A Cursed Fate

"Hudson! You're late!" The fat man got angry when i arrived at the dock. He's my boss here and everyone here is quite under paid. I've been thinking that i should quit since working here is kind of pointless, but still, i need this since it's hard to get a job these days.

"I'm sorry but i had to run some---before i could finish what i was saying, he hit me with his own metal clipboard on the head.

What a bastard.

"Stop talking and get to work if you want to get paid!" He left with an annoyed look.

I began to think some insane ideas like, what if i killed this bastard too? Would it make a difference in this job? Would i get a raise if i do?

Sometimes my killing instinct tells me to do so, but i still have sanity left within me. And i still have some moral value in life. Sort of.

"Mornin' Hudson! You're pretty late, did the fat boss caught you?" Carter greeted, i got acquainted with him since i got this job here. He's a pretty nice guy, but i don't really trust people, nor call them friends as well.

"Unfortunately he did, but i'm kinda glad he didn't threatened to fire me this time." I started grabbing boxes and loaded them onto the ship storage along with Carter. And we talked like the usual while doing our job.

It was kind of fun talking to Carter, he's a very talkative guy. He notices every little ridiculous details from everything he sees and talk about it, i just listen to him. I gues he's really good at entertaining people.

"Gossiping like ladies there aye? Can't you quit it and just do your job." A grumpy old man butted in. I often see him here, so i'm pretty much sure that he works here.

"...nevermind that old man, that guy doesn't have any sense of social life." Carter whispered, seems like he's annoyed with him.

"Okay." I simply replied.

The whole day continued and fastly passed by. As our shifts were over, i was about to leave when Carter called out to me.

"Leaving so soon Hudson?" He asked.

"Yeah, i got plenty more to do." I told him. I do wish to go back home right now, but my job still ain't done yet. I still have a lot to cross out from my check-list, and it takes time to get it done.

He smiled a bit and offered, "Can't you rest for a while? I'd like to invite you on a drink."

"Sorry, i really have to go."

"Oh come on! The drink's on me, you don't have to spend a nickle."

An eyebrow of mine raised. "Seems you're quite loaded right now. You sure you want to spend money like that? That would be a waste."

"Nah! I earned extra, so i was thinking of drinking. Though i don't want to drink alone you know. So what do you say?"

I gave in, it doesn't seem bad to take up his offered. I can't even remember the last time i drank. "Ah what the heck, fine man! But don't regret inviting me, i can drink lots."

"Sure, and let's see who can get drunk first! Hahaha!" Then we laughed our asses off.

Having fun seems pretty tempting sometimes. Although having fun for me gives me some vibes that wouldn't even let me have fun, it always tells me that something is bound to go wrong. And i always think that everything would turn into a worst case scenario because my fate is cursed.

This is why i never believe in things that others do, because all i know is that everything is bound to go wrong. Always.

So right now, i can't help but get this damned feeling with Carter. Like i said, i never considered anyone as a friend. And i never trust so easily. Whatever his intention are right now, i have to keep an eye on every single action he does.

As we set foot to a nearby bar, a young woman welcomed us in and gave us a table. Carter ordered a bottle of beer, and talk about random stories as usual.

Nothing interesting were happening yet.