Chapter 15. A funny Bunny business ( 18+)

Thousands of cherry blossoms were scattered across the area. Rukia and Renji looked around, confused and terrified. The triplets remained themselves calm even though this situation seems scarier than the last. As the cherry blossoms were circling around like a pink tornado on vulnerable houses, Rukia would look around trying to pull out her Zanpakuto until someone had grabbed her hand.

She looked back and saw someone whom she knew a long time and in shock, even Renji could see him.

" Byakuya?" she asked as she glanced at a black haired man in his early 30s, wearing his white scarf and his soul reaper outfits along with his haori.

Without a single word from his voice, he simply pulled her away from Ichitaro and they ran away. Ichitaro was also being pulled by a figure, whose spirit energy was similar to other soul reapers, and followed Byakuya. However, his injury was overwhelming him physically he had to adjust it sooner or later.

" Hey guys, wait for me." Renji said as he saw they're gone. He assisted the girls from their horses and make a run for it by following them. When the cherry blossoms were slowly disintegrated from its existence, Jupiter had injuries and could see they're gone.

He chuckles lightly before disappearing from the shadows.

' Master would be very happy to hear this, father.', he chuckles in his mind. His shadows rapidly speeding its way towards the Soul society before reaching towards Denki's shadow.

At the Soul society, chaos had reigned. Some of the civilians were under attack, leaving few of them injured. Majority of the Soul reapers used their kido* to defeat the fallen angels. Others even used their zanpakuto to do so. Destructions were minor as quarter of the buildings were almost shattered into pieces.

Denki, on the other hand, was busy battling another soul reaper captain. Even though they've fought, he quickly grabbed his sword and threw him to the ground. He does a back flip and kicked him in his face in midair.


The soul reaper chanted, as he raised his zanpakuto and a blue ice dragon appeared towards him as he slashed towards Deki.

" Pathetic", he scoffed, " You think your puny ice powers can stop me."


He rose his hand into the sky and dancing flame lions appeared from the sky, countered the ice dragon and attacked him.

" Take that, Soul reaper." Deki said with a vicious smile on his face. The soul reaper desperately tried to kill every dancing lions, knowing it becomes complicated. Deki turned around and saw Jupiter appearing from his shadow.

" I see you've handled him pretty well." he said.

" Oh, you've noticed. That kid wouldn't stand a chance against me. You've found that demon kid?" Deki asked.

" Oh yes, I did. In fact, that kid wasn't alone. His siblings were here as well. Alas, two of the Soul reapers had him and another one possessing a flower zanpakuto. They've gotten away. "

" Hmm I see. Should I get him? "

" I'll go with you and we'll bring them to Katsuya. "

" Good idea."

Both of them disappear from the shadows. The soul reaper tried to dodge those flaming lions and tried to slice them, it was too late for him. ' Oh no, are they talking about Captain Kuchiki? I have to find them, but first, I've got to deal with these.' he thought.

He took charge towards them and several dragons took charge towards the lions, creating a sizzling steam and covered the entire soul society.

* Ts z zzz * ( sizzling sound)

The dancing lions were diluted into crisp small pebbles because he activated his sword in the first place.

" I have to inform Captain Kyoraku as soon as possible. It's a war zone." he panted as he dusted himself and his silver hair before heading out.

[ Shinsuke's POV]

In his phoenix form along with his troops, Shinsuke could see giant fogs that almost covered the entire Seireitei.

" Woah, looks like they came first than us." said one of the phoenix.

" Look, guys. It's the seireitei. Wanna check it out and crash a party?" Masami asked.

" They didn't invite us, why not?"

Shinsuke and the others glided towards the top. When they've reached their, they activate their spirit energy on their own and broke down the barrier that they've once fixed after Ichigo took over to save Rukia from the execution, but this time it was more of a gentle diminutive popping sound than no one could hear.

* pop *

As they've reached towards the centre of the Soul society, they saw brutal conflicts between the soul reapers and the fallen angels. All of them went for hiding in a tall building, whilst Masami landed there and spied on these battles.

" Should we interfere?" Masami asked.

" Alright, we're here for one mission only and that is to find Keitaro's kid and bring him home, whether he's dead or alive." said Shinsuke. All of them agreed and split into individual phoenix as they flew into different places.


Inside the Shinigami health land, sat two ladies in between a door.

One, a long black hair with plaitedly tied on her back and a fringe, wearing a soul reaper short dress with long sleeves. While the other one with short hair tied in a traditional Japanese style soul reaper outfit and wore her glasses. Both wore armbands each on their left arms.

She seems pretty upset on something or someone as pleasurable coos echoed from the closed door. The first lady looked at her and asked :

" Are you alright? You seem pretty upset with your captain."

" Nemu, don't worry about me. Kyoraku sure had other plans with that whore."

" Lieutenant Nanao, don't say that. At least she's one of your squad. Besides she's one of the Kasumioji clan....and they're married."

" Mmm. Maybe, but if that bastard----" she said, madly want to take her frustration onto someone, hearing moans that grew louder than the explosions outside.

Nemu stood herself and rubbed her shoulder, trying to calm her down. However, it's all about to change when both senses some unusual spirit energy and it came outside.

' Could they be quincies? But I thought Uryuu was the only one quincy. Did Captain Mayura knew about this?' Nemu thought.

She spotted the soul reaper captain heading straight towards the Shinigami health land. Lieutenant Nanao and Nemu could see him worried and tired. He asked :

" Have you seen Captain Kyoraku anywhere? We need to defeat these quincies!"

" Captain Hitsugaya, you need to calm down. What do you want from him. Are they're quincies here?" Asked Nanao.

" Ever since Captain Yamamoto and Captain Sasukibe had left him in charge, things were great until ___. " he said, but his words were cut short as he scenes another spirit energy.

In horror and by prepare, lieutenant Nanao and Nemu stood still and saw Kakuzu and Katsuya standing right behind Hitsugaya. He looked at them before Kakuzu kicked him in his abdomen so hard, he eventually flew towards Nanao. She held him as he was struggling to get up. In anger Katsuya asked :

" Now that I've got your attention. There is something I wanted to ask the three of you before I'll let you all go - Where is the demon kid?"

They're eyes widened in shock and confused because not only fear, but also they don't know who that demon kid was.


Inside a door, showers and bowl shaped bathtubs were everywhere, filled with hot water. Two people stayed there at the bathtub having fun.

Giggling and soft cooing turned into gentle moaning of pleasures and droplets of water were splashed towards the ground. Inside this bathtub, one soul reaper was rocking her own body and kissed his neck and cheek. While the other was thrusted her inner core. With his left hand squeezing her small breast, working on banging her, she seems pretty enjoying it.

" Oh Shunsui. I don't know how you've done it. I really enjoy riding your c**k. I'm satisfied, my naughty captain."

" Mmmm, I like the way you say it to me, Ramune." he chuckles. She wrapped her arms around him. He ascended his speed as his penis plunges faster inside her sacred peach. Her moan began to increase in soft shrillness and volume and he kept a speedy pace, causing `wavy` watery mess around the bathtub.

* splash × 20 *

* underwater fap ×25 *

" AAAAAHHHHH!!!! " she moaned in ecstatic as she helplessly climaxed and hugging him. He grabbed her naked wet body next to his, until he could hear mumbling came straight towards the door.

That mumbled were louder until he could hear a chant and a red glow was visible on a transparent door.


" Huh?" he said as he spotted a red glow coming straight towards him and Ramune could see something wrong.

" Something wrong?" she asked.

" LOOK OUT!" he shouted .The red beam suddenly went straight towards them.

Shunsui, quickly grabbed her body and as the red beam went closer. They've simply hid somewhere safe and by then, it created an explosion of wood, cements and water, scattering at almost every place.

* BOOM!!! *

Ramune screamed as fear ravaged her own body. Shunsui could see how frightened she was, but whatever it was he peeped whether the coast is clear or not. In shock, he could see lieutenant Nanao, Nemu and captain Hitsugaya covered in blood. Standing right in front of them was Katsuya and Kakuzu.

He wore his shitagi, which was scattered by the explosion and his other soul reaper clothes. He looked at his terrified wife and her naked body and said before grabbing both his zanpakutos :

" Take care of yourself. Nanao could be in danger."

Ramune nodded in fear. Shunsui walked away from her, but in sympathy. He was worried that something bad could happen to her, but he knew she can fight fiercely.

He simply went straight towards them in anger. Luckily, three of them were alive as they struggled to get up.

Nanao saw him without his straw hat, nor his pink kimono with bouquet of various coloured flowers.

Kakuzu saw him as Shunsui said to them :

" You guys are making a very big mistake. You would've killed me or my wife or my lieutenant if you're careless."

" Captain careful....with these Quincies...." warned Captain Hitsugaya, struggling to get up from his arm injury.

" How dare you calling us Quincies, child? We're different from these fatheads! WE'RE FALLEN ANGELS!!! " Kazuya shouted in rage, stomping the ground and sent shocking wave towards the area and sent everyone, but both captains, flying away towards the wall.

Nemu quickly landed towards the wall and saved both Nanao and Ramune from harm. The Shinigami health land was nearly ruined by the wave, yet no one had succumbed to injury. They're safer towards the other room next to the hot tubs.

" Thanks for saving me. " said Nanao with a smile on her face.

" You're welcome." Nemu replied.

At the ruins, Hitsugaya grabbed Shunsui's arm for assistant. He saw blood flowing on his left arm, worried he might pass out.

" You're okay?" he asked.

" I'll be fine. I'm going to teach these fuckers to never call me a child again."

Katsuya nearly chuckles himself in amusement.

" Oh sorry. I didn't realise you were babysitting little kids. Speaking of kids, I was wondering if you could help me find a spirit demon somewhere. I heard he was here at the Soul society, but I haven't sensed him yet." he said.

" Whatever that spirit demon you were looking for, he's not here. Why don't you call it a day and get the fuck out of here. "

" Listen here, soul reaper. I'm not leaving until I found him. Even if I could destroy everything you hold dearly. " he threatened.

Shunsui drew both his zanpakuto and said :

" Then you're dead pieces of shits. "

Shunsui's spirit energy charged in as he went straight towards Katsuya. Katsuya activated two iron rods from his hands. Metals and swords clashes at each other in anarchy and rage. They began clashing their weapons from side to side and tried to kill each other.

Meanwhile, Hitsugaya raised his hand and before he could activate his kido, Kakuzu pounced on him across, nearly dropping his zanpakuto. With his energy flowing through his veins, he grabbed his face and sends him towards the ground. The ground thudded and merely his bones were broken.

" Time to die, child.", Kakuzu said as he chanted :


A deep crack lashes the entire soul society. He discharged dark bolts from his body and launched from his finger towards him. Hitsugaya smirk as he got up.

" Who said that I'm just a child?", he asked leaving Kakuzu stunned and unable to answer.


His spirit energy formed as a square shaped force field, absorbed his lightning attack and offensively sends it right back to him. Kakuzu tried dodging his own attacks, but got electrocuted the moment he did. He panted and was cross at him. He simply asked him :

" What the fuck are you?"

" Just one of the Captains of Gotei 13. Never underestimate someone like me, old bastard." he scoffed at him as he raised his zanpakuto.


He once again chanted on his sword, but this time Kakuzu could feel cold from his blood as temperatures were dropped, revealing his beautiful icy blue wings around his shoulders and three flowers above him. Hitsugaya looked at him in cold blood and asked :

" Wanna dance, bitch?"

Kakuzu smirked and answered :

" You ask for it."

Kakuzu springs in mid air as his body was already charging to full maximum straight towards Hitsugaya.


Katsuya placed his hands towards the ground and summoned multiple iron rod burst out and aim them towards Shunsui. He immediately struck all rods at once - one by one. He even tilted one of the rods from his face.

In anger, he charged towards him and grabbed him by the throat in strength. He then slammed him through the wall and tried chocking him. He later saw Ramune's curly white hair popping through the other side of the room. He smirked at him and said :

" It looks like you have company. Too bad they won't survive this t___."

But his speech got disturbed as Shunsui used his zanpakuto to slash his chest. He let go of him as blood began to pour out of his armoured chest and groaned in pain.

" So, you're saying?" he asked.

" I'LL KILL YOU, SOUL REAPER!!!! " he cursed as he went straight towards him....



Ichigo kicked the door opened as he confronted Neji at Ichitaro's home. In anger he asked him :


Neji was frightened and saw Ichigo at the living room. He simply breathed in relief when he saw him. Ichigo's dad followed him as he tried to calm him down.

" Ichigo, relax. Now you know he's here somewhere. " he said, but couldn't deal with his wrath.

" Ichigo, before you say something there's something I want to show you. Ichitaro had sent me this message few days ago."

He opened his phone and showed him the message that he wrote :

at some weird spirit world. So don't go out and send dogs :-|


Ichigo's heart sank as he saw the message. Which meant he's okay wherever he was.