Chapter 20. Aftermath

Somewhere at the Rokugan district...

[A few moments ago]

A black clouds of smoke coated the sky in half darkness. The ground vibrated by the sounds of heavy stomping feets and falling bodies. Lifeless demon bodies were scattered everywhere, painting the naked ground and few wooden buildings with blood.

Unohana walked among them whilst her beautiful face and her clothing were smeared in demon blood. Her plaited hair were slowly transforming into a beautiful straight hair as the result of a fight she had.

She took one step towards the girl as the blue barrier had appeared around her, in which covered her from demon attack and knelt down in exhausting, yet she placed her zanpakuto to the ground preventing her from falling.

The little girl rushed towards her as the barrier disappeared by Unohana's fatigue.

" Madam, are you alright?" she asked.

Unohana looked in her sorrowful scarlet eyes frozen with terror. She slowly grabbed her injured hand and answered, which melted her horrors away with a faint smile on her face:

" I'll be fine. Don't worry."

The girl was elated from fear, but a sense of dread remained overwhelming. Out of nowhere, the last remaining demon got up from his swollen, injured body after a sudden attack he received by Unohana.

He simply dragged his broken leg and took a bone from one of the deceased ` siblings'` left arm, which was torned and sliced in half, leaving a narrow bone sticking out and went towards them, yet not knowing two footsteps echoed towards the ground.

Just as he was about to stab her in the back and devour the girl with ease, his life and plan was cut short when he was sliced in half, revealing half of his brain, intestines, bones and other organs. Both of his half body were dropped separately into two different pieces like a slice of bread.

Standing above the dead bodies were two old men, wearing the same clothing as soul reapers wore.

Except one was in his 90's, wearing a long white haori and his long white beard was neatly plaited in purple ribbon, assisted by a large wooden stick. While the other one, in his mid 60's, was wearing a jinbaori over his shihakusho and similarly, to a haori only worn by soul reaper captains.

He held his zanpakuto as it was half- fully covered in blood. Worriedly, he placed his bloody zanpakuto back to its scabbard and went straight to Unohana and the old man saw the smoke coming from the quarter of the Soul society engulfed in flames. He asked them:

" What the hell is going on?"

The little girl stammered when she's trembled in fear, struggling to find a right answer towards him.

But Unohana immediately spoke to the old man with an answer however; was worn out by fatigue over a fight with Bezel's demons :

" The Soul society.... It's under"

The other old man senses a spirit energy from there and was shockingly surprised when he found out what the commotions were.

" Fallen angels." , he answered, " Captain Kyoraku and the others could be in danger. Yes, they're spiritual pressure are nearly similar to the Quincies, but they are much stronger than them. This isn't good."

" Lieutenant Sasakibe, you take care of Captain Unohana and the girl." the old man said as if he was furious with someone.

Sasakibe was confused and he asked :

" Where are you going? "

" Something I've should've done decades ago." said the old man, but hadn't answered him completely.

He simply hovered upwards and flew straight to the soul society. Everyone covered their faces from dust and dirt. When it was over, the little girl took a peep from her face and was dumbfounded - the old man was nowhere to be seen. It's as if he disappeared without a trace, creating unwanted attentions.

Everyone from the Rokugan district grew closer at the scene. Another thing that captured their attention was the black smoke hung around the intensive atmosphere. Sasakibe remained flabbergasted into what's about to happened.

' Be careful out there, Captain Yamamoto.' he thought as he looked up to the darkened sky, despite might not saw the Yamamoto again.

Somewhere at the Seireitei....

Heavy footsteps erupted from the group as the black smoke continued to block the light. Mixtures of auras were overwhelming and some took cover from mayhem and casualties, while for others they fought until their last breath only using Kido and their zanpakutos.

As blood drained and marinated the concrete walls and floors, Yamamoto flew further to find Shunsui. Until a screams pierced through his ears and he recognised that voice.

' Shunsui, Ramune, hang in there!' he thought to himself and heads out to the Shinigami health land - where he'd thought they could be in trouble.


At the Shinigami health land, Shunsui grew weaker. He slowly got up as blood kept on flowing through his head and finally got back to his feet. He had activated his shikai form on both of his zanpakuto and was boiling mad at Katsuya, grabbing Ramune's hair with a devilish grin on his face and placed his robust foot onto Nanao's back. As for Nemu, she was on top of the roof near the `ruined` rooftop building.

" Now I've seen your weakness, boy. Ever since you marry her.....", he said as he painfully pulling Ramune's hair closer to his muscular arm, causing her to scream., " .... and making her as the lieutenant, you could've done a better job defeating me."

" So, you're putting a blame on them for my weaknesses? You are so naive." Shunsui commented.

" Come on, soul reaper. You know very well that women from the soul society are as pathetic as witches. They can make you weak. Besides, you're so lucky to marry such a `delicate thing` I'd basically fuck with, unlike her. " he scoffed as he turned to Nanao.

" Saying that to my wife and lieutenant, made you as delusional and pathetic. I'd kill you right now and send your head back to your sister." Shunsui threatened as his spirit energy grew more vigorously and violently, almost squeezing the life out of Katsuya. His spirit energy is so strong, Katsuya simply let go of Ramune and Nanao and began to face him.

He activated a metal rod and headed straight towards him. Shunsui took charge and disappeared from his shadow, countering his own attacks.

He looked around and this gave the opportunity for Ramune to escape with Nanao. By the time she took her arm and leave the near ruins of the health land, Katsuya spotted them and shouted:


By then, he activated his spirit energy and chanted :


He pointed two of his fingers, intimated a gun and shoots a dark shadow- like aura and it headed straight towards them.


Ramune raised her hand and activated a blue shield around her and Nanao. As the aura headed straight towards them, not only does it counted the attacks, but also repelled straight to Katsuya and froze his entire body.

' What the fuck?! I can't move. What kind of ability are they doing?' he thought, trying to move his entire body to destroy them, but it was very hard on him.

" Nanao, put him down. " she said and she nodded and went straight to him and that's when Nanao commanded :

" Nemu, now!"

Nemu went down from the roof and kicked him on the spine, breaking the spell, in which damaged his abilities like an ice shattered int pieces, except flight and landed towards the ground. Feeling himself free, but writhing in agony, his mind was engulfed by rage and headed straight towards them.

She then said in rage before they raised their hands and chanted:

" That's for underestimating us, you narcissist twat!"


They activated a red light and physically paralyzed him. Katsuya kneeled himself and took out his rod and aimed it at Nanao. However Shunsui appeared from his shadow and cut his arm out.

A sharp pain seared through his arm and he screeched in pain. Shunsui stared him cold-heartedly and looked at his wife and the lieutenants, then he looked at him. They're then excused themselves to give Shunsui plenty time with an injured Katsuya.

" You know, calling them names doesn't make you a man. So why don't you call your fucking warriors out of there and pay the damages that you've done." he said.

Katsuya looked down and then looked at them again. He simply laughed, but winced in pain and couldn't be able to fight anymore. He got up, without a word, spat blood on the ground and finally spoke to him in a conceited grim on his face:

" Not without the spirit demon."

Shunsui chuckled at himself, thinking that Katsuya was the psychopath who could annihilate the entire Soul society for a spirit demon that were extinct long time ago.

" In that case, the head it is.", said Shunsui as he lifted his zanpakuto and asked, " Any last words before I kill you?"

" I do, soul reaper! You let go of Katsuya right now and bring me the spirit demon boy, or the child gets it! " Kakuzu shouted madly.

At this moment, Shunsui was about to strike, he then heard Kakuzu's voice calling at him.

He turned around and saw, in terror, Kakuzu grabbing Captain Hitsugaya's neck like a poultry's life depended on it. His vision was blurry, his entire diminutive body were slashed all over until he began to bleed and groaned in pain and managed to break free, but he's too weak to break himself freely as Kakuzu bounded him with a red lightning chain around his neck.

" C... Captain...kyoraku... stop them___." he murmured weakly, but was electrocuted and his icy blue wings were shattered into nothingness. His scream echoed at the soul society, in which stopped everyone from fighting.

" Hang in there!" Ramune gasped and rapidly went straight to Kakuzu. When Shunsui was distracted, this gave the advantage for Katsuya to restore his injured arm, even though his spirit energy was almost completely shattered. She lifted her hand towards Kakuzu.


When she activated a blue flame on Kakuzu's face, he stopped her by grabbing her hand and simply said which froze her in terror:

" Pathetic."

His lightning chain wrapped around her palm before trying to escape and electrocuted her body. Her painful scream echoed as well, making Yamamoto to race rapidly towards the Shinigami health land.

" RAMUNE!" Shunsui shouted. Just as he was following his wife, Katsuya kicked his arm, dropping his zanpakuto. Shunsui turned around and Katsuya stabbed him on the abdomen and the tip of the blade nearly ended up on his face.


Shunsui was about to attack him, but was bounded by steels of chain from his arms to his neck and brought him to his knees. He tried to get closer to him, but chains were binded with magic.Katsuya smiled in madness and chuckled at him:

" You heard him right. If you could show me where the boy is, your pretty wife and that child's life will be spared."

" Captain Kyoraku, no!" Nanao said sadly.

Nemu and Nanao went to Katsuya to save Shunsui's life, worried the outcome if he'd refused to answer on Ichitaro's whereabouts.

" If you come any closer, your friends will be in hell for a really long time." he threatened them with a zanpakuto.

It doesn't take much longer for Shunsui getting disrupted from his answers as Yamamoto used his cane to knocked down Kakuzu to the ground, revealing his zanpakuto. He, then grabbed both Captain Hitsugaya and Ramune and placed them safely towards the ground. As if he'd spotted a ghost, Katsuya dropped the zanpakuto and was horrified by his wrath.

" W.. what are you doing here, old man? Can't you see I'm busy with something?" he trembled.

" You know very well you're not welcome here. You and your men are trespassing. Trying to annihilate the Seireitei to regain your bloodlust.... how stupid you were." said Yamamoto with an angry tone.

" I'm afraid not. In fact, I'm actually here to kill the spirit demon, so that we'll create a better future for the entire spirit realm." he said, as proud as a peacock.

" What will you gain after killing the spirit demon? What will happen if they were here? Your more delusion as your sister - Spirit demons were extinct long time ago." he said angrily.

" Delusion? Ha! You've sound just like that pathetic so-called captain over here. The spirit demon is actually here at the Soul society, he even attacked one of my men and pissed on my wife. " he said , with a smile on his face.

" So, are you telling me that a spirit demon actually exist? And he's here in the Soul society?" he asked.

" Exactly. You have no idea what I am capable of doing here, old man. Don't underestimate me because of what will going to happen. My warriors are strong enough to annihilate this puny city, you call Soul society. I won't kill you right now, but if you tell me where the spirit demon is. If you don't, then watch the Soul society engulfed into ashes of my wrath. Of course I won't die, but your entire armies will, just like your pathetic former armies you once had." he answered with a devious laugh.

Suddenly, Yamamoto was boiling mad and activated a monstrous amount of spirit energy. Katsuya gasped as he saw red in his eyes. His spirit energy was so powerful, not only does it shattered Katsuya's spell on Shunsui, but also had made everyone flew in midair.

The injured Shunsui grabbed Nanao and Ramune, whilst Nemu grabbed Hitsugaya's unconscious body and joined the rest of them. Katsuya kneeled down and almost suffocating to death as the result of Yamamoto's monstrous spirit energy. In joy, he grinned and headed straight towards him and activated his metal rod.

" DIE, SHINGEKUNI !" he shouted in excitement, but his grin was wiped out immediately as Yamamoto's spirit energy had melted steel rod and grabbed his first afterwards.

" If you want to live, take your men and leave now. But don't worry about the deceased ones, their dead bodies belong to me now. Or you don't want your sister to be dead as well." he said with a disembodied furious voice.

This made him shiver on his spine and finally mentally called on his men to leave. The men he'd have are now 150 of them, the rest were either dead or injured. Before Katsuya finally leaves from the damages he'd caused, he thought to Yamamoto:

' This isn't over. I'll have that spirit demon and you'll be brought to your knees soon.'

He'd opened and spread his wings and fly, whilst his men followed him. Yamamoto stared at him leaving and sighed.

' If what Katsuya said was true, I'd better find that spirit demon before he does.' he thought.