#3 Run Chen, My Benchmate!

Same day, At school

Mrs. Tiaming (Excited): "Okay, Run Chen, please have a seat,and try to connect with all the other students. We'll complete all the other legal formalities later on. See you later!"

Mrs. Tiaming turned to move out of the class.

Run Chen: "But, Mrs. Tiaming..where should I sit?"

Students: "Oh god! He spoke, he spoke!"

A girl: "Aiggoo..his voice is so sweet,I can listen to it for eternity!"

(Don't ask about my reaction, cuz you guys might already know, that I went full red.)

Me (to myself): "Oh my god I blush so much!"

Mrs. Tiaming looked around, searching for an appropriate place for Run Chen to sit.

Mrs. Tiaming: "Run Chen you can sit over there, in the last bench, beside Lin Tao. She can be a good companion."

(Note: I was,kind of, in the good side of the teacher's list...really a tough job to maintain that.)

I, who meanwhile was busy admiring Run Chen with one hand on the desk, supporting my face, lost control of my hand. I got one direct on my chin.

"Ow, ouch, that hurts."

*Loud laughs*

Mrs. Tiaming: "Miss Sun Lin Tao, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay, ..kind of.. Miss Tiaming."

Mrs. Tiaming: "Aishhh (sigh)...Why were you so shocked upon hearing what I said? Do you have any problem sitting with Run Chen?"

Me (to myself): "Damn it! I screwed it! I'm so weird!"

Mrs. Tiaming: "Miss Sun Lin Tao?"

Me:"Oh! No,Mrs. Tiaming. I don't have any problem sitting with Run Chen."

I looked at him to see his reaction. He wasn't even looking at me. He was busy looking at the garden from the window.

Meanwhile, I also noticed the reaction of other girls. Lin Xing Chen looked at me as if she would kill me right then. Xiao Tao looked at me as if I had stolen her favourite BTS T-shirt.

Mrs. Tiaming: "Okay! So Run Chen, please go and sit near Lin Tao. If you face any problem, please feel free to call me."

Everyone was stunned. Nobody had ever heard Mrs. Tiaming talking so sweetly to any student.

"Being a celebrity really is something.", said Mo Ting, the guy who sits on my front.

"He's even allowed to bring a cellphone with him!", said Jiang Nian Yu, our cellphone addict.

Mrs. Tiaming went out of the class and Run Chen approached to sit beside me.

Meanwhile, my condition:

*Heart beat rising*

*Cheeks turning red*

*Lost control on myself*

*Can faint any time*

"Ohh gawwd..this is really happening!"


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Please ignore the grammatical errors, if any.

Thank you for reading!

Lots of love,
