The Seventh Person

I woke up feeling like shit. And i realized that i was in a place full of trash and garbage, it all fucking stink!




Next time we meet, i'll probably have to kill you and stick a knife on that ass of yours. I brought out my notebook and added that crooked man's name.


1. Miller Northwhite ×

2. Henry Lyre Woolstein ×

3. Jeremiah Gabeslock

4. Franciscia Dellavè ×

5. Erwin Brookes

6. Victor Heignz III

7. Creighton Knightwoods


I promise you this Creigton, you will die with the most terrible death along with these devils. As i rose up, i can feel my whole body beaten up like a pulp. I couldn't walk straight as well. This would mean that i wont be able to carry out what i planned here right now.


As much as i wanted to kill them all right now, my shaking body wont stop and i couldn't think straight. All the torture that devil gave kept messing my mind. Even if it was raining snow, i just kept walking.


All i know right now is to get home to Olivia... i just wanted to heal everything that aches within me right now.


Then i knew that i wasn't able to make it to the train station, i suddenly passed out on the sides of the streets. As my eyes were closing, i heard a faint voice calling my name... "... Hudson!..."



"Do you think he's still alive?"


"He's still breathing idiot."


"That's so harsh of you."


"I'm just stating one of the truths in this world, your brain is crap and you are an idiot."


I woke up from the noise i was hearing. As i opened my eyes, i saw Carter talking to a guy who was wearing a white coat. I'm guessing that the guy is a doctor.


They both noticed me looking at them. "Hudson! You're awake!" Carter said, looking surprised.


The guy at his side rose from his seat and came closer to me, "Please leave this room Carter, i've got some things to talk with Mr. Foldsworth here."


Carter then looked worried, "Why? Is there something wrong with him?"


"That's not it---


"Then why are you trying to get rid of me? I brought him here with me, so why can't i hear what you have to say---


"Mr. Quill, this matter is none of your business. So may i kindly ask you again to leave us alone for a moment?" Carter didn't complained anymore and left us alone.


I then began to be suspicious of what this doctor have to say. "So what is it?" I bluntly asked him.


He smirked, giving me an impression that he is a very annoying and dangerous person. I feel like this doctor isn't to be messed with. "Anals aren't supposed to be a passage way of an erected dick."


The moment he said that, i felt ashamed of myself... i never thought he would also check on my back. Damn it. "How'd you know about that?"


"I had a patient like you before. And it was pretty obvious when i first saw those bruises on your legs... and some of the hickeys the guy left on your abdomen."


I covered myself with the sheets. "Are you perhaps a gay? Or a male prostitute that doesn't mind gender specification?"


"S-Shut up! I'm neither of those!-----it's hard to admit it, but i was raped, okay!?"


"Easy there, i don't mean to hurt you but i was just plainly asking you a question. This is required, you know?"


"Ask me anything but that, and if you're seeking assurance if i'm alright then i'm already saying it... i'm fine now." My hand fled to my pockets. I've decided that if this guy bugs me again with his shitty question, then i might as well kill him.


He annoys me to death.


"That doesn't answer my question, Hudson... i have to know it." Damm wretched bastard! I gritted my teeth, and as i tried to pull out my gun, everything turned out to be what i fear most.


Everything that i had with me are missing.


"W-Where is it?..." i asked myself, and it was stupid of me to let him hear it.


"Oh! Are you looking for your gun? I stored it safely somewhere, i'll give it to you later as soon as were finished with the final check up." I knew it, this person is dangerous.


"And if you're thinking of killing someone like me, that's pretty arrogant of you. I'm not just a doctor, you know? Fortunately for you, i'm not in the mood to see blood shed here." I glared at him intensely, yet looking straight to his eyes seemed to be staring at my own death...


For the first time in years, i actually felt fear.


"Who are you?" I asked him.


And again, he smirked with a dark look on his face. "I still haven't introduced myself, haven't i? I'm Dr. George Bartolomè... i'm also a victim of the seventh person on your death list."


He left me shocked... n-no way.