
Yes admittedly it was a lousy night, everyone was drunk and acting so stupid they had picked up a quarrel due to old issues. But skeeter was the one sober and got the whole blame which she was not part of it.

His mum walked out at 3 am along with her husband her youngest son and her daughter the bride. Skeeter was mad and furious with everyone she made up her mind not to go for her sister's wedding her struggles and pain it was all in vain.

But what about her two daughter's who filled as a bridesmaid and youngest daughter as a flower girl ?. The wedding will go wrong after so much practice. Her youngest sister from Delhi was sad and in tears, this was the only marriage in their family which was taking place and everyone looked forward to it. It was Skeeter's pride and self-respect she could not let them down at the same time.

Skeeter woke up got her two daughters ready she asked her sister to get ready and forgetting everything and go along but she refused to go and wanted to stay back home willingly Skeeter had ordered the wedding cake out of her expenses a three-tier original wedding beauty-full cake and went ahead to her sister's in-laws house where they stayed.

Everyone acted very indifferently towards her as if it was her faults, what had happened the previous night but she just ignored everyone and did what the eldest sister had to do. Everybody got dressed and they left to the church skeeter family was ignored by her mother and everyone.

The sermon took place her two daughters stood and took part as a bridesmaid and flower girl, skeeter did the second reading olive by then, had joined them he was also present there. Later everyone shifted to the hall where the wedding reception was held.

The MC was one of Skeeter's cousin the grand march was announced everyone was enjoying themselves but nobody took notice of skeeter, not even her mother. She felt like a guest and a stranger in her own sister's wedding when it was time to cut the cake there was all slight mistake somebody had missed the knife somewhere and there was so much confusion around.

Her sister was cursing her and made her mother also angry with skeeter. Skeeter could not take it any longer she just went straight by a corner and burst into tears. Olive came along and consoled her he asked her if she wanted to leave but she said: "not now it's OK I was just choked from last night and could not take it any more I'm OK now".

After all the guest had gone her mother stepfather uncle and other relatives were sitting around the table they were discussing taking a beach house the next day and they were mentioning who they wanted to be there.

Of course, skeeter and her family names were not mentioned at all although skeeter was present amongst them. With a very heavy heart she got up took her kids and said goodbye to her mother and everyone. It said truly out of sight is out of mind.

Skeeter was never called by her mother after that day. She even did not hear from any of them when they went back to London.

Skeeter carried on with her own life. She was so hurt that she vowed to her self she would never again go out of her ways to do anything for anyone any more, but that was period.

She was always bullied and used people took advantages of her kindness she always only gave but never got back anything in return. Life became tough for her she had to look after 3 kids, her eldest daughter had taken the 3rd girl to look after in Mumbai.

As skeeter was getting an allowance from olive of rupees 7000/- only she had to bare the kid's school, house rent provisions hospital bills everything in that. She stopped her life buying anything for her self she would sacrifice her likings and get the best for her children she wanted them to have everything in life comforts the best food cause she was deprived of everything from a child.

She can never forget her story of wanting to eat an apple skin which she was insulted by her mother and was deprived even of that.

Her son was to become 1 year old and skeeter wanted a grand celebration for his 1 birthday.

She called her two eldest daughter's and discussed it they were indeed happy and excited he was after all their only one brother.

She arranged a beach house with a poolside party, decorated the stage lights all over the food catering was arranged photographer and video was arranged everybody was invited. Her daughter's had come down from Mumbai to join in.

Everyone was having a wonderful time dancing drinks was served along with alcohol the waiters was standing at the buffet table assisting all the guests. Olive had walked in very late empty hand as though he was a guest.

The child received a gold ring by his godparents and lots of gifts and blessings a beautiful 5 kg cake with animals and name Micky on it, firecrackers were lit at the cutting of the cake.

It was indeed not a very expensive party in that year 2010, it only cost around 40 k.

The next morning none of them had slept everybody was in the pool big small old young, kids nobody wanted to get out of the water. These were good happy memorable moments for skeeter.

After the celebration was over the eldest daughter had to get back to Mumbai along with Skeeter's 3rd youngest daughter. I wish if I could show y'all the picture but privacy and all.

Skeeter 4 girls and her son, Happy to share it. Skeeter was always a very proud mother of such beautiful children, but life for her was not that pleasing or beautiful.

She tried her best to get jobs but olive did not allow her to work he was very possessive over her. Olive wanted her to work for him in his own factory so he asked her to join while her baby was very little only 6 months old she would leave the child with her daughter and go to work she was treated as a normal staff like everyone else although olive owned the company. She did not know anything about chemical or dying or washing the company was huge with three hundred workers working under him.

She tried to learn the trade as olive wanted her to learn and stand on her own feet someday if he wasn't around. Nearly after two months suddenly she got a call from her daughter stating her young infant Monalisa took very serious and could not breathe.

Skeeter informed olev and took permission to leave he sent her, she caught a bus and after 45 min later reached her daughter's house there she saw her infant gasping for breath she knew nothing that was the cause or what went wrong immediately she lifted the child and ran barefoot to the nearest hospital when the doctors examined the infant they told skeeter she had to be admitted immediately, there was no time to think skeeter allowed them to go ahead with the treatment.

Certain tests had been done and the results came out that the infant had got her first attack of Asthma. She was under ventilation for two whole days gasping for breath skeeter had to be near her daughter 24/7 she could not go to work the next day or the day after.

It took 48 hours for the child to become stable, olev just visited the hospital saw his daughter played the bills, and informed skeeter that she had been away from work for 4 days and that he has to fire her from her job.

Unbelievable isn't it?. Where was he as a father?. He believed that a father needs to only bring in money for the family and nothing else was important.

Skeeter needed his time his presence a family she was tired of being a single mother.

But in olive ways he was also not to be blamed, he had already accepted her with two children and he had to shuffle his time in work with his other family and with skeeter.

He was indeed a workaholic he spent more time at work or in his factory. He always looked forward to tomorrow. At times this disturbed skeeter a lot it could become very lonely and depressing especially on birthdays of the kids or occasions where every husband and father would spend time or the day with there families and she used to think that how can a person, a father be like that...

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED...

Will Olive change? What More Will Skeeter Face? Will They Continue To Be Aa Part Of Tthe Family... Read On.