#8 She's Cute

Run Chen's POV

Earlier that morning, 6:00 AM

I woke up with the sound of the alarm. I wasn't used to getting up this early, except for when I was shooting.

I looked at the watch. 6:00 am was the time.

I got up (somehow) and pushed the curtains aside from the window, to see a beautiful morning, with a clear sky and cool breeze. I opened the windows to let the cool breeze enter the room.

'So pleasing..'

I breathed in the fresh air, all my tiredness was gone...


'Pleasures like these have become rare these days...'



Ring! Ring!

My phone.

'Oh, what an interruption!', I thought.

It was Li Wei, my new assistant.

Uncle Han finally changed my assistant. This one was a girl, it was her first day of work.

Me: "Hello?"

Li Wei: "Hello..Mr. Chen, are you awake? I called to remind you about school, in case you forgot."

Oh shit! I was so lost in enjoying the weather, I completely forgot about school.

Me: "Oh, I completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me, Miss Li."

Li Wei: "You don't have to thank me, it's my job to make sure you are on track."

'She seems quite responsible..', I thought.

Me: "I should probably get ready, or else I'll be late. Bye for now." I hung up.

I went to my bathroom, to freshen up.


At school

I reached the school after the morning bell, to avoid the bustle on my way to class, like the day before.

'Oh that was pure torture, thank God I thought of arriving late today..', I said to myself.

'I am so smart.', I smirked.

I reached the class. The teacher had already arrived. He was in his mid-thirties, probably. He appeared really frank, as the class had a very jolly environment.

"May I come in, sir?", I asked.

"Oh, it's Run Chen. Yes, come in please.", the teacher said.

I went to my place, hanged my bag on the hook attached to the desk, and sat.

The teacher started taking attendance.

'Xiao Ying..'


'Xing Chen..'




'Mo Ting..'




'Sun Lin Tao..'



"Sun Lin Tao?"

No answer.

"Is she absent? Weird. Lin Tao is rarely absent.", the teacher said.


'Isn't this her name?', I thought as I looked beside me.

There she was, head laid down on the desk, sleeping, smiling, ....and snoring...

'Oh my God!', I thought. 'She's insane.'

I had to tell the teacher, she would have been caught sooner or later. The sooner, the better.

"Sir!", I said, raising my hand.


"Sir, she..she is here.", I said pointing at her, confused.

Everyone turns back.

The teacher comes, to take a look.

"Oh my God!"

Everyone starts laughing. Loud.

A little too loud.

"I see that she's asleep", said the teacher.

"Run Chen, mind waking her up?" the teacher said, returning to his place.

'Me?', I thought.

But all I could do was nod.

I was asked to wake her up. How could I wake her up? She was so much better like this.

Silent and calm.

Totally opposite of the day before.

'Wait, maybe not silent.', I thought as she snored.



"Wake up. You."


No response.

The other students started murmuring and chuckling softly.

"Hey. You."

'You sleepyhead! Wake up!', I said in my mind.


But outside of my mind, all I could say was "you. Hey. You."

All of a sudden, she woke and sat up, as if she got a shock or something in her sleep.

'There you goo..', I thought, mentally crossing and resting my hands on my chest.

And it started. She stood up, stammered, blushed (a lot), was lost, had no idea about the world around.

The whole thing looked so funny. I felt like laughing loud, like the other students.

'She's cute.', I thought.

I was busy looking at her, I found her an interesting case.

She sat, took out a bottle, and started gulping water.

Few seconds later, she turned her head, towards me, and looked into my eye. She appeared shocked and curious.

We had an eye contact.

It was then that I realised that I was staring at her.

I broke the contact.