Inevitable Lechery

[Just a warning, there will be a disturbing scene in this chapter! You can just skip ahead if you don't want to read it.]



It took me exactly 9 hours to arrive to where i am right now. The Clavinson's manor was entirely huge, bigger than the Woolsteins. And it's quite hard see where is the exact location of that bastard inside of that mansion.


From where i'm standing, all i could see was the front yard. Unfortunately for me, i didn't brought my bag of grenades. If i can't see that bastard there, then i'll just blow it all up---if i only have my grenades with me.


As i climbed down from a veranda i just trespassed, i heard a familiar voice that wasn't far from my place. I searched for that person and saw that man.


"...would you retards be more quicker!? You know Mr. Clavinson is waiting for me! And that is unforgivable..." he was ordering his men to unload all the baggage from his car. Then he walk away looking stressed and took a cigar from the pockets of his coats.


I was about to walk away when it seemed that he spotted me. "And what the hell are you doing here?"


"None of your business, Creighton." I said, not looking at him.


I heard him sigh, "I'm pretty sure it is... so tell me, what are you doing here?"


"If i tell you, then would you be my way to get inside that mansion?" I asked, he then looked at the Clavinsons' manor and snickered.


"So i'm guessing Mr. Clavinson is your next victim, isn't he?"


"No. The doctor is my target." I boldly told him.


He went closer to my side and whispered, "You do know there's a cost through every favor you ask of me."  Lecherous bastard!


I pushed him away. "Then no thanks, i can do it on my own then." What he asks in exchange is too much for me to handle anymore. My mind couldn't handle it, my waist couldn't handle it.


I'm fucking sick and tired kneeling down for him.


"Then if that's your choice, i wouldn't let you do so easily... you see, the daughter of Mr. Clavinson is going to marry my son. I can't afford to let her die just yet."


Tsk. "Just find another woman for your son. A girl who's on the edge of her death has no chance of living anymore."


He smiled as if what i said didn't bother him. "I know, and you should know what i want."


I swear, someday i'll kill this bastard!


"You damn old man!"



"...a-ack..." it drives me crazy too much... i just can't handle him anymore!


"L-Let me hear it H-Hudson... I-I need to hear it..." he whispered at my ear. I can feel his hand that kept crawling on my chest.


I didn't want to speak up for him, i never wanted this to happen at all. Especially in a place like his car in a cold winter season! "R-Reigh... damn i-it hurts... Agh!"


"Want me to be gentler with you, Hudson? Then say it..."


"A-Ahh! R-Reigh! I-I..." he thrusted faster that made me crazier.

What he's doing is driving me insane that i couldn't even utter words to make him stop. I tried pushing him away but it wasn't strong enough. I was too weak in the knees that i felt like i was giving up.


In the end, he made me exhausted more than i ever could be. Damn bastard!


He let me rest my head on his lap. While i was catching my breath, he was combing my hair with his own fingers. "I could've been gentler if you said please."


" didn't even gave me a chance to talk."


"Then i'm sorry."


"That doesn't changes anything, besides..." i gave him a glare. "...i realized you did it on purpose. You badly want that daughter-in-law of yours to survive, don't you?"


His irritating smile annoyed me to death, "I already told you this the first time we met. I'll do anything to have things go the way they are planned. And i'm not really trying to save that doctor, you can kill him after he saves her."


I badly wanted to get back at him. I want to get my hands to his damn neck and strangle it until he couldn't breathe anymore. And that freaking smile, i swear, one day he can never give me that look anymore.


"Oh my, Hudson... are you now planning to kill me along with that bastard?"


"What made you think so?"


"Because of that dangerous look you've got..." then his face got all weird and dark. "...and i have to say, it turns me on."


"Once is enough! Damn it!" I quickly left him and leaned on the other side.


His hands slowly coming close to touch me, i felt fear of having him to be inside of me again. "Creighton! N-No! You damn... Leave me alone!"


"Remember this Hudson, it's your fault for being seductive in the first place."


I cried my lungs out that night... it was a night of torture and pain. This world full of devils like him is so cruel, too cruel for me... i wished that i cease to exist.