#7 I Love To Sleep

Sun Lin Tao's POV

(Next Day, at Breakfast, 7:00 AM)

'Who was he, the person who paid for me? I don't even know him', I thought, while chewing my bowl of rice.

'How am I going to pay him back? 100 bucks is not a small amount. I only get 50 per month as pocket money.'

"Forget it, I'll get late for school otherwise. We'll think about that later."

At school

(Sitting with Run Chen - Day 2)

As I entered the class, excited and nervous to sit with Run Chen, I realized he wasn't here yet.

I had thought of making a conversation with him by the time class started.

'Plan failed!', I muttered.

I went to my place, sat, opened my book, and started going through the text.

(What else could I have done..)

I couldn't focus at all. The weather was too good to be stuck in school. All I did was staring outside the window, at the clear blue sky, with clouds floating in it, the birds chirping, the trees swaying with the flowing breeze.

"All of this is a trap".. I thought.

I felt so calm, the breeze was so comforting..

I don't remember when my eyes closed and I dozed off...





(Hey, you!)



(Wake up. You.)



(A guy: She isn't waking up.)

(A girl: Is she going to spend the whole day sleeping?)

(Laughing sounds)

'Where am I? Who are these people?....', I thought.

'Did I doze off?'...



'Wait, I was in the class, studying...'

'That means...'


I woke up, startled. I looked around. I was in my classroom. The teacher, Mr. Jiang was already here.

Mr. Jiang: "Finally. Good morning Miss Tao."

The students chuckled.

I was so embarrassed. Goshh...

Why me?

Me: "Good morn- oh no, I mean, sorry sir."

He chuckled.

For how long was I asleep?

It was 8:15 by the time I arrived at school. The class starts at 8:30.

I checked the time on my watch.

'Holy shit! 9:00 am! That means I was asleep for half an hour!!', I thought.

It was the first time something like that happened to me. Thank God, it was Mr. Jiang's class in the first period today. He is kinda frank.

What if it was Mrs. Tiaming's class? Or any other strict teacher's?

"Sorry sir, I promise to not repeat it again.", I said, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

" It's okay, Lin Tao. Happens sometimes. Looks like you were studying to late yesterday night, eh?"

The students chuckled.

Mo Ting (who sits on the chair on my front): "You know, you were smiling in your sleep. Were you dreaming? Some guy, huh?" He mocked me.

I wished for the earth to engulf me. I wasn't used to so much embarrassment.

Me (whispers): "Shut up! You want to die?"

Mo Ting (chuckling) : "Yeah, whatever."

Did I dream anything? What was I dreaming about?

What was it?...


'Oh my myy! How can I forget this dream!', I thought as I suddenly remembered my dream.

I dreamt that I was in a vacation, at some place I didn't know, with our one and only Run Chen! I dreamt of us holding hands and walking in the beach, he telling me about his future dreams and aspirations, and I simply smiling and enjoying the moment.

How could you forget this, you crazy head?!

'Goshhh, I didn't bring my diary to school today, otherwise I would have written this now itself.'

Yeah, guys! I maintain a diary for recording all my dreams about Run Chen. Weird, eh? But, anything for Run Chen!

'What if I forget it by the time I reach home?!'

I sat down. Took my bottle, put it on my mouth, and gulped water, as if I hadn't drunk it since days, to calm myself down.

And then it occurred to me.

'RUN CHEN...!'

I looked beside me, the bottle still on my mouth, my head held upwards to bring the water to my mouth.

There he was, with his hand on the desk supporting his face, staring at me...


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