
Some people for there selfishness they never change greed once tasted it can go to any extent. Beauty used to read a lot of exchange books with her friends. how time went nobody knew, the granny once again waited for Ann to come down and talk to her as things were getting worse back home as Leonard's health was getting worse he suffered from depression.

I suggest if only he had to go to work and not be a mamas boy he could have taken care of all this Ill faith which everybody was going through especially beauty but he took to his drugs after his wife [beauty] mother left him. He could have again married again but he was scared it seemed that if he got married and brought a stepmother home his girls would have been Ill treated.

Now tell me wasn't that more than a step-mother's torture for beauty. This time Ann took beauty back to Delhi to another club, where they were given accommodation in Narayana village. All the artists were given desperate rooms and families were allowed they took a 1 st floor room and they had to start for there shows from there by 4 pm.

Each day-night went Ann never changed herself beauty managed to make new friends in the neighbourhood they were almost beauty age now Ann son had come along so beauty had a companion and she was not alone.

Beauty and john [name changed.] were standing alone on the terrace when they saw boys and girls of there age playing beauty and John Were very playfully after all this beauty still had a mind heart of an 8-year-old the others looked up and saw them and one of them he was a zamindar son ( R ) he was fair tall for his age handsome and was studying in a very big school in Delhi he had an elder sister [B] [name not mentioned.]

She became a beauty best friend and ( R) was john's friend, they use to play every day after school but beauty could not play for long As she had to go with her aunt to the club. This time beauty was very happy because she had her cousin brother john along and her new friends R was day by day getting attracted to beauty he would shy away when she was in front and when she wasn't aware R would be staring at her he would take away his eyes when she looked at him, slowly R approached john and wanted his help he told him that he was in love with beauty and wanted to be friendly with her.

Beauty was 15 years and she to liked R but was too afraid to let anybody know not even her cousin brother john she was afraid of her aunt Ann knew god knows this time what she might do to her so she secretly his her feelings for R but john came to her when she came back from her show and he told her that R was in love with her and wanted to know her to answer, of course, yes she jumped with joy in her heart and shyly told john yes. What a moment this was the first innocent love she eagerly waited for the next morning to see R she could not wait she was restless until the next day beauty woke early that morning took a shower ran to the terrace eagerly waiting to see a glimpse of R it took an hour as it was very early morning sitting in the freezing cold she kept waiting for him, suddenly she saw the school van and R were walking towards it R had now become so in love with her even if beauty was not on the terrace his eyes will search for her.

So as he walked up to his van he lifted his head and this time beauty was standing looking at him from above their eyes met and he made a sign to her he got into the van and with a smile on his face. he said bye. She ran down with so much joy for the first time she was so happy she hugged her cousin brother she could not wait for the evening to come to see him, time was ticking slowly before the clock could strike one she dressed her self combed her hair she looked beautiful that day in a red trill mini dress hair was till her shoulder the van dropped each girl and boy R was last to get down.

He had noticed beauty standing on the terrace he knew she was waiting for him, he went inside his house freshened up had his snacks and dashed out to call his others friends to play, they all came out but john was asleep now R And beauty never spoke to each other. Before they were always shy of each other, so R was desperate to see her down but without john, beauty could not go out so R went to beauty building straight to john mom (Ann.) and asked her Aunt can john come down and play beauty was blushing in her face but still afraid of her aunt.

Ann woke john and told him that his friends have come to take him to play john woke up got dressed and went along with R beauty in a very faint voice asked her aunt permission if she could go too. Permission was given and without wasting time she ran down the stairs to the playground. They played hide and seek, cricket,7 stones, co-co and R would never get beauty out. They still never said a word to each other directly john was their mouth peace. Their friendship grew day by day and R now had introduced beauty and john to his parents as his friends every day john and beauty were called home by his mother she would make food sweets and give them she became so close to them. One day she had asked beauty why she is such a place because everybody in the neighbourhood knew that that house was rented by the owner of the club.

So R mom wanted to know why a beautiful girl like beauty and john was not in school but in such a place. Skeeter [beauty] told her everything and since then she was loved more by the family. But trust me beauty kept her respect and dignity she never allowed anybody to touch her. [She was still a virgin] even after so much.

This time it felt like home with loved ones beauty did not want to go back she was in love too. Ann managed to continue dancing in the same club passed 4 months it was nearing February and beauty birthday month.

She managed to buy her self a birthday dress never in her life she had ever celebrated her birthday she was so excited. But for her, she was born in darkness and misfortunes so darkness was clouding over her head again. That night beauty went along with her aunt to the club and was getting ready to perform Nagin dance out of some anger Ann, was out of control and drunk she started yelling at beauty and screaming.

Now Donna had already plotted to sell beauty to the club owner, she took beauty into the office and left her there alone along with the proprietor now he was a hefty, tall, fat, huge, built man as he came closer to beauty she moved back he tried pulling her but she took his hands of her she went back towards the door opened it a ran out.

She was trembling and shaking with fear there was a break for the band and most of the band boys, customers, were outside standing out smoking one of the customers was a friendly guy to beauty he would come there regularly to see her performance they were not allowed to talk to the artist or meet them but was allowed to bring them gifts. Beauty got lots of gifts from this guy perfumes, makeup would be given to her by the waiter from the customer's it happened that while she ran out he was standing out smoking he stopped her and passed her why she was running and trembling she cried to him and told him what her aunt was up to and she cannot stay here any more she wanted to run away this time but had nowhere to go.

The guy thought for a while and then advised beauty not to be hasty but to go back to her room tonight instead right now and sleep. He told her he would help her the next day and to wait for him somewhere near doula. Next morning early at 5 am skeeter dressed simple picked her shoes in her hand tiptoe without even tell her cousin john she had gone, she caught an auto-rickshaw to the place she was to meet that guy she did not think of anything all she wanted to get away from this cruelty.

The auto stopped she was dropped off at the spot she was supposed to see that person, he came in his car with another friend of his and took her to one of his friends guest houses he was a very decent person he did help her with good intensions thy showed her the place and told her he would get some food for her for the night and left. She bathed took good rest and in the evening the guy got her some good clothes As she had left the aunt room without anything and came.

He told her to dress and he was taking her out for dinner after dinner the guy dropped her down and drove back to his house beauty knew nothing about him who he was were he lived not even his name. She was still in frights of her aunt or anybody coming in search for her, the next day was her birthday she woke up early freshened up, and waited for her new friend to come he came around noon and he did not know it was her birthday immediately he took her for shopping got her a lot of shoes, clothes they had dinner. He ordered a cake for her it was the first birthday she has ever had

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED..... Chapter [6] Tells Us About There Was Sunshine Only For A Day, And What Was Next?.