#2 The New Student

Mrs. Tiaming, our principal, entered the class. Oh god she was so fat, she almost covered the boy who was walking beside her. I guess she was doing this intentionally.

Murmurs and whispers: Who is that boy? Is he a new student?

Someone(whispers): Don't we already have a lot of students here? Where will he even sit?

*Soft laughs and giggles*

"Ahem ahem!" Mrs Tiaming gave a stern look to the students.

Everyone went quiet. But, all were trying to look at the face of the boy, who was still covered by Miss Tiaming's body, including me.

"Oh god! Why is she so fat? She doesn't even have to try to hide the boy, he's got hidden already.", I whispered to Mo Ting, who was sitting at my front. He smirked.

"But why does she even need to hide him? Is he a celebrity?"

*Soft laughs*

"Good morning students.", Mrs. Tiaming finally opened her mouth. I noticed she was very excited.

"Good morning Mrs. Tiaming."

"Okay, so we have a new student. He's going to study with you all from today itself. Many of you might be knowing him already.", Mrs Tiaming said, and took a step to the side, exposing the boy to the class.


My feet went numb. For a moment, it felt as if my heart would literally come out of my mouth, it started beating so fast.


Everyone: "Run Chen!! He's Run Chen! The famous child actor! He's going to study with us!"

A girl: "Oh My Gawwd! Am I literally going to study with Run Chen?! It's like dream come true!"

*Loud voices, students shouting. Difficult to make out their words.*

Run Chen: "....."

I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I was dreaming, again. I pinched myself on my hand, but I didn't find myself on my bed.

"This isn't a dream..",I whispered, shocked.

"I'm looking at Run Chen, really. He'll study in the same school as me. I'll see him everyday from now on." I felt so happy, it really was like my dream come true. I would have started dancing, if I would have been at my home.

Mrs. Tiaming: Enough discussions! Yes, it's Run Chen. He's going to study with you all everyday from now on. Everyone stand up and welcome him."

*Everyone stands up*

Chorus: "Welcome Run Chen!" I noticed I was the loudest.

Run Chen (with a small smile): Thank you everyone.

And then, suddenly, our eyes met. It was just for a fraction of seconds, or maybe something more than that. He just looked at me, noticed me looking at him already, and turned his head towards the others. All this went very very fast.

I felt like as if I would have a heart attack. I felt myself blushing, turning full red. My breath became faster. I somehow controlled myself.

I was going to study with Run Chen, and this was not a dream, really.