Trusting Hunches

"...never knew women can be so hard to deal with! Damn 'em all!"


"Couldn't agree more." Ugh, it's about an hour while we were drinking. Carter was alread drunk the first five drink he had but it wouldn't shut his bloody hell of a mouth.


I originally planned to have a drink with him just for a few minutes, but i guess i have to look over this drunk man for a while.


"I actually wonder, do you have a kid? Or are you working for the sake of your parents and siblings?" It's neither of those.


"Yeah, i'm working for the sake of my siblings." I lied, of course.


"It must be tough living like that. Did you ever got to the point where you just wanna give everything up?" Fot a drunk man, his questions are quite something.


A smirked showed up on my face as i answered. "I'm not that kind of person, and i doubt that i'll get to that kind of point." From the very moment that my life was spared, i already figured out what was the purpose of my life.


I would wanted to die and reunite with my parents somewhere, but i can't just get rid of what my mind keeps on dictating. To avenge the cruel death of my parents, and all the pain and torment given to me by those demons.


Then i know that with my reason, i can never give up.


"Woah, aren't you being too... arrogant? You sure about that?" He kept asking.


Then i pretend to worry about him being drunk, "I think you had to much alcohol, i'll help you get home." I said.


When i was about to reach out to his shoulder, he grabbed my hand and tighten his gripped. This surprised me since it seems that he was about to attack me directly.


I looked straight into his eyes and realized that he wasn't drunk at all...


What the hell is Carter trying to do?


"Everybody gives up on some point."


"Let go of my hand, what the heck's your problem?"


He sharply looked at me and said, "A friend of mine was a journalist. And he was hired as a photographer that night..."


"Carter... i have no idea what you're talking about."


"...the Woolstein family massacre." As he said that, he freed my hand and scattered some photographs on our table.


"One picture stood out the most, and it scares me to recognize you in it." He showed me the picture of the trees, and i can clearly see myself there.


"I never thought you were this kind of person Hudson."


I put my serious face on and quickly grabbed the picture but he was faster. "What do you want from me?" I asked him, getting straight to the point.


"I figured that if your hands were already stained, then you wouldn't mind getting it dirtier." I knew it, he never intend to have a good time with me. He actually plans to blackmail me with this photo and get to do what he wants.


"I actually work hard for the sake of my father, he was a very ill man. But i did my best to give him all the medicine he needs, just for him to live longer." He drank straight from the bottle. "But the medicine i was buying gets more expensive everytime i buy from that bastard."


He suddenly burst out crying, "I didn't mind the cost, but that bastard... he sold me a fucking poison! The last medicine my father have taken contains chemical that poisoned him. I tried confronting that bastard, but he got me beaten up by his guys."


As he couldn't take it anymore, he faced the floor and wiped his own tears. "I can never forgive such a person." He almost whispered.


"So, you want me to kill this bastard who killed your father?"


"Yes, please..."


"In exchange of that evidence of me killing the whole Woolstein family?"


His eyes widen, "Y-Yeah... I..."


"You know i can kill you anytime and get away with it. I can just kill you and take that photograph, instead of bothering myself avenging your father."


He turned serious, "I know, that's why i told my friend that if i don't meet with her tomorrow... i'm probably dead. And this isn't the only evidence i have with me." I wasn't so sure that he was bluffing.


"Tsk." So i have no choice, "What's the name of the bastard then?" I asked, giving up the idea of killing him.


"Erwin Brookes."


That stopped me for a moment, a smile formed on my lips. "Well that's surprising, even if you haven't done this... i will kill that bastard with my own hands."


Such a small world indeed.