Locating The Devil

"Well that's surprising, even if you haven't done this... i will kill that bastard with my own hands."


"W-What!? Why?"


"That man..." i shut my mouth, i didn't want to tell anybody about  my true purpose. "...let's just say that someone hired me to do so."


He became even more uneasy with me, "There was another guy trying to kill him? Tell me... you're an assassin aren't you?"


"I thought that was obvious for you?" I said.


"Y-Yeah... it is... but..."


"What is it?"


"Nevermind." I knew he doubted me being an assassin, although i'm not professional at all. I just learned how to kill and tried hard to hide from the shadows.


I only know how to kill, assassination itself is still something else from what i'm actually doing.


"Before i go, i'd like to meet that friend of yours." I told him, i bet this would make things a lot more easier since i was just going to do my own investigation of Brookes location.



"We're here." Carter announced as we stopped infront of an abandoned building.


Before we could step inside the building, i quickly grabbed onto his neck and pointed a knife at his throat. He was about to scream of fear, but hesitated because i can kill him any moment. "W-Why... Hudson..."


"I don't trust anyone, especially those who threatens me." He touched my arm strangling his neck, and i felt him shaking.


"I'm s-sorry..."


"That doesn't changes things. Walk. Now." Then we stepped into the building.


As we stopped at the second floor, i saw a person through an open door. It was a guy checking a bunch of books, or albums? I didn't care. I went up straight to him whilst having Carter getting choked on my arm.


He finally notices our presence and showed an awful face. "C-Carter!" I smirked seeing him in fear. He seemed hesitant in helping his friend in this situation.


Carter responded while he was still choking. "H-Help..."


"Oh? You're a friend of this guy? So i have to kill you too, now." His face went pale, then he started tilting his head.


"N-No! I'm not! Please don't kill me! I don't know him! J-Just... I'll leave you guys alone, i swear! I won't tell anyone that you killed him! Please let me live, i have---


"HAHAHAHA!...." It didn't took too long for me to break out of the bag.


I know, i have the darkest humor.


Then i let go of Carter, pushing him onto his friend. "So, you call this guy your friend?" I asked him.


As he caught his breath, he glanced at his so called friend and gave him a deadly glare. "... i don't know anymore..."


"C-Carter, i-i'm sorry... i-i was scared to die!" Everyone is pretty much afraid of death. Even me, i'm also afraid of dying. That's why everyone whose life is on the brink of death, they will do anything just to have a grasp on the rope of life... even if it means sacrificing somebody elses life.


"Let's just get this overwith." Carter said, the tone of disappointment and anger was in his voice.


He left his friends side and sat on the ground. "Felix, this is Hudson... and Hudson, this is Felix."


Then Felix got even more surprised. "No way... that's the guy who murdered the Woolsteins?"


"He is." He simply replied.


I walked up to him for a closer look. "Yeah, i'm the murderer who murdered those scumbags... and you're the threat that might get me caught." I pulled him on his collar and lift him up.


I've been thinking of getting rid of him as soon as possible before someone gets an info about me being the murderer, but having a journalist like this guy would be beneficial. This also saves me the trouble of going back to Creighton. I wouldn't have to go to a man who would give me headaches and butt aches.


"I-I won't tell anyone! I swear!"


"How can i be sure to trust you?"


"P-Please let me go, i swear! I-I... I don't want to di---


"Please stop this senseless situation! Felix, just tell that man where Erwin Brookes is! That's all we're here for... just be sure to not let anyone know about this." Carter demanded.


I tossed him back into his seat, and he talked. "E-Erwin, you say... Dr. Brookes, he uhh... i uhm..."


"Talk already you nitwit!" I scoffed at him.


"At the Central Divisions! I heard h-he was called there by some man named Wilson Clavinson. He was supposed to give medical attention to Mr. Clavinsons' daughter, so he---"


"I don't need to know any further, knowing his location is all i need." Then i was about to leave them behind, then i heard Carter calling me.


"You're gonna leave now!? Don't you need some plan? It would be a dangerous mission, Hudson."


"I don't need to plan with you... all i need is my strength to bring that man down."




"Just shut the fuck up and let me kill that man!" I madly stormed out of the building.


Erwin Brookes, i swear i'll end you...


And i will be your revolting end.