Chapter 21. Demon hunting

[ A few hours later ]

As mayhem slowly dies down into nothingness, the Soul society was and always will be on a bittersweet victory like it does for thousands of years, all thanks to the Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto's comeback. Destruction among ruined buildings have left countless of permanent scars, despite receiving an unexpected attack by Katsuya and his fallen angel armies. Captain Yamamoto glanced at the damaged wall where some rumours believes that Ichitaro and his sisters were there.

In a meantime; teams of 2nd, 10th, 12th and 13th Divisions of soul reapers were examining any clues during this matter. There were food splattered on the floor due to the vibrations, but it was colder. On a giant hole to their left, a fallen angel laid dead with a gush of blood flowed swiftly on tiles like a river stream from his body, which was later dried slowly after a few hours of long battle.

However, the only evidence they've found was one of Ichitaro's short strings of bright yellow hair on the pillow and a small amount of anonymous tiny droplets of blood right at the tiles in between a hospital bed and the lime cupboard. Captain Yamamoto left the room with silence on his own subconscious mind and without saying a single word, letting them to continue with their investigation.

He looked around the ward as the hospital wasn't as full as it was, but nurses and medical teams were too busy. Majority of the soul reapers were injured, whilst few had succumbed to their injuries. At first, he peeped through a room where Captain Hitsugaya was on life support, while a woman with a golden blonde hair in her early 30s was crying over his unconscious body.

After he'd moved again, he then looked at Ramune in another room. Surely she's okay and had fallen asleep due to the ample amount of sedative injection, but since she and Hitsugaya nearly died from electrocution by Kakuzu, she had to stay in bed for a while longer. As for Nanao and Nemu, they have to keep an eye on her in case she wants to leave to avenge her husband, Shunsui Kyoraku, who's also injured, even though his wounds aren't as seriously fatal as Hitsugaya's injuries.

He went back to the meeting room where the eight remaining captains were there and lieutenant Sasakibe was there on the right side. He noticed that Byakuya and Mayuri weren't there at all, yet had to start the meeting without them. That was until one of the captains had interrupted the meeting.

" Has anyone ever seen Captain Kuchiki?" asked one of them.

" Yeah, it is strange. I haven't sensed Captain Kurotsuchi's spirit energy either." answered one of them.

" He isn't one of the injured captains. But where the hell is this son of a bitch? He could be anywhere."

" And so does Captain Kurotuchi."

" Hey, you're forgetting Lieutenant Abarai and Lieutenant Kuchiki as well. I've sent Rukia to investigate the explosion at the hospital and after the attack she was nowhere to be seen."

Mumbles were expanding like snails on a violent wind until Captain Yamamoto finally broke his silence, cutting the mumbling down:

"Alright, keep it down! I get it. Captain Kuchiki and Captain Kurotsuchi are missing and so are the lieutenants. Katsuya had revealing some shocking discovery that I don't understand if his statements are true. This morning the reason why we're attacked by his troops is because they believe that a spirit demon is actually at the Soul society. Unfortunately, they can't prove that it was there."

" Is Captain Unohana gone? How is she at the moment?"

" Unfortunately, she'd suffered from a physical fatigue as a result from the demon

attack protecting one of the Rokugan citizen. However, Lieutenant Sasakibe had saved her just in time before it killed them. Since Captain Kurotsuchi and Captain Kuchiki aren't present from this meeting ; Captain Soi Fon, Captain Zaraki and Captain Ukitake you must find them and bring them to the Soul society with immediate effect. Everyone, this meeting will be adjourn after you've succeeded your mission. Never forget that. "

All of the remaining captains, except one of them, dismissed themselves. After a few seconds, one of the them stood still and went back to Yamamoto.

" Erm... Captain Yamamoto___." he said, but like lightning, Yamamoto's word lashed him in anger.

" Speak!" he commanded.

" You know if we find them, there are higher chance the spirit demon could be there."

" It does, Captain Tengoku. If Katsuya lied to me about the spirit demon, then I had no choice but to execute him for all the damages he'd done. "

" Well, I could ascertain that about the spirit demon and where it came from before Katsuya and the others could. Even if his statements are true, then we'll try to keep him safe until we'll bring him home. Besides, I have a plan to recruit former substitute soul reaper and his father and Urahara are willing to help. "

" Are you sure recurring Ichigo Kurosaki from Karakuda town would be a great idea, after everything he'd done and sacrificed his entire power to save both worlds? That's because Shinji had placed you as the new 5th Division Captain before he left again, that doesn't mean you have to surge your pride all the way from Crystal souls. "

" I don't think it's a bad idea however, you're right about that whole Katsuya thing. At the same time you don't have to be uptight and serious all the time when things are more petty than the last. Sometimes, all you need is to rest assured and hope for the good news." Captain Tengoku advised with an appealing, cheerful voice as his smile shone through this damped room.

Captain Tengoku's questions may have released his frustration onto him, but it made him realised something as if his memories had wormed its way to welcome itself from thousand years ago. He'd remembered a certain someone similar to Ichitaro's race said the exact same advice, but he couldn't remember who he was. That's until someone stormed in and screaming his name, bringing him back to reality.

A male figure ran so far and hard, it's like he was chased by a fearsome Hallow or worse and by the time he'd reached towards the meeting where Yamamoto was there, he bumped into Captain Tengoku's stomach and fell onto the ground. Kindly, Captain Tengoku reached out his hand and willingly, he took his hand and lifted him to his feet with a soft grunt.

" Hey, Number 10. You look a little bit distressed. Are you alright? " Tengoku asked.

Number 10 shook his head and stuttered tremulously:

", C..c..Captain ya.., I have a m..m.. message from S..s..Soi..f..Fon. S..s.. something clogged up main shaft and s..s..sensed a sp..sp.. spirit energy, she think t..t.. they're people t..t.. trapped there. "

" It's okay. I'll go and check it out." he said and turned to Captain Yamamoto. The ancient head captain simply nodded, letting him continue to the abandoned mine shaft.

Shuru finally left the meeting room and hie in a nimbly speed while number 10 followed him without hesitation. Captain Yamamoto and lieutenant Sasakibe peeped through the door as they dashed through the hallway before exiting. Lieutenant Sasakibe said to Captain Yamamoto:

" He's right, you know. Maybe we might need Ichigo for this situation."

" Agree. ", he answered, " Chojiro, I think it's time we accept this offer. Call Kisuke Urahara and tell him we have reached to an agreement."

He nodded before heading out as well, leaving him all alone. He simply went back to the meeting room and took a seat.

' Ichigo Kurosaki, you have helped the soul society from Aizan and saved Rukia from the execution, but we'll help you get your strength back. That way, you'll find that spirit demon and bring him safe. ' he said to himself - silently and thoughtfully.


Shuru and Number 10 were racing towards the exit as he was directing him towards the mine shaft.

" So, how long does this happened?" Shuru asked.

" About an n...n... hour a...a...ago!" he answered.

"That's the times when we're under attack. Damnit! We have to hurry."

Number 10 nodded and once they've reached out towards the exit, filled with trees shaking off their autumn leaves caused by the cold breeze and birds flapping their wings, they viewed a groups of different entities and were haulted as the crowded flocks of phoenixes and captains standing at their tracks, reaching their destination on time. Shuru spotted a woman in her mid 20s with a black stylish bob haircut and whistles to caught her attention. She raised her hand for him to come forward as he and number 10 walked through the midst of entities combined, yet neither of them didn't mind. Just as he joined her, she simply said to him in an orotund tone :

" It's about time you show up, I was about to go and find your lazy ass myself."

" Well, Captain Soi Fon, someone has to take one's own time and you've dragged poor 10 into this. Unbelievable." , he said, in which he'd looking around and asked, " So, what in heavens name happened here? Why are the Phoenix troops doing here?"

" The mine shaft was blocked and I believe they're people inside there." she answered.

" Well, have you tried everything?"

" We did. We used Hado and Bakudo to try to open up and even the Phoenixes used their energy to dig up. Those rocks sure are tougher than the Sekiseki itself. I'd like you to give it a try and figure out what kind of rock it is." she sighed.

" Alright, I'm just gonna check out. " he said.

Shuru went closer towards the blocked mine shaft and touched the containing black rocks of crystals and raw gems. It's texture was almost smooth with little rough edges and smaller gems. He simply tapped one of them and realised that Soi Fon isn't lying at all.

' Man, she isn't kidding when these rocks sure are tougher than Sekiseki. Not even the most powerful Soul reaper captain could destroy this thing unless an archangel could... wait, what if I...' , he thought, in which gave him an idea amid wasn't sure if it's a good one.

" I think I know how to open this and you're not going to like this, Soi Fon." he said

" Wait, what are you talking about? " She asked.

" Just tell them to stand back for a little bit longer. This one might be more painful than those fallen angel fuckers. " he answered, rubbing his bronde layered hairstyles in embarrassment and a warning gesture. Soi Fon finally got the message and ordered everyone to stand back. As every entities were confused, but at the same time, had to follow the orders, Captain Tengoku warmed up his hands that sparked some curiosity among them.

" What's he doing?"

" I have no idea. " One of the Phoenix troops mumbled.

Shuru cracked his fingers before beginning his dangerous spells that no one in the soul society had ever mastered. He then rose his right hand near the black rocks and blue beams appeared onto it. He simply chanted :



He released the mightiest ray onto them and destroyed the rocks into small pebbles as dusts, smoke and debris filled the area. However, it's so robust that it creates a devastating wave of spirit energy strong enough to send at least several Yokai armies flying across the forest.


Soi Fon and the other captains chanted, summoning a stronger globe- like swirling air rapidly deflected a shocking wave, protecting themselves, Number 10, Masami and the Phoenix troops as well from getting blown away by Shuru's ' new abilities' from the angels. Despite the wind, the dusts began to settle down, hence making Soi Fon fumed with rage. As the Bakudo began to desecrate , she went towards him and hit him in the head whilst he wasn't looking by the dust amid he stood perfectly still


" At least problem is now solved...." he wheezes, followed by a cough. Then, they looked a hole through the mine shaft and peeped through.

" Looks pretty dark."

" Not quite." said Kenpachi, pointing out they're ample amount of light poking through the wall. Without any further demands, the rest of the group followed them too and detected any whereabouts of either Byakuya Mayuri and the lieutenants. Which left Number 10 glanced on the other side as he could hear a scream and screeching birds on the other side all alone.

" Hey, 10. You coming or you're just standing there like a chicken shit. " he said, spotted at number 10 glimpsing through the other side of the almost deciduous autumn trees.

" Oh my Gods! Shuru come quick! " Masami said in a panicked tone.

Shuru dragged himself in and detected on Masami's worries only to realise that she discovered an injured Byakuya breathing a heavy sigh and Mayuri remained unharmed.

" Captain Kuchiki, are you alright?!" Soi Fon asked, leaving her bitter petty anger on Shuru began to change into an unsettling matter. Byakuya simply shook his head without saying a word. He was stabbed in the mid section and on the collarbone, bleeding moderatedly. Captain Zaraki was in shock of disbelief and turned to Mayuri, who was sitting down on unconscious Denki. He finally asked him:

" What the fuck is going on here?"

" Oh him? I just gave him drugs and he seemed to sleep like an infant. " he answered cheerfully.

" Not him, Captain Kuchiki ! " he pointed.

By the time he was about answered that question, Captain Ukitake interrupted him and fearly he said:

" Shit, we have to get him to the healing room now."

" Don't panic, snow white. I'll fly towards the soul society. " Shinsuke said.

Captain Ukitake and Soi Fon took Byakuya slowly towards Shinsuke's back without damaging his wounds. He winced at first, but when he looked at the shadow figure creeping out towards the exit, he pushed them away and took charge using his zanpakuto. Ukitake and the other captains held him off, but he struggles to wiggle himself free in order to kill Jupiter.

" Come back here, you cowardice fuck! I'll make sure you'll feel the same pain as you did to Rukia! " he shouted.

" Who are you talking to, Captain Kuchiki ? Calm down already !" Shuru grunted.

" LET GO OF ME! " he shouted.

" Let's get out of here before we attract any unwanted attention or worse... Captain Kuchiki might die from loosing a lot of blood for whatever reason." he said, looking at Byakuya dripping of blood from his shihakushō to his white haōri and on the ground.

All of them agreed and took an unconscious Denki and Byakuya away from the mine shaft, not knowing that not only Shuru stood behind, but also the shadow figure had escaped from the wrath of Byakuya and went towards Kazumi's place.


After reaching towards the health clinic, doctors and medical teams began rushing in on an accelerating speed. Bringing Byakuya and in attempt to save him from giving up his own ghost. Captain Soi Fon had informed Captain Yamamoto on this matter, which leads to Shuru and number 10 spotting the three demons that Ichitaro and the others left.