Insane Haunting Past

We both went to some nearby bench to talk about what he needs from me. It was awkward at first, since he was quite scared of talking to me. Then he broke the silence between us.

"So the girl you were with, is she your daughter or---"

"She's my younger sister." I never really considered Olie as my sister. We aren't blood related after all.

"You got quite a gap in age with your sister."

"Well, i was an orphan. I got adopted when i was thirteen." My head started aching for a bit with all his questions. Memories started flashing in my mind. Damn it.

"I never thought you'd be an orphan."

"Get straight to the point, why did you stalk me? What do you want from me?"

I heard him gulped, he was too nervous to talk about what he came for. "It's about the damn doctor, Mr. Brookes... you, you shouldn't kill him. You should stop, i know what i said before. But i regret it, killing shouldn't be tolerated. And no one has any rights to take someone elses life, so please! Don't do it Hudson!"

I wanted to laugh, to mock him. He didn't know that he was too late for this kind of talk. And maybe he is misunderstanding something that i should've clarified to him. I'm quite pissed off of him.

"Wait, you didn't heard about it on the news?" I smirked and looked at him with pity. "He's already dead. I killed him."

He acted surprised which was hilarious, it was too stupid of him not to expect this coming. "I-I... I didn't. W-Why did you kill him Hudson? Aren't you afraid getting caught? Or the consequences that'll come to you?"

"I think you misunderstood one thing here, Carter. I killed Erwin Brookes for my own satisfaction, not because you asked me to kill him just to avenge you."

"Then... then why did you kill him? Why did you kill the Woolsteins? Why do you kill?" His questions strucked me, all my reasons and my thoughts intoxicated me.

All the anger, fear, and wrath... it was all overflowing. I think i was about to go crazy, until it took me back. My memories that was kept locked inside broke free.

"Liam, hold mommy's hand. You might get lost." Mom said, we were on our way home from a park we just went to.

I did what she told me to, i just gazed on all the things on the street that was very unique to my sight. The cotton candy stall was especially my favorite thing to look at. I never get to taste something like that, but someday i hope i can.

We're a poor family, but i don't mind. As long as i have my mom and dad, i'm happy. Staring at stuff i like is fine enough.

"Mom, is dad gonna go home late again?" I kind of miss him, he's been going home very late these days. It feels like i rarely see him now.

"Probably, he said he needs to work twice as hard right now. He's trying to save up for something." She answered.

I just smiled and felt excited. "What do you think he's saving up for?"

"I don't know, let's just wait and see." She said.

As we got back, mom was about to open the gates of the building where we rent but someone called her. "Galathea, long time no see." A man that looked so noble was infront of us.

I heard mom gasped and seem to be shocked. "Y-You... why are you here!?"

"Ah my little sister, everyone has been worried sick about you." Then the man saw me, he stared for a moment and smiled. "Is this my nephew, Thea?"

Mom hid me behind her back. "No matter what you ask me of, i'll never come back Victor!"

"Well, that's too bad. You see, Jeremiah was so pissed off to find his fiancè running off with a man who never even had a name." Another man showed up, he was also a noble looking guy. Unlike the other guy, he looked mad and filled with hatred.

"Nice to see you doing well Galathea." He said, although it seemed like he didn't mean it.


"Can we come in, Thea? We need to talk after all." The man named Victor said.

"N-No! My husband will come back home soon, i don't want him to see any of you."

"I believe he won't come home... anymore." The man named Jeremiah said.

That left me in shock, did i heard it right? Dad won't come ho---

"Bastards! What did you do to him!?" My mother angrily said, i saw tears falling from her eyes.

The two didn't bother talking anymore and grabbed us. My mother refused to be held, but Jeremiah punched her on the stomach and she fainted.

Then i had no choice but to go with them.