Home 4: Then there was two

We finished our shopping trip with buying food and a toaster oven. We were going to get a regular toaster but I suggested to get a toaster oven since we can do more with it. Fate started writing something but Laila also encouraged the idea of the toaster oven. Fate simply stopped writing for a moment before showing us "fine". We split everything evenly when it came to the cost. We parted with Laila and we drove home together. The car ride back was mostly silent. The only notable sound I was hearing was was Fate's pin hitting her notepad repeatedly. It was annoying but I ignored it for now. We had to take the things inside but Fate seemed pretty motivated about it. By the time I brought in one thing, she had already brought in everything else. I wasn't moving particularly slow so that meant Fate was in a hurry. Once everything was in, I gave the toaster oven a signature spot. Fate put all her clothes away and the food away. I put my clothes away and we were finally done unpacking all the things we bought.

Fate then decided to start taking off her clothes. I thought she was going to go change so I just halfway looked away from her. I escaped to my phone until she was fully naked. She then started walking towards me and I started staring really deep into my phone. She grabbed the hand I was holding my phone with and I looked at her a bit nervously. Before when I saw her naked, I was getting over my hang over but now it was completely different. I was used to seeing the female body but....hers was really perfect in every way to me. She was just how I prefer women. So when she was just standing naked around me...it was at the very least distracting.

Fate took my phone out my hand and probably looked at it...or maybe she already saw that I was doing absolutely nothing on it. She placed it on the desk near my bed and grabbed my wrist. She guided me next to the bed and that's when I really started blushing.

"Hey...what are you doing?" I knew very well what she was trying to do. Altman's libido was said to be twice as bad as a humans once they got going, so when she had brought me over I figured I had did something that flipped a switch at some point, I have no idea what though... Fate didn't grab anything to write with, she just pushed me down on the bed with her overwhelming strength and put the mist near her neck in my face. The first time she did this, I was so hungover that I didn't even notice the effects of it. Now I realize what it was doing to me. The more I inhaled it in, the more my body felt warm. It was like a smell that jump started my heart. It had the same effect as a kiss but amplified. I tried to move a little to get Fate off of me but she was completely overpowering me at this point.

"Uh...F-Fate...can you calm down for a second?" The answer was likely no as she started reaching under my clothes. You can probably guess what happened next. I was dead tired after that, I was sweating, completely out of breath, and above all satisfied. Fate was laying to my side half way on top of me just like how she was this morning. She was gently rubbing my belly and I could really feel sleep coming on. Tomorrow was Sunday and my life with Fate had just begun. I wonder where it will lead us. For now we were okay however. Tomorrow I probably had to start on promise number two. That one would probably take a while though. I also had to meet with Laila to see if I actually made those promises. I just have to find a way to distract Fate while I was gone. I've noticed she is particularly clingy. It doesn't bother me all that much, but I do like my space occasionally. Even now, I think she has intentions of not letting me go tonight. Oh, she just got up to go to the bathroom. Man it got cold all of a sudden. Wait, now is not the time to get distracted. I need to get my phone.

[Me: Laila, what time can I come around tomorrow?]

[Laila: Hmm, anytime really. If you want to talk then I suggest coming early to avoid the crowd lots of people sure do like talking to the spider queen about their juicy secrets after all~]

[Me: Right...well I'll be over before it gets dark then.]

[Laila: Is Fate coming as well?]

[Me: I'm going to try to find some way to distract her so she wont want to come along.]

[Laila: Oh? If that's the case I have the perfect plan...]

Fate was about to step outside the bathroom so I quickly locked my phone. I wasn't sure how good her vision was but I didn't want to take any chances. She came back into bed with me and latched herself onto me. I moved myself so that I could lay down comfortably and closed my eyes.