Chapter 30. Anarchy (18)



In the middle of the night, a crescent moon had appeared on a starry night. Whilst night owls, crickets and frogs began their chorus of the evening. Somewhere on the creek, there were booming sounds of music that shook the creek with it's beats.

There was a party, because bunch of college students were celebrating a certain social gathering when they're cheers staccato the creek area. They danced and drunk alcohol while car lights gave a shimmering glow, bringing out the illuminating spotlights.

In a corner, a certain group of 20 college kids, both boys and girls were all sitting around their already made fire, where they're talking and drinking. At the centre of the circle, an empty bottle was placed in the middle, as they were starting a game.

" Hey guys, listen up. This is a game call Truth or dare. I am certain y'all know what it is already!", The boy, who sat at the centre of the circle, shouted and later added; " Chill, don't get too excited...yet. That's because I am gonna be the one calling Truth or dare around here. So, who's ready for a game?" The crowd cheered once again.

As minutes passed, noises died down once the boy spinned the bottle. Seconds had ticked in and the gentle cold breeze blew. Once it had stopped spinning, it's two sides were facing two females.

"So, y'all gonna tell us what's it going to be? Truth or dare?" The boy asked.

"I choose Truth!" The first girl answered.

"Yeah, me too!"

"Okay. Since you two care about telling us the truth, did you guys have ever made love before?" the boy asked, whilst muttering and giggling had followed. The two girls were hesitated for a little while without saying anything.

"You know what? Fuck this game. Let's go have some fun, people!" A female voice roared from the midst of the crowd as they all cheered happily and spranged on their feet.

The music grew louder and grounds vibrated, whilst the dancing expanded more actively. Few college boys were lifting some girls, taking them somewhere deep into the creek, where they're cars are parked.

"Where the hell are you guys going? We wanna have some fun too, you know?" One of the boys asked and the rest laughed at his comment.

"Very funny, Kyle. We just wanna chill and bang, okay?" The second boy replied.

"Alright man, go get yourself some fun!" The third guy added, leaving the rest smiled as they all went to their cars at the deeper side of the creek. There were 8 girls and boys in total.

When they all ambled towards a carpark into the depths of the creek, a loud music grew smaller when they went inside their cars. In a meantime, sudden lip smacking echoed at the distance when the boys all resting the girls inside of each of their own cars, on different positions.

"Oh man, I really need this right now!" Mumbled a first boy who kissed a girl and the rest giggled at him.

Cars were silently emitted as one boy pulled off his jacket then shirt and dropped them on the driver's seat, while the girl also removed her panties underneath her floral dress. The act was later repeated by the others from different angles. Softer moans from the girls were monotonous as pleasures were given to them after being placed on different cars.

Not knowing they were all seemed lost in what they were doing, the entire creek was covered in darkness by marching black clouds as vicious spirit energy rose and lightning flashed among the surface of the creek and spreads throughout of it.

Almost immediately, a dark portal appeared out of nowhere and a demonic entity emerged from it. An arch demon with a combed over long brown hair, goat horns on his head and a devilish tail arrived - it was Abaddon. He turned around and noticed some weird activities going on around him.

Boys groaned when they all moved fast behind the girls as they held tight on either on the backseat or on the driver's seat. Uncertain to them, the ground rumbled and car alarms received a chorus of broken blared sound, giving everyone, including those at the party, attention.

When one of the guys, Takeō, noticed something wasn't right, he simply jerked away from the vehicle and since it was dark, he couldn't see Abaddon at all.

" Umm sir, are you lost or something?" Takeō asked, but Abaddon didn't reply. But when he asked again, his question remained unanswered. In anger, Takeō took a pocket knife and tried to stab Abaddon. Unfortunately, he grabbed Takeō's hand that held a pocket knife and painfully squeezed it like a lemon until he dropped it. Takeō screamed in pain as he held his almost broken hand. Then Abbadon grabbed him on the neck and slammed him on top of the car, unconscious.

" Takeō?" The girl called his name.

She pulled up her panties and got out of the car. When the crescent moon gave a dimming light, she saw Takeō, unconsciously, laying on the car as it's alarm blared non-stop and when spun her body backwards and saw an arch demon Abbadon, wearing an ancient Roman outfit, her spine-chilling screams filled the creek and everyone wore their clothes and saw Abaddon and Takeō's body.

Terrified, they all attempted to run away, Abaddon couldn't stand her screaming. He raised his hands in mid air and majority of gargoyles appeared on the same portal that he came from and Abaddon firstly aimed towards the screaming girl that ran first.


He summoned one of his best spell as a fiery orange and red ribbon-like barbwire whip appeared from the tip of his palm and captured the screaming girl's right leg. The girl once again screamed painfully when Abaddon's spell writhed her smooth leg with agony as the steaming hot whip pierced deeply through her flesh.

Her eyes were shut as her tears ran through her cheeks, while the ground thudded on her body, almost breaking her rib cage as Abaddon dragged her towards him. A fiendish smile appeared on his face as he stared at the frightened girl.

" How perfect! A scared little human." He marveled, grabbing the girl's pink hair and drew closer to his face as he warned her.," If you ever tried to run away from me again, your little boyfriend will be nothing more than a rat's dinner. Am I making myself clear?!"

The girl nodded in fear and sobbed when Abaddon licked her salty tears. A gargoyle appeared after grabbing one of the college kids with a broken leg. He asked Abbadon :

" We managed to capture the others, my Lord. And it looks like you've caught one of those tasty snacks on your own. Now, what should we do to them?"

" Do you see those lights on the other side of the creek?" He requested. The gargoyle nodded vigorously. Then Abaddon ordered; " I want you to gather the others and grab these humans as soon as possible. Don't even think about killing them. I want these humans alive, just for the early winter feast and destroy that substitute soul reaper and all of his puny army, while he's still weak and pathetic."

" Yes, my Lord." The gargoyle simply responded as he bowed before entering the portal. When Takeō regained conscious, he struggled to get up and saw Abbadon grabbing the girl's hair.

" Ch... Cherry?" He muttered.

The sadistic entity observed the helpless young lad as his evil smile appeared on his face. He let go of Cherry and briskly went to him with a demonic speed as he grabbed him by the throat and slammed his entire body, whilst Takeō's car alarm blared into a disruptive silence.

Takeō's human body was in agony as his hand was. Yet, at that time, Takeō wasn't in control again as Abaddon, telepathically, lifted him up and had fully taken control over him. He drew closer towards Takeō and called out his demonic sword. He then placed his sword on his throat and warned:

" I see you're awake, little mouse. However, if you tried to tell anyone about this, I'll slice your girlfriend's head and rape her, right in front of you!"

Driven by silent tears of pain, Takeō said nothing. But when Abaddon unleashed more of his spirit energy, a lava like lasso shimmered so brightly, that it reached straight to Cherry, unleashing an agonising scream from her painful right leg. Takeō tried to save her as he saw the horrors he'd endured, but the sadistic demon wouldn't let him off the hook.

" NO! Please don't! I'm begging you! " Takeō begged as tears of the unbearable pain ran down on his cheeks.

" Very well. I'll keep her alive." Abbadon lied, realising that he's not the type of entity that keeps his promises.

In his mind, he thought:

' Kisuke Urahara. Once I grow stronger, you'll be the one on your knees while all of your friends and your so-called ` children` will be dead before you know it. This will be my ultimate revenge of what you've done.'




In the early morning of the last autumn rain, the Urahara shop hadn't been opened yet. Hence, there was a diminutive light that peeped through the window. Inside the shop, Kisuke's eyes were shut and he was releasing a heavy breathing sigh as his cheeks turned salmon red. When he opened his eyes, he glared at a naked espresso-skinned woman with a long dark magenta hair, sucking and rubbing his `penis` .

He was already sitting down on a chair next to desk-like kiosk teller, whilst his dark green pants was almost at the bottom of his feet. As she drew herself towards him as she knelt down and kept taking it straight into her mouth. His eyes were, once again, closed as he continued with his sense of pleasure.

As thunder lashed again, a phonecall interrupted his mood.


[ *Phone ringing*]

The woman simply let go and so does Kisuke. In frustration, he picked up the phone and answered:

« Urahara shop.»

« Still getting a bl*w j*b from Yoruichi in 3am ?», the man joked and he laughed.

« Haha very funny, Shinji. Still calling me at this time?»

« I guess you can say that. I think you're not going to like this. »

« Where are you?»

« At the Karakura creek, just a few miles from the park where 20 college students went missing for few days. »

« Alright, I'll be right there » Kisuke sighed before hanging up his phone. He got up from his chair and pulled his pants up.

" Duty calls?" The woman asked.

" Yep. I don't know what Shinji saw, but it sounds important. Just take care of Naruto and Sasuke, should anything happen. "

" Don't worry, Kisuke. They can take care of themselves too. "

" I guess so. I gotta get going. Can't let Shinji waiting." He joked.

" Alright, see you soon. " the woman chuckled.

" Bye, Yoruichi." He said, before taking a black umbrella and leaves.


Outside of the creek, police were at the scene as well as professors, students, parents and guardians of their missing children. Most of them were in tears. International news reporters were also there, explaining the devastation of the crime scene.

The weeping sky had stopped crying, but the lashing thunder and a howling wind were on patrol, waving autumn's beauty farewell. Kisuke arrived with a closed umbrella on his hand. The moment he walked in, police forces blocked his way to see Shinji.

However, a muscular tan skinned fighter with a short platinum hair appeared.

" It's okay. He's just a friend. " He remarked, while the police forces stood back and cleared Kisuke's pass. By then, he catches up with the figure.

" What's up with them?" Kisuke asked.

" They're just doing their jobs. " The man simply explained.

" Shinji called and told me to be there."

" Oh, right. I think you should really see this."

Baffled by their request, Kisuke was concerned about something. When they pinpoint where the college kids were last seen, Kisuke gaped as he glanced at the most grotesque scene in his life.

The cars that were parked, were shattered into pieces and unrecognisable. Blood stains are on top of the grass, yet it was nearly washed away by the rain. The only evidence they've found was a pair of white sneakers on top of a scrapped ` car` . When they all went towards a fire place where the party was, all seven figures were there investigating a demonic ancient Hebrew written on the wall with blood and mud combined.

A lean man with a lemon coloured bob hair cut and a fringe noticed Kisuke and his white and green straw hat.

" It's about time you show up. It's a good thing Kensēi is there, otherwise you might be joining the crowd." He said.

" Don't be silly, Shinji. I am sly as a fox, I have my ways. " Kisuke stated.

It doesn't took long until Kisuke saw the writing, when Shinji had almost completely forgotten about it.

" I almost forgot, it looks like the entire party had been abruptly trashed. I guess whatever that entity is, must've taken the humans for something else." Shinji remarked.

" Not really.", Said the woman with glasses., " I don't think a certain entity is capable of taking so many kids for ` something else ` . Even if they did, they wouldn't have left a demonic note written in the same language angels have spoken. "

" Oh, you're right. It could be a demon."

When Kisuke read the entire message, he wasn't shocked to realise who it was.

" And I think I know who is responsible for this." He spoke, leaving the rest puzzled at him.

Then a girl with a pale golden blonde pigtail also read at the cryptic message and was shocked to learn what it actually said.

" It says here:` You'll never see these kids alive. They'll be dinner by dawn and so does the Full bringers` . Wait, does this means____." She said, cutting her own voice in disbelief. In which Kisuke had finished her sentence and nodded.

" Yep. Abaddon and his ugly ass goons might kill Ichigo and the others. We have to find him."

" Yeah, you're right. But it'll take a miracle to find him and save those kids from him. He could be anywhere." Kensēi stated.

" I know, but I know a Yokai that can smell a demon from miles away. "

" But you'll put your kids in danger, if gone wrong." The woman spoke, recognising what he actually meant.

" You're right. But I know my kids. When they're in a situation like this one, they'll always find a way. If that dick riding bastard is gonna break the rules of Celestia, then so be it." Kisuke stated before leaving the crime scene. He reached his phone and called the shop.

When Yoruichi picked up the telephone, she simply answered:

« Urahara shop?»

« Yoruichi, wake Naruto and Sasuke. I have a mission for them.»

« Sure.»