Chapter-6 The Story Continues For Good or Bad?

Like I told u all was going well for beauty she had a small surprise birthday that day, and her friend took her back to her room and as the previous night dropped her in front of her apartment and drove away promising to be back next morning.

She walked up to her room took a shower said her prayer and in her bed she slept, the next morning her friend came to see her and was very upset and disturbed he did not know what to do he was worried I suppose he did not talk much but just stared at her, what was going on she could sense something wrong he wanted to say something to her but was feeling bad he bought her breakfast asked her to freshen up and get dressed, so she did so and he picked up her things and said we have to leave, she did not have any idea what was happening but she trusted him.

They got into the car and he drove straight he was quiet he did not speak a word to her, after a while he stopped and told her this is where I have to say goodbye to you, my friends are after you and I can not allow that to happen this is the best thing I can do for you please take this ticket your train is at 5 pm to madras please its best u go back to your father's home. No no way she ever wanted to go back to hell she was stun and tears in her eyes she could not believe this is happening to her.

But what could be behind all this she was too innocent to think she did not say anything to him because he was very gentle kind guy he had never tried to take advantage of her at all she was too grateful to him. She said goodbye and walked away. She went inside the platform and sat on the chair sobbing and crying she did not know what to do, she made up her mind this time she was never going back to her father's house.

As she sat thinking it strikes in her head of another friend of hero's she still had the number he worked at the railways so she went across the taxi stand and asked for his address as they might know him, One of them was a Sardar a little elderly gentleman he told her he will take her to his house. He drove her to tilak Nagar and reached his house he was not there but instead his bhabi [sister -in-law] was there beauty got down and asked for his name the sister-in-law said he had gone out and she made a phone call to him.

After 40 minutes his friend came and spoke to beauty and told her that he is out of the station and will be back in few days, beauty had told him she did not have a place to go so he took her to his house. He lived in a very big family his mother two sisters which one was married and had a teenage son and one was to be married. the old lady welcomed beauty into her home and she was looked altered like there own daughter.

Everyone in the family was fond of beauty her grace her beauty her innocence and moreover she was very active, she adapted there lifestyle she would wake up early morning and go along with them to the gurudwara pray and come back with them. She helped the old mother in the kitchen and household work. She kept asking tittu if her friend was back but he nodded, no.

She was now like a family member to them all she never ever saw what was family life before and this was what she always wanted. She learned to cook Roti sabzi for everyone at home now tittu had a bad eye on her whenever she went up to his room he tried to pull her but she would run away from him. After dinner, she would get their clothes ironed for morning to go to gurudwara and the old mother always kept beauty in her sight she would sleep beside her, what more care or true love she needed they were gift from god.

Days passed months went by they had a family wedding at Kanpur so tittu younger sisters took along beauty over there, as you know Punjabi wedding is full of colours rituals music dance beauty was enjoying her self now there was tittu cousin he saw beauty at his house and started liking her he spoke to tittu sisters who had brought beauty along with that he wanted to marry beauty, she spoke to his family and her mother and everyone agreed but they had to return back to Delhi to make the old lady agree beauty loved the family.

The boy was tall, fair, handsome and she left the rest in the old mother hands as she thought that they were everything for her now. Beauty and babli [name changed.] [tittu sister.] had to come back home after the marriage ceremony of there relative was over. Babli didi that's what beauty addressed her as spoke to her mother and they all were now worried about beauty parents because she had not told anybody anything from where she came and nobody knew nothing about her all she said she was from madras and she had nobody she was afraid where they might contact beauty father and granny.

So she stuck to that lie. It so happened that babli wanted to go to her office and take permission from her boss for leave as there was to be a wedding at home so she asked beauty to come along. Now depaak [name changed.]the boy who was going to marry beauty had come down from Kanpur to meet his aunt, babli, and of course, it was only an excuse to see beauty he stayed there for a couple of days but both of them never spoke to each other, Coming back to the topic of babli taking the beauty out shopping and then going to her office they went away in the car and not very far they had finished there shopping and went to babli office where she was working Babil asked to wait at the reception for her and she be back soon.

Beauty waited while babli met her boss and was talking to him and then she came out and had asked beauty to come in and meet babli boss so beauty went inside greeted the man and they sat after a while they left the office and went back home. The next day suddenly everyone was angry and upset beauty woke up and greeted everyone but everyone gave her the cold shoulder nobody spoke to her.

What was wrong now she thought, then the old mother called beauty and started questioning her from where she came from who was her family what was she doing in Delhi? Beauty just stayed silent then bubli questioned her then she told them everything that happened. They were speechless and shocked. There indeed something was wrong why were they questioning her after all this while. Then she came to know through babli that her boss had seen beauty at the dance bar and he informed her babli mother through a phone call. Now Deepak was missing from the morning they had informed him about beauty and they sent him away telling him that a girl like this was not suitable for him. They could not send her beauty away so they kept her in there house but she knew they were going to send her away someday. One of babli friends was a doctor living at R A Puram with her family they had called her and had spoken to her to help them as they no longer wanted to take any risk in keeping beauty at their house.

So she asked them to drop beauty at her residence .they packed her bags and took her but beauty was holding on to the old lady and was begging her to not to send her away from them that she loved them all and could not live without them she grew very fond of the old mother it was nearly 8 months now and she got so used to the family, but they insisted that she had to go away.

She went to the doctor's house there she met the doctor two little girls that were to be her home now she did not feel quite comfortable not after meeting the old mother she was sad and breathing for her beauty would not eat or drink she was to herself the girls would call her to play with them she refused to mingle with them. a couple of days had gone the doctor's family were very sweet to her they tried there best to make beauty happy but she was homesick.

Homesick meant she did not Miss her parents but the old mother, babli, and the elder sister. she would always keep talking about them to the doctor. A few days later the doctor called the old mother and told her that beauty was not feeling like home and it was best for them to take her back. So tittu and babli drove to the doctor's residence and brought beauty back home to the old mother's house beauty was is excited happy to see them again but it was for a short while.

Babli and her mother decided to send beauty back to her father's house so they got her a train ticket then they promised her that if she goes they would come and speak to her father and ask him if they could bring her back with them they told her it was not safe for beauty or for them as if beauty parent put a missing case they could be punished for kidnapping. So she agreed and listened to them and went with them to the railway station.

She knew in her mind that her parents will never search for her or even go and file a missing case but she obediently got into the train wished them goodbye and travelled. It was a long journey to go it took her two nights and one day. She arrived at madras station got a rickshaw and managed to go home by herself.

As she reached home her granny saw her on the way and hugged her they thought she was dead, the granny took her home her father Leonard was sleeping in his bed he sat up and said come in don't be afraid I'm not gonna hurt you. She felt a little eased and went in and slowly told them everything about how Ann wanted to sell her and beat her up.they had no words to say they were just silent. Then the granny took beauty to the nearest police station and it so happened that a few hours ago she had gone to the police station with beauty photo and had filed a missing complaint.

It was then when the granny was on her way back home when she saw beauty on the way. Now beauty wanted to return back she told them that she had just come home to tell them that she was OK and she was safe, she tried convincing her father and granny to let her go back they would not give any reply but stay quiet. Beauty was back home Ann had never come by to see her, and she never wanted to see her either.

Her cousin came home and beauty told him all that had happened he was very close to her and how come beauty did not inform him the day she left his mother's room in Narayana...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED... What Will Beauty Faith Be Keep Reading, As The Story Of Beauty It'll Faith Never Ends.....