#9 It's Him!

Sun Lin Tao's POV

The same day, 9:00 PM

I was having dinner with mom and dad. Mom made my favorite Pad Thai today.

"This is so yummy mom..", I said, enjoying the food.

"Your mom is an amazing cook", said dad, looking at mom.

Mom blushed and said, "oh come on, shut up now!"

"I'm not joking, you're really very good dear", dad said with a wink.

'They had to stop their sweet talk, or I was going to leave!', I thought. It was getting awkward for me.

"Mom, can you pass me the veggies?" I interrupted, to make them realize that their daughter was still there.



Run Chen's POV

I reached my room, after a long day of school, shooting, meetings, and interviews.

"Gosh I feel so tired.."

I plopped into my bed and laid down. I was so busy these days..

I was already quite busy before joining the school. Now with six hours of school added, even ten minutes of rest felt divine.

I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

A sudden thought erupted inside my head: 'Is this really the kind of life I want?'

Knock! Knock!

"Who is it now?!", I cried.

"Mr. Chen, it's me, Li Wei."

'What now?!', I thought, as I stood up to open the door.

Me: "Yes?"

Li Wei: "Sorry to disturb you sir, but you have to get ready. A meeting has been called by the CEO. "

'Not again..!', I thought.

Me: "Okay, I'm coming in a min.."

Li Wei: "Okay sir, I'll wait for you in the car."

She closed the door and left.

"I waaant too sleeep!"

Sun Lin Tao's POV

9:30 PM

I was in my room, scrolling through Instagram, when

*1 new notification*

I clicked on the bar. It was a message from Mioko.

@lostgirlmioko: Hey! Der is n update on RC's fanpg!!!

{Note: RC= Run Chen. (must be obvious by now, lol!)}

@wandererlin (me): Watt?! Send me d pic, nowwww!!

@lostgirlmioko: Yea, sendin in a min..


30 seconds passed.


A min passed.


3 mins passed.

'What is this girl doing?!!', I thought.

'Chuck it, I'll check it myself.'

I opened Run Chen's fanpage.

RClove was its name.

I scrolled and opened the post.

He was clicked by the paparazzi while walking on the road, using his phone. Omo he looked so handsome, I could die then and there and not regret about it.

The caption read: Paparazzi pictures of Run Chen, yesterday, around 4:00 PM.

He was wearing a black hoodie, with a white jacket and a white mask.

He can rock any outfit, even the casualest of casuals!

(Is casualest a word?)

I liked, commented, shared and posted the photo on my story.


Once I was done, I was about to start scrolling through other pictures of his.

But then...



Black hoodie, white jacket and white mask.




4:00 PM.

It was around the time when I was at the shop.

With that guy.

That means...

It was him!

The guy who was at the shop with me was him!!

The guy who gave me money was him!!

He was Run Chen!!

Just then:

@lostgirlmioko: LT, m sorry... mum startd scolding me..so I couldn't snd u earlier..btw..here's d pic..

She sent me the pic again.

@wandererlin (me): No it's ok..i alrdy saw d pic..

I was debating inside my mind whether to say this thing to Mioko or not.

But then, I wasn't totally sure about it. I had to be sure first.

'If the guy really was Run Chen, I'll have to return the money to him.', I thought.

'But first, I'll have to ask him about it...'


Hey guys, enjoying the story? Do let me know what you think!

Please ignore the grammatical errors, if any.

Keep reading and supporting me!

Lots of love,
