Chapter 13. Soul society part 1

Meanwhile at the Soul society....

He simply rose himself up from the hospital bed and sat straight. Before Unohana could begin the treatment, she looked at him and asked :

" How did you get injured on your leg?"

" Got attacked by a shadow figure. He might have smeared poison on my right leg." he answered.

" Poison?"

" Yeah, I thought so too."

" I'll do my best to heal your wound. And it looks like you've had a fight with someone."

" Actually, I did. In fact I've fought that shadow figure, yet I didn't know its name was." As Unohana left the room to prepare for Ichitaro's treatment for his wound.

As few minutes pass, Ichitaro looked at the window as he could see a light rays of the sun, painting the sky blue. However, his pain from his leg became more unbearable and was extremely swollen as his blood was almost as frozen stiff as the arctic.

Unohana went back to Ichitaro, carrying a vintage medium sized wooden box, she senses his spirit energy and it was a complete imbalances and she saw his vains were black in colour from his leg and reaching towards his right arm, in which it was unusual for her.

Immediately, she acted by assisting him to lay flat. " Hang in there, kid." she said as she slid through his white Shitagi, despite it being smothered in minor blood. She checked his palm and could sensed he's slowly fading away from his life.

Even though it's not the time to panic because Ichitaro's life is close to danger, she quickly opened the box, containing several silver needles of different length.

She, then grabbed a silver needle and flicks it over. A whispering sound of a silver needle she infused with an arctic aloe vera shoots, by dipping it in a bottle of it in small amount.

She peirced it into the flesh of his right leg and added four more needles to stop the pain. Her hand slides passed the needles and arctic aloe that was contained in the needle activated as an antidote to absorb poisoning. Ichitaro could feel as if the poison was sucked away from his internal body and was quickly healed from its damages.

Whilst the Arctic aloe worked its magic of `devouring` poison, Unohana prepared to make a special ointment by mixing, crushing and powdered very few of the sacred healing herbs inside a tiny bowl.

Then added lukewarm water into the bowl and start mixing it, creating an ointment for his wound. After a few minutes, she grabbed a medium sized bowl and carefully pulled out the silver needles and placed them onto a towel next to the small cupboard, pouring out his black blood onto bowl, as if it was exploded.

Unohana did noticed it, but doesn't want to worry him this much. Ichitaro could see a tiny pool of blood and didn't know his blood was different from anybody else, until his right leg went back to its original size and his blood flow went normal.

' I don't know what it is, but Hanataro wasn't kidding about Unohana.', he thought, ' but, hurts so bad ,i couldn't lie anymore.'

Unohana stared at him as she placed a bowl further away from him.

" You look at lot like your father.", she said.

Ichitaro hadn't blushed when she was complimenting him.

" Maybe a little."

" At least tell me how you've got here."

Curious on how he ended here in the first place, she began to grab a handful amount of damped and lukewarm small towel from the tap. She dapped it to remove any blood left on his leg.

" Well, it is a funny story. Unknowingly, I accidentally landed here onto a tombstone. I'm not sure how will I get back after I'm done with this mission. For now, all I have is three swords, a notebook and a furred coat with a red velvet scorpion on the back.... ouch!"

He winced when she was cleaning his wound. Luckily, he wasn't bleeding severely after a tiny pop from his leg, getting rid of the excess poison.

" Oh, sorry. " she said, shyly.

" It's okay. " he simply said.

Afterwards, she scooped a small amount of ointment from a small and gently smothered on his wounds. Ichitaro could feel as his muscles stinged at first, then relaxed as his body had quickly got used to it.

After finishing moisturising, Unohana cleaning up some things, closed the old box before heading out. Ichitaro could see how busy she was and wondered if they're many others like her.

" I'll grab some of the bandages to close your injury. I'll be back for a moment, so don't move a muscle." she said before closing the door. Ichitaro sighed with relief. He wanted to thank her for helping her, especially Hanataro.

However, he had one mission on his mind - find the artefacts and return home. And, maybe pretend it had never happened. He closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep when he could hear a ruffling sound coming straight from a wardrobe. Ichitaro slowly got out of bed, preventing his wound from getting swollen, and went straight towards the cupboard with a strange ruffling noises.

' That's funny. What is Captain Unohana keeping here?', he thought.

As soon as he heard noises from a lime cupboard, not only the voice wasn't alone , but also heard some familiar voices.





Ichitaro opened the door before something does and wasn't surprised that he knew two of them. One had long red and black streak ponytail and the other one had short purple pigtails - stunned. Ichitaro kept on staring at the two girls, as if he knew them.

" Dang it, Yoshimura. You're going to follow me wherever you go?" he asked in annoyed tone.

Yoshimura shook her head and saw Ichitaro standing right at him. In happiness, she said :

" It works!"

" Works? What do you mean `works`?" he asked.

" That key., "she answered, holding an iron skull-shaped key on her left hand.," Well, we did test it out by trying to find you and here we are. "

" Let me guess, you're dragging Rangiku in to this?"

Yoshimura nodded with an awkward smile on her face. He also saw Rangiku knocked out unconscious and gave her that look.

" Don't give me that `she's dead `look. She's alive, if you don't know. " she seriously said.

" You don't have to tell me that. People think I'm dead when I was asleep."

" Yeah, whatever. Got any water, so I can `resurrect` your little sister?"

" Come on, we're triplets. Just remember that, Yoshimura. ", he then looked at the tap in between the cupboard and the door. He pointed out on Yoshimura and continued," let's hope your method works. "

Yoshimura smiled at him before she went to fetch some water from the tap. She opened the tap and grab a handful of water and placed it in her mouth. She continued to do so until her mouth is stuffed in water like a chipmunk placing nuts on its mouth.

Not knowing she felt something cold inside her mouth and cheeks, she closed the tap tightly. Then, she saw a blurry blueish creature, which totally freaks her out as it jumped right at her. She stood back and accidentally fell off her sister's back.

Rangiku woke up and squeals in shock. Her nails grew long and sharp, accidentally scratches Ichitaro's right leg, injuring his wound again. He screamed in pain and activates a dark sphere and it blasted through the wall, causing a powerful shock wave rattling an entire spirit world.

People stopped at what they were doing and payed attention towards an unfamiliar shocking wave. Shortly afterwards, three figures had figured out its source. It came straight towards the hospital. So the figures went there to investigate.

Miles away from the Soul society, Jupiter stood still when breezes of air grew stronger towards the long grasses and an medium sized earthquake rattled the ground. He closed his eyes listening whispers and opened his eyes. He went Katsuya, whose right next to him and said :

" He's here. He had awakened his powers."

Katsuya looked at him with a smile on his face.

" Good work, Jupiter.", he continues as he turned to his 1000 men behind him ready for battle, " The boy's here and he had awakened his powers. We'll turn the Seireitei upside down until we kill him. Your task is to annihilate everything in your path and destroy every single being, even if that boy is dead."

The army of men roared in a cheerful way as they knew their task : destroy the Seireitei until they found Ichitaro - dead or alive.

Further ahead from Katsuya, Shinsuke could feel a tensive wind in his black hair and an aggressive ground shook beneath his feet, along with his troops.

" What the hell is that?", one of them said.

" I had no idea. It's coming straight towards the Soul society." he answered.

" Whatever it is, seems pretty powerful. We have to check it out as soon as possible." said Masami.

All of them, except Masami, turned into phoenixs and flew towards the Seireitei. While she followed them, where Ichitaro allegedly had spent most of his time there.


At the hospital, Ichitaro sat down and held his leg, preventing him from bleeding to death. Rangiku got up slowly after a catastrophic `attack `and saw what she had done. Trembling in fear, seeing her brother being bruised.

" Oh my gods. The Almighty must forgive me. Are you alright?" she asked, in a panicked, yet a diminutive voice.

" Don't worry about it. I'll heal, eventually.....", Ichitaro said as he struggling to get back in bed, but was cut short when a deep, masculine voice had surpassed his own by shouting at his own lungs.

" WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" he roared

The triplets looked at the figure and saw someone standing right at the doorstep. He was much taller than the triplets. He had an eye patch on his left eye and a scar on his right eye. Ichitaro noticed that he wore the same Haori that Unohana wore.

He stared at them and sensed their spirit energy. He soon discovered they're energies were far greater than the Soul reaper themselves. Yoshimura got up as well, but in her case her mouth is `rock solid `ice.

She mumbled, trying to get her brother's attention by going towards him and shook his arm. Ichitaro could see her, but the unnecessary attention on a mysterious figure standing right at the doorstep.

" Alright, you fuckers. You're trespassing here. Now I'll end you once and for all." he said starring at the them. Rangiku was terrified and Yoshimura's jaw would be dropped. Ichitaro seems to be in a in troubling situation.

< Rrrriiiinnnngggg >

< Screaming man tone >

" What the fuck is this? " he asked and a little girl with pink hair and brown eyes appeared in his shoulder would notice Ichitaro's side pockets from his hooded jacket.

" Looks like somethings glowing at that jacket, Kenny." she said

" I wouldn't touch that if I were y----. "

" Don't even think about touching Yachiru, kid!" he said, grabbing his zanpakuto right at his face.

' That's the kid's name?' he thought.

Yachiru, on the other hand, checked on the jacket and found, in a side pocket, Ichitaro's cellphone as it kept on ringing. Ichitaro wanted to get closer, but he saw that the soul reaper would kill him if got closer. So he kept his cool, until the moment of strike.

Unohana returned with bandages and found someone standing at the doorstep.

" Captain Zaraki, what are you doing here?" she asked.

" Getting these intruders out of their." Zaraki answered.

" Intruders? Listen to me, Zaraki. Get out of my way. I'm busy with the patient and he's seriously injured."

" Now, you're calling an intruder a `patient `? How ironic." he said.

" Zaraki, I'm serious."

" Alright, I'll leave. Yachiru, let's go. But if Captain Yamamoto found out about this---. "

" Please leave, Zaraki. " she said, calming herself down.

Yachiru went back with him, leaving the triplets alone at the moment. She gave Ichitaro his phone back and finally answered the call.

" Oh, Kenny. You could at least be nice to those three kids." she said. However three of them made a shocking discovery when Ichitaro answering a call to a certain someone that they've known him for a long time in which brought some attentions as well.

" What is going on here? " said the figure.

" I'll go check it out."

" Okay. Hurry up."

« Ichitaro, are you alright?»

« Yeah, almost got poisoned. Other than that I'm fine.»

« Dude, where are you? Your parents are worried sick about you. Even your egg-headed brother is placing a missing photos of you all over the fucking place.»

« Calm down, Ichigo. I'm at the Soul society. I don't know how I'll be getting out of there. »

« Ichitaro, stay right there. I'll find a way to get you back.»

« Okay and hurry up. Now Yoshimura and Rangiku are in there too.»

« Don't worry about it, I'll find you. I promise.»

« Cool.»

He hung up the phone and placed it on the phone. He sat down on his and looked at Yoshimura and Rangiku. He even forgot that everyone were glancing at him.

" Yoshimura, just swallow up the water and tell me about that skeleton key again." he said.

Sadly, Yoshimura tried to open her mouth but it was frozen stiff. Rangiku looked at her and asked :

" Are you alright, sister?"

She shook her head.

" Hey, something wrong with her? " he asked

" I don't know. Maybe she isn't okay. " said Rangiku.

" Ah man. Anyway, Ichigo called. He's going to kick my ass after this."

Unohana carried some of the bandages and was curious to learn if Ichitaro did know Ichigo. She simply closed the door to avoid unnecessary crowds and simply noticed that his wounds were opened again.

' Oh, Zaraki. You'll never learn, aren't you?' she asked herself.

She, then clean wipe out the remaining blood in his leg and bandage him until she's finished. She later asked :

" That person you've called. Who were you talking to? "

" Oh, that's Ichigo Kurosaki. I've known him since I was a kid. His parents and my parents already knew each other for a long time as neighbours before I even existed. They even met Koro too, since he's probably from the world of the living." he answered.

" I understand that you've met Ichigo for a long time, Ichitaro. But, maybe you haven't knew Koro's life in here. "

" Wait, how did you know about him? "

" Ichitaro, that scorpion sign on his coat...he was one of the most noble clan in the spirit world. Everyone in the Soul society knew who he was. I didn't know that it'll meet his end. " she sighed sadly.

" Are you telling me that Koro is a soul reaper?"

She nodded. By the time she was trying to explain everything to him, a door was opened and in shock, Ichitaro saw the exact same girl that was with Ichigo for 17 months. She stood there, shocking in disbelief and asked to Ichitaro :

" You knew Ichigo? "