsus which gave him another title "The Professor".

"Knock Knock"

"Come In."

Door opened and Minato, Kushina and Ren came in. Seeing an unknown child coming with two of them, Hiruzen raised his eyebrows in suspicion. His gaze landed on Minato.

"I take it that mission is successful."

"Yes lord hokage, mission is completed without any difficulty. On our way back, we came across this boy, starving and bleeding from his hollowed eyes. He is a orphan just like me. His parents were commoners killed in the war. He reminded of myself when I was younger. So I brought him with me. I planned to raise him as my younger brother. Sir, I hope you can allow him to stay with me. He has nowhere to go and nobody to take care of him."

Hiruzen looked at the boy and sensed no chakra from him. Even if he had, he is already blinded. So, he doesn't posses any threat to the village. With Minato and Kushina with him, maybe he can get a better life.

"War has never brought anything but sadness. First Hokage brought to an end to warring era and created a village with hope that children will get a place to grow in the future without worrying about death. But it seems, war between clans ended, but the scale of war increased to between villages. Even today, children are starving in some corner of the world. Is peace really unattainable. Sigh! You did a good job Minato. Saving one child is better than doing nothing. I will take care of the formalities, you go ahead and take care of him." Looking at the child he asked

"What is your name, child?"

"Lord, My name is Namikaze Ren."

"Sir, I let him take my surname."

"Good name. Take care then."

"We are off, Sir."

The whole time they were talking, Kushina and Ren kept their mouth shut to not let 3rd hokage discovered any abnormality. It seems he was not against it and didn't pursue the matter. Closing the door, they quickly went to Minato's home. Arriving at his home, they put up a barrier to isolate their home.

"Everything went fine. Now that we are in my home, What are you going to do, Ren?"

"Well I have to quickly accelerate the process of adaptation of my body. With my preparation, it will take me two years to completely adapt and control my chakra. You see our clan's children inherit their chakra from their parents. So we don't have to train to raise our chakra level. It generally take some years to completely control our chakra. You can say, this is shortcut. But it has it's drawback. You shinobi work hard to increase chakra level, so you are very good at controlling and using your chakra for various jutsua. We simply are born with it and we don''t use hand sign to use it. We use our spiritual energy to manipulate it. So, we need more amount of time to practice."

"Yeah, we shinobi can perform a jutsu, if we just know the hand sign and have large amount of chakra, we can perform any jutsu. Even if it doesn't have the same output. If I have guessed correctly, your's chakra usage is like my Rasengan. You don't need any hand sign but have to practice all the steps to perform it. Once perfectly practiced, you can pull it off in less time."

Minato started gathering his chakra on his right palm and started rotating it in the shape of a sphere. Though Ren has watched it many times, but watching this close, he can feel how much effort Minato must have put into it. He was excited. He finally felt the excitement he was expecting when he knew, he reincarnated in Naruto World.

"Just wait for me to properly control my chakra, I will practice hard to reach the top. No, not just strength, but also free from life and death cycle, becoming a true god, an immortal just like all the beings out their. This time, I am not wasting my IQ on being an average guy who could be killed by just some random dude. I have my parents to save them from their predicament and reunite our family."

Ren once again confirmed his goals and started working it. Minato undid his rasengan and showed Ren his room where he will be living from now on. After eating their dinner, they went to their rooms.

Ren started meditating on his bed to increase his spiritual energy to match his chakra level. He already has a plan for his future training. 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of physical exercise and final 8 hours of meditation. He plans on training his body till exhaustion and then meditating to relax and strengthen his spirit, forming a continuous cycle. His body can automatically use his sealed chakra to strengthen itself. So, there is no fear of hidden injuries or side effects.

After some time of meditation, he went to sleep dreaming about his mother. While he was sleeping, somewhere far from the planet, in a burning star, a bird's cry of joy could be heard. Bathing in the flames of star, the bird spread it's enormous wings. A voice filled with pure ecstasy and happiness was heard.

"I have been waiting for a millennium, to find you. At last you have appeared. This time I am not loosing you again, my mate!"

A gigantic bird's figure emerged from the star flying slowly towards the Ninja World. A yearning could be seen from the bird's face. The full figure of the bird can be seen as a bright, small sun from the distance. It's beautiful rainbow colored tail and the golden halo on top of it's head, made it look like an immortal divine bird. Well it's not entirely wrong, as the bird was none other than the mythical bird,