Chapter 14. Soul society part 2

The room went silent as the girl's question lashes out on everyone in this room. Unohana glanced at her standing behind the door.

" Rukia, what are you doing here? Can't you see I'm busy with my patient?" she asked.

" It's okay. She must've been shocked to know after calling him.", Ichitaro continued as he looked at Rukia again, " It's true. Ichigo and I are neighbours."

Her eyes widened with shock in disbelief.

" So, you've told him you're at the Soul society? " she asked

" Kinda.... Yes " he answered.

" Maybe we should leave. Ichitaro, I'll find you something for you to eat. You must've been starving. " said Unohana.

Ichitaro nodded and said :

" And thanks for helping me..... feel better. "

" You're welcome. " she said with a smile on her face. She went straight to the door and Rukia followed her.

She heads out and find people out there eavesdropping on her.

" Aren't you busy with something?" she asked, giving them a terrifying look. Everyone scattered like little scared rodents away from her and Rukia seems curious about it.

" I should leave. Captain Ukitake was supposed to find you about that strange explosion coming from the hospital. But since he's ill, he'd requested me that I was going to asked you this. Since there's no explanation I should head out." she said as she was leaving.

However, Unohana finally said something to her, breaking her own silence and stopping her.

" Rukia, are you sure you alright? ", she asked.," After this whole thing about Ichigo___"

" It's fine. Ever since he sacrificed his own powers to save everyone, I haven't seen him for 17 months. I'm more concerned about his neighbour too. It's strange how he came here all the way to the Soul society. Was he'd been hunted or something?"

" Don't worry. Once he's fully recovered, they'll send him home. That way, Ichigo doesn't worry much. "

" They? Are you referring to those kids? "

" Well, they knew Ichitaro well. Especially a certain someone. " she sighed with sorrow and grief.

Rukia breaths a sigh of relief and frustration as she finally agreed without any further questions that came in. She brushed her short hair and said to Unohana :

" I hope you heal him well. If Yamamoto found out about this - keeping these intruders and heal one of them____."

" Don't stress out, Rukia. I'll keep them here as long as he's recovered from an injury. He'll go before anyone finds out." she said.

" I should bring him something too. Byakuya would be pissed or worried about me. I'll see you later, Captain and don't worry, your secret is safe with me. " she said, finally headed out from the hospital.

Unohana saw how upset Rukia would be if anything happened to someone close to Ichigo. She went back to her own house and thought to herself :

' Oh, Koro. If I told him the entire truth, he'll be shattered. Just as you said; get himself stronger by balancing his spirit energy to destroy evil that's bigger than us. Whatever it is that you're doing, I hope you're plan works.'

Zaraki could see Unohana departed and said :

" I wonder what's got in to her. She must be thinking about that kid."

" Kenny, you know very well he's too young for her. I would be minding my own business if I were you." said Yachiru.

But that doesn't stop him from wondering what kind of power Ichitaro had possessed.


Rangiku tried to free Yoshimura by breaking a chunk of ice, but it was indestructible. Ichitaro could be staring at the hole in the wall and his hands at the same time.

' Did I do this?' he thought. Thinking on what damage he had caused, Yoshimura snapped him out with a snap of her fingers and muttered.

" M mm Hmmm mmmm."

" I don't know what the fuck you're saying. There's no way I could get rid of that chunk of ice or pretending you had it." Ichitaro said.

She quickly grabbed his hand and let him touched her cheek in frustration. Ichitaro felt she's not pretending, but a solid ice was actually inside her mouth.

" Shit, it's real. How are you going to talk now?" he asked.

Yoshimura shrugged in confusion, showing that she haven't had a single plan.

" Well, I know that ice can melt right easily to fire. If we could find something flammable, we could place it carefully on her mouth and it'll melt off easily." said Rangiku and Yoshimura nodded, even though her mouth was magically frozen stiff.

" If that plan of yours could work, how are we going to find a flammable object that could be safe for her?" he asked.

It was huge deal, in which they had to think hard and carefully about this plan. That was when Yoshimura stashed the skeleton key onto her hairband safely and turning it into a bun.


{ Katsuya's POV}

Katsuya and the rest of the army had arrived at the Soul society. They identified it by spotting an enormous man guarding the gate as they went towards an abandoned houses for camouflage. Katsuya noticed that it'll be a big problem to tackle him alone and to pass him is a one way ticket to Death's Island.

To avoid casualties, Jupiter quietly chanted in demonic tongues to send him to sleep :


He blew a wispy-like fog from his head and creeped out in whispers and disembodied voices. The collosal man couldn't see anything besides the fog. As he breathed from the smoke, he felt dizzy at first. His eyes were blurry and he couldn't see what's coming. He, eventually fell down on his knees and in his face on to the ground and felt in a deep slumber. Jupiter simply absorbed the foggy smoke and said :

" It's done. Now all that's left to do is to destroy the Sekiseki gate and annihilate everything in our path until we found the boy."

Katsuya atrociously smirk in happiness. He looked at his troops again and commanded :

" If that's the case, thank you. Gentleman, LET'S ATTACK!"

" YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! " the armies roared in excitement.

They levitated with their wings, whilst following their leader Katsuya towards the gate. He stepped forward and raised his arm through the gate. A giant crimson beam appeared in his hand, aiming at the gray gate and chanted loudly :



He shot towards the wall as a crimson beam caused a devastating explosion and shattered the gate into billion pieces. All of the soul reapers could sense a powerful spirit energy coming from the gate. The troops scattered themselves and destroyed everything in their path until Ichitaro appeared himself.


Katsuya shouted and Jupiter separated himself from Katsuya and chuckled in a devious manner.


" Thank you so much, I'll send my regards to him." said Rukia as she packed full of delicious food in her hands. She became very cautious because the food was so hot, she could burn herself, if being careless. So, Rukia walked slowly towards the hospital until a familiar voice had stopped her at her tracks with a question :

" Hey, Rukia. What's with all those food you brought. Is it for me?"

" It's not from you, Renji." she answered

" Who is it from, Ichigo?"

" Very funny, mister. Since I haven't seen him for a long time, how will I communicate with him? So, leave me alone." she said as she jumped over Renji and headed towards a giant hole where Ichitaro was. Soon he decided to mind his own business. But that's until he'd sensed something wrong.


By the time the Kagami triplets tended to think on how to thaw Yoshimura's ice mouth freely, Rukia arrived carrying warm food.

" I hope I've brought you something. You must be starving.", she said.

" You came from a same hole that I've destroyed?" Ichitaro asked.

" It is a center of the attention. Besides, since you knew Ichigo so much, you can tell me how do you guys meet." she answered, placing the food down just to get close to him. Suddenly, a powerful explosion echoed at the distance and Rukia sensed a familiar spirit energy.

' Quincies? I thought Uryuu was the only one, how the heck were they____? ' before Rukia could finish her thoughts, one of Katsuya's troops appeared right at them.

" Now there's three of them and a soul reaper? Katsuya would be very delighted to see this." he scoffs.

" If you want these kids, you'll have to go through me first.", said Rukia, " Ichitaro, you have to go. Take your sisters with you and get out of here."

" What about you?" asked Rangiku.

" Don't worry, I'll hold him off."

" No ones leaving here until these three will be mine." he said. By the time he was close to them, a sword was peirced through his heart.

Blood oozes towards his bare chest and was pulled out immediately, dropping him dead.

Rukia saw Renji again with his red hair ponytail and tattoos on his skin.

" Renji, What the fuck are you doing here ?" she frowned.

" Saving your ass, that's what."

Rangiku saw how handsome Renji was as her face grew pink when she saw him arguing with Rukia. Ichitaro, on the other hand, doesn't seemed to had bothered himself as he saw them squabbling all over again.

That's when he grabbed three swords from the lady of the lake, a basket full of fresh fruits from Celestia, and a notebook from Koro. He even grabbed some of his clothes, Koro's fur coat and his cell phone.

" Come on, let's go." he said to Yoshimura and Rangiku, which snapped her back to reality.

Renji noticed Ichitaro was putting on a soul reaper clothing and his jacket and asked:

" Wait, hold on. You're leaving? Whilst the shit had hit the fan in the entire Seireitei? "

" Renji, what are you talking about?" she asked.

" We're basically leaving just to complete my journey. I'll explain later, but now we have to get out of here." Ichitaro said before getting up from a hospital bed and head out. Rangiku and Yoshimura tried to assist him.

" Is it necessary to follow them?" Renji asked.

" As long as they're heads were hanged before Ichigo could find out, then yes. " she answered as she quickly followed them.

Confused, Renji followed her and said :

" Wait a minute, Rukia. This kid knows Ichigo? Rukia, wait for me!!"

Lurking from the shadows, Jupiter appear behind a dead troop's shadow. His devious smile had awakened his face and then placed his deer skull mask before disappearing from the shadows to find him.


Ichitaro ran and hid behind those walls as chaos had reigned. Fallen angels and soul reapers were battling harshly. His sisters followed him behind and witnessed on what he saw.

" They're attacking the soul society. At least some are taking care of themselves. " said Rangiku.

" Yeah, we have to get out of here before we're toast." Ichitaro answered.

Yoshimura shook his arm and pointed out on three horses.

" M Hmmm. Mm hmm" she muttered.

Ichitaro could see where she pointed. In deep relief, he said to her :

"You're a genius. Thank you."

The triplets rapidly went to those horses. Rangiku went on top of the brown one, Yoshimura went on a white one and Ichitaro went on the same horse he escaped with.

" Come on, let's find Ichigo's friends. Maybe they could help us and find our way home. " he said.

" You think you could escape from the claws of Death and get away with it, spirit demon?" Jupiter asked, in a terrifying, disembodied tone.

Rangiku shivered in fear, while Ichitaro and Yoshimura bravely looked around on that mysterious voice.

" Who are you, Shadow? Reveal yourself. Rangiku shouted.

Renji and Rukia were keeping up on them and he heard her shily voice.

" That could be one of Ichitaro's sister. We're getting close." said Rukia.

Renji followed her without any questions and both hid themselves behind the wall.

" There they are."

" That spiritual pressure... I have an idea, that way, they'll have time to escape. We'll wait patiently until the enemy strikes them. Then we attack."

Jupiter appeared right in front of them from their shadows. He said to Ichitaro :

" My master would be very happy to see you all. Killing three is better than one. "

" Mmm? ", Yoshimura muttered," Mm mhhh mmm mm hmm!"

" I don't know what she meant, but she's right. You'll kill me over my `living` body." Ichitaro said.

" Since I don't like wasting my own time... " Jupiter continued as he grabbed a dagger from his pocket., "..... I should have killed you three 15 years ago and free my father. "

Rukia saw they were in danger. Even if Ichigo isn't here, at least protecting them would be enough.

" Now! ", she commanded as both placed their right hands with a chant :



A wave of blue flame were fired towards Jupiter and he scoffed at them. He simply disappeared from their shadows and was going to strike on Rukia.


Renji activates his zanpakuto and turning it to a thicker cat-o-ninetail whip and lashes on to Jupiter's arm that held a dagger. Rukia quickly dodges Renji's attacks and activates her zanpakuto as well.



Her zanpakuto turned into a beautiful white sword with a white ribbon. She drew a circle with a tip of her blade and freezes Jupiter and everything around her, except for the triplets. Shortly afterwards, a pillar of ice shattered him into pieces, not knowing if he's either survived or dead.

" Ichitaro, let's go. We have to get out of here.", said Rukia as she jumped behind him, while Renji went towards Rangiku., " HYA!!"

The horses were driving mad and galloped towards the exit of the Soul society. Little do they know, Jupiter broke free and followed them using shadows to pinpoint their location.

Onto a wild goose chase; Ichitaro, Rukia, Yoshimura, Renji and Rangiku were racing for their lives. Renji pointed out on a shorter route to the exit, but it was a little bit complicated than usual. Until they've spotted an exit - another giant grey gate and it'll took them a few minutes to go there on the red road.

" Don't worry, guys. We're almost there."

Alas, Jupiter caught on their trail as he appeared towards them from the trees' shadows.

" I don't think these techniques of yours would kill me, soul reapers." he chuckles.

" What's your plan, you jackass?! 'Cause what I've seen you're even bringing Quincies to destroy us?!" Renji asked.

" Quincies? Oh no, dear soul reapers. They're Fallen angels. If you want to live, give me the boy and these two and I'll spare you all. " said Jupiter

" What if we refuse? " Rukia asked.

Just as Jupiter was cheerful enough to answer that question, he sensed something unusual.

Suddenly thousands of scattering pink cherry blossoms had blocked his path around him and attacked him, causing a serious injuries. And just as those anonymous blossoms were gone, so does the kids, leaving three of those horses behind. Jupiter smiled again and went back to Katsuya.