
Skeeter cherished her 5 children since the two eldest were grown up and half found their way in life, she was much for like a friend to them. And morally supported them she did never interfered in there live any doubts they had avoided her and at times made fun of her life but she also was there when they needed her.

Looking back her baby boy was in critical condition back in the hospital, she never got tired of going up and down. It was a whole month the child was fighting for life and the doctors did there very best to save him beauty had almost lost hopes on her baby but she had faith in her prayers.

She wanted to take her baby boy back home with her she had spoken to the doctor's and requested them to allow her baby to go home it was a big risk for them and the baby boy. But she was so confident that she was willing to that risk.

Skeeter's baby was the first baby to be born in 6 months in India. Thanks to medical science and technology these days anything is possible. She was granted permission on her own risk, she immediately called olive and gave him the news.

He did rush back to the hospital but when he saw the bill he missed a heartbeat. The bill amount was big only for 4 weeks incubator they had to pay a sum of INR three lakh eighty thousand. Offffff that was big for skeeter. She was a housewife with no job only leaning and depending on Olive's.

Olive could not afford to bring in that much immediately as he had his other wife and child. Somehow he borrowed the money and paid the hospital bills. Moral lesson of this starts a family if only ur pockets are full.

Anyways he took his son put him in the car along with skeeter and drove back home. The worst part was olive did not enter the house he was carrying his baby from the car instead of leaving the child on the bed he just left the infant on the threshold in front of the house and walked away.

That was indeed very rude beauty sat there in Tears. But she was by now used to olive's behaviour's she said nothing at all and picked the kid and put him on the bed.

Six Months Later...

It was almost 6 months now that her daughter's shoot was over and it had to be released after dubbing and editing, she inquired about this from the producer's but they told her that they needed the heroin back on sets for few more retakes.

In a couple of days, they moved back to the same place they had shot earlier for the movie, has skeeter drove in her car was noticed by the kids of the town. It was so exciting to see everybody running and coming towards the car. Old, young all gathered around them with so much love.

But nobody expected one more member to join in. [The baby]

All were shocked and surprised it was hardly six months since they left and nobody had a clue of beauty pregnancy and suddenly there a newborn baby in skeeter hands.

The village people were so happy to see them back.

They gave them a very wonderful welcome everyday food was brought by each house the head man invited them to stay at there house his family members were so happy to see them and the baby instead he took the child and kept a very grand function in his house and invited everybody.

he did a ceremony in the south its called ear piercing which only it's done by the mother's brother. The child was placed in front of the fire rituals on his uncle's lap and he would perform this.

Skeeter was so happy to see how much love she and her family got from them.

They exchanged gifts in gold to each other within the two families.

It took a few more days to completed the shoot a song sequence was done and they had to leave back to Chennai. It was the saddest moment for everyone. When they reached home they got a call from her eldest daughter asking them to come to Mumbai, so skeeter and the three kids got their flight tickets.

The eldest had not seen her little baby brother before and this is the first time as soon as they reached the home everyone was so happy to see the little tot. They had arranged a small party at home and invited all their friends to come over.

A week later it was Raksha band a brother's day in the north it's celebrated that day for sister's to tie a band of the relationship on there brother's hand a bond for the brother to protect his sister's and in return, he would give them blessings and gifts.

But this little baby boy had elder sister's every year until this day the rituals are done. It was about time the child had to be christened olive and skeeter searched a name for him and a day was closed in the church by his godparent's relatives friends. They finally named him Maverick.

But his fourth sister called him Micky, she loved Micky mouse she was only three years old. Her bed towel bed sheets pencils everything of hers was of Micky mouse. So she called her little brother Micky.

Before they could come back to madras the day of there return skeeter eldest got very Ill so they took her to the hospital and the sad news was she had caught the flu of H1N1 that was serious but everyone advised skeeter to take the kids and don't stay back as it could be contagious and not good for the children she was very sad she could not stay with her eldest in the hospital by her side but had to go.

It took a few weeks for her eldest daughter to regain her health back and healthy she was discharged soon. When they got back her second daughter by now got friendly with an elderly guy he brainwashed her mind and made her vacate from her mother's house. This was not good for every one skeeter knew that her daughter would go astray soon. she did not like the idea at all but her daughter insisted that she was old enough to stand on her own feet and take care of her own self. She looked for an apartment in the city and soon moved out.

Skeeter would go and visit her now and then. A couple of months passed by she got a call from her mother in London asking her to help her when they come down to India, they were coming down to get skeeter's half-sister married to her long relationship Indian boyfriend.

No matter what anybody did to skeeter, she was always forgiving and kind she was excited and could not wait to see her mother. Before they could come she arranged with so many things for the wedding she also picked them up from the airport and dropped them at the in-law house.

Every day she would pick them up and take them to places to give away the invitations, she also bought material for the bridesmaid and flower girls, as her two daughters stood for her sister's wedding, not only that was done she also booked tickets for her sister Luana in Delhi for her entire family and brought them to stay with her.

She arranged her second daughter's cine make up man to do the bridal make up. She lit up her home building with lights and decorated it.she took her sister in-law's to pondy to buy the liquor from there what more will anybody do. But after all, it was her family and she felt happy and enjoyed doing this.

Will she be appreciated or she had to face the worst to come.

Read on........

Nowadays no body's grateful no matter what u do.

Skeeter faith was like that. The day before the big day beauty had held a big bachelor party at her home the house was beautifully lit with lights and decorated music was on every one danced and enjoyed themselves in between her sister Luana and youngest brother got into an argument that led to a fight everybody was drunk.

Beauty was tired so she went into her room and just took a little nap when she heard lots of noises from outside when she came out she saw the scene was really bad her little brother in his temper hit his wrist against the wall and had fractured it her mom and stepfather rushed out and started scolding every one including skeeter and with that her sister her mother stepfather walked our blaming and cursing skeeter.

What were her faults?!!!!!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED...

The Wedding With Or Without Beauty Next Chapter...