Home 5: Fate is clingy

I woke up and felt a some weight on my upper body, more so than usual. I expected Fate to be there but she wasn't ordinarily this heavy on me. I looked to see where was the weight coming from and I quickly found out why Fate at seemed so heavy. Usually she was halfway on me but today, she was fully on top of me with her mist in my face. It was making pretty aroused first thing in the morning. I started to move but Fate latched onto me tighter like a koala to it's mother. She was probably awake given how tight she was holding me so I said.

"I have to go to the bathroom." It wasn't a complete lie as I did although the reason wasn't  because of number one or two. I would likely be here all morning with Fate if she knew the real reason so that's why I had to handle it myself. Fate weakened her grip on me and got off. I took a deep breath of normal air and walked myself to the bathroom before Fate could catch what was going on in between my legs.

Once I was out, I was in my right mind again and Fate had turned the TV on. She was watching the early morning news while in bed still. I went to go get dressed and I notice her crawl over to me. I had just put some underwear on by the time she reached for me and she pulled on it to get my attention. I looked over to her with a face of questioning as I wanted to know, what exactly did she want to say. After she confirmed me stopping, she went to go get her notepad and pen.

She wrote "Where are we going today?" We? I don't think so time to initiate the plan.

"I'm going to work to pick up something I left there, then I'm going to head over to a friends house and I'll stay there for a while. I'll be back around dinner time. Oh I'll go visit the club too since I'll be out." Hopefully this works for her. She seemed to pause for a while as if she was thinking. She then started writing.

"Well alright, I can take a hint, be safe out there." That was surprisingly easy. I thought for sure she'd say something that involved her coming along as well. I mean she did say we before...well I'll take my victories when I can. I quickly got dressed and headed out before she could change her mind.

Once I was in my car I realized I wasn't actually going anywhere far. I could probably walk to my destination. Fate it probably going to ask why didn't I drive to work though. I guess the little bit of gas won't hurt too much.