One day her aunt Ann came to meet her brother and old mother. She had heard all that happened and then she sat and spoke to both of them. She had decided that skeeter goes along with her [Her plan was to destroy her life.]The father and grandmother had agreed to her aunt's plan but skeeter was against such things.
She was an innocent girl and she knew what was right and wrong. She did not want this kinda life but had no other option her world was only them. They arranged to leave, her aunt wanted to take skeeter to learn the trade. Her contract was Mangalore. This they reached the club, there was accommodation provided to the artist in the club. It was showtime, now her aunt and all other artist had to get ready for there performances. The show started at 6 am to 12 am, there were two intervals between.
Everyone had to be ready and wait for their names to be announced one by one, they gave their performances. It went on like this, skeeter would sit in the makeup room and watch while her aunt would pour herself a drink. It so happened that the club celebrated its birthday, so the kitchen was preparing good food, drinks were free. That night as usual the show started everyone was served with the finest drinks.
The customers were all seated. Everybody gave their performances, then Ann had tricked skeeter that day she had managed to mix some alcohol into a soda drink and gave it to skeeter happily she took it and started drinking but later felt very tipsy s, strange and as i told you skeeter was a born dancer but she was she never exposed to alcohol. This was her first drink as the show went Ann started convincing skeeter to just dance on the stage, she tried convincing her to think it was a school performance.
She refused but Ann dint let go she told the other dancers that skeeter was a very good dancer from small and started praising her. She went to the band and told them to play her song, Ma baker by boney m as the band started to play Ann had already put makeup and dressed her up with a little tight costume and just gave her a push. Skeeter did perform beautifully and there were applauds, from the customer's money was thrown on her everybody loved it and it felt like everybody was enjoying themselves.
It was different for skeeter new changes again she never seen this night lifestyle. It was colourful, something different. A month had passed by and Ann contract was over, they packed their bags and was back home skeeter dint have the slightest idea what was in store for her. Later she thought this was it and agreed to her grandmother that she was willing to help and earn bring her family from poverty and starvation. Now that Ann had shown her the way she was to go prepare as an artist.
So Ann took skeeter to her agent, the person who gives the contract to the artist in different cities. Mr.rajan a middle-aged man, who knew Ann for years and the family and was surprised to see skeeter has grown to a very beautiful girl at first he was not willing as he knew her from a baby. Finally, he agreed and named her beauty, she was to be called beauty from now on so mr.rajan signed her contract and got her and Ann a ticket to Nagpur. The same routine as the previous nights at the club dance, go back to your respected rooms. There was no harm other than Ann drinking and bullying and beating skeeter.
Their contract was over skeeter got her first salary of rupees two thousand. She was so happy to see so much money for the first time in her life. She was planning to go back home, buy her home a ceiling fan. First, as they had never had a fan or a pressure cooker. These two things were more important to her because her old grandmother could not chew the meat she cooked. In madras the weather was always hot, her hot sick father would lay all day in his bed himself with a newspaper.
Skeeter was glad that she could afford this for them, she was dropped by her aunt outside her home. She carried her suitcase and went inside. Her grandmother was happy to see her, the day was gone and skeeter would tell her experiences to her grandmother and how much tips she would get on the dance floor and it would all come after the show was over she had collected approximately around three to four thousand and that Ann has it. All expected Ann to come the next day and hand over the salary to them unfortunately she did not turn up.
So skeeter and her grandmother had to go visit her at her house. So they walked four km, Ann indeed expected her mother home and she was all planed with explanation with the same idea what skeeter had decided regards the fan and pressure cooker. She going to buy it, all a big disappointment. Her aunt prepared a list of things what she bought and what was not bought but was extra added, she gave a bill for the entire amount and beauty [skeeter.] Using the new name that was given to her by an agent.
Not was sad but felt disappointed, her grandmother was very furious with her daughter. They had a big argument and then left, they did not know what to do or what to say to Leonard. Her grandmother has now borrowed a lot of money, she had taken to buy medicine for her son who was now on medication and drugs. She did not know what to do or explain to them and to beauty's father, she decided that she was never going to send beauty again with Ann.
They settled down with that and to find another way but who was there other then Ann to tell them, they needed her. After a few days, Leonard and his mother agreed to send beauty along with Ann, so every contract they went from city to another city. Where ever there were dance clubs and the same thing happened for six to eight months. This time they got a contract in Delhi, a very famous hotel. Ann and skeeter had to go but during these moments Ann had trained beauty to only dance Indian and classical but when they came to this hotel the owner was strict and wanted beauty to go on the stage.
She was only 15 years old, no way was she ever going to do this. It dint make any difference to Ann as she was already a Cabra dancer, Ann pushed, forced beauty because if beauty did not accept then Ann would lose her contract. Now as Ann was middle age she was getting very less contract. There was much younger artist coming from different cities, she did not know what to do she had to put pressure on beauty, she drank every night and touched beauty. One day Ann was very drunk and with anger, she put beauty in a situation that beauty had to start out her makeup and dress and pushed her as before beauty had only learned to dance Nagin, chachacha, mujera oriental but today she had to dance to blues.
Sobbing she went on floor ashamed and shy, full of tears. her show was over but little did anybody notice that Ann in her drunken state broke a bottle on beauty's head before pushing her on stage. Now that was the worst beauty had gone through she came running back to her room, crying with shame pain what could she do but accept her faith. The next day the owner had a talk with Ann and wanted Ann to keep beauty for his own but she disagreed and cancelled her contract in that hotel because beauty refused to go on Ann terms of both terms, either go nude or be there with the hotel owner.
She was made bald in front of the entire staff. I pray that no girl at this age goes through what she has gone through. They both had to leave the city and go back home, Ann only made matters worse for everyone back home. Nobody could ever ask a question her for anything that went this way as every normal girl beauty hid her face from all her friends from back home. She would never go outside to play but sit in that small house of hers, she would not talk to anybody or see anyone but she will go to church on Sunday with a scarf around her head and be back home.
Her little sister Luana was still in school, nobody went to see her how she was doing. No one had any idea, few months had passed some known people to the grandmother asked the grandma to send beauty [skeeter.] To work in a massage parlour, beauty went for a day and dint like that too, meanwhile, Ann's two sons were grown and one was very fond of beauty from small she was like his elder sister.
She would cry and tell him everything, he could not bear the misfortunes and faith with what she was going through. He told his father steve [name changed.]Since he and Ann had no girls he loved beauty has his own daughter but was helpless because Ann never liked the idea of steve even seeing beauty.
If beauty had seen father's love from anyone was only steve. He tried his best to save beauty from these people, Ann's brother Leonard knew they were going to ruin this girls life whenever he tried to help her, these three people would beat him up. Believe me, steve and beauty were witnesses, to this steve also tried to get his sister's son who lived in Mumbai. He was a navy officer, a decent family.
He spoke to them in the hand of there son to beauty for marriage, he thought that will be a better way to save this girl's life but the three Leonard, Ann and their mother refused instantly. They made sure that steve never came in the picture again...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED CHAPTER { 5 } I REALLY DO SUGGEST PARENTAL GUIDANCE IN MY NEXT CHAPTER'S NOT RECOMMENDED FOR KIDS BELOW 13 YEARS...