A man bored with a monotonous life is given a second chance to in the world of one piece, the very personification of a world of adventure with so many fantastic lands and creatures. Watch as he attempts to thrive in the twisted world of one piece.
Shameless Daederic Prince giving the author 5 stars for some crazy reason including but not limited to Cheese, Dogs and forests of corpses dripping on a buffet.
4 years ago
Shameless author giving myself full rating here, this is my first time writing any kind of novel and it's been on my mind for a long time now. I would accept any all critics for this novel so that I can grow as an author.I will also be posting chapters daily without fail that you will hopefully enjoy. Thank you for checking out my fanfiction.
Shameless Daederic Prince giving the author 5 stars for some crazy reason including but not limited to Cheese, Dogs and forests of corpses dripping on a buffet.
Shameless author giving myself full rating here, this is my first time writing any kind of novel and it's been on my mind for a long time now. I would accept any all critics for this novel so that I can grow as an author.I will also be posting chapters daily without fail that you will hopefully enjoy. Thank you for checking out my fanfiction.
darth foreskin thats all you need to know that this is good i havent even read anything bjt judging my the authors name its boutta be fire