Chapter 31. Hidden in plain sight (18+)

[* CREAK* ]

The door opened with a tiny creak and a black cat appeared on the bedroom door where two young adults were asleep as the night rain had stopped for now. After observing they're all asleep, the black cat left the door slightly open behind her and walked through the bedroom.

' They all looked so peaceful.' Yoruichi thought in adore.

Despite how half messy their room was, she doesn't mind about it. However, a ray of light that shone through the open door reflected one of them. One of the sleepers groaned weakly as their slumber felt like a heavy wreck through his body the more he tried standing up from the bed.

Pleased to know he's half awaked, Yoruichi went towards him as she turned her cat body into her naked human form in her espresso coloured skin.

" Naruto, it's time to wake up." Yoruichi said in her soft, tender voice as she gently nudged the sleeping lad.

" M..Mom? How did you get here?"

He mumbled under his breath as his vision were slightly blurry through his eyes when he opened them. He stretched his plump, muscular upper body and yawned.

His raven black hair was scruffy at some point. But when he opened his eyes, he couldn't bring his mother's nude body to meet his eyes. His face turned into dark salmon and covered his eyes in embarrassment.

" Do you know what time it is, Mom? It's 3:55 in the morning and the sun isn't out yet." He said.

" I know, but your dad wants to see you and Sasuke."

" Wait, dad? Did he just left or something?"

" You can say that. Duty calls, I guess. "

Naruto breathed heavily and finally agreed. He, then turned his head sideways, welcoming a girl with a crimson with bedsheets as she was in deep slumber.

" Sasuke? Sasuke?" Naruto's moaning voice almost belted her ears as he shook her sleeping body.

" Huh?" She answered in a lazy humming tone.

" I think Dad just called Mom. He want us to be here."

" Are you nuts?! Do you know what time it is? It's nearly 4 am in the morning."

" I know. But duty calls... I guess ."

Sasuke groaned and finally agreed as well. Her tired limb felt so weakened as she slowly spun her eyes open. Her breath had covered her pillow and gently raised her head up.

A diminutive light that laid before them, had pierced through their eyes while it all came rushing back to them.

" Mom, where do you think Dad went?" Naruto yawned.

" I'm not sure, but I think Shinji called and found something from the creek." She responded.

" Where these kids from the news went missing for 5 days?"

Yoruichi nodded. In frustration, both Naruto and Sasuke took out their warm clothes, taking for about few minutes before heading out.

Not knowing, in their guts, there's something so wrong and disturbing, they can feel it in their bones. They just don't know what it is yet.


Naruto and Sasuke arrived at the other side of the park as police are still under investigation. They're in their young nine tailed fox form and they went through the crime scene with ease and undetected by the police and police dogs.

The moment they got here, they immediately recognised their family silver coloured van stood in the middle of the creek. Soon, they arrived at the vehicle and saw eight figures, including their father, inside.

Whilst mild drizzle began pouring the area of Karakura town once again when they took their ` human` form, Shinji immediately looked through the car mirror and open the van door. Sasuke and Naruto entered on the inside and noticed their father and the other figures were there.

" Hey, kids. Are you alright ? Sorry I wake you up this early."

" Yes, we are and can I ask you something? Why did you wake us up at this hour?" Sasuke asked once she felt irritated.

" Let's just say I have a job for both of you. You have to tracked down Abbey and the other demons and save these kids from being demon breakfast by dawn." Kisuke explained with a smirk appeared on his face as the situation was as serious as it gets.

Naruto, somehow, knew what his father meant, but didn't knew where to begin with.

" So, where should we find him? He could be anywhere." Naruto asked.

" With this "

Kisuke pulled out a sneaker that belonged to one of the missing college kids and Kensēi wasn't sure what he's up to. Naruto and Sasuke were battered at first. How can a pair of sneakers can help find them?

By the time Naruto took a deep breath, a jasmin aroma from a sneaker wiggled through his nose and he smelled it's aroma. He briskly took it and smelled it once again.

' Jasmin?' he though and when he opened the van door once again, he completely smelled that pleasing aromatic fragrance before turning him into a nine tailed fox. His ocean blue fur covered his entire skin and his warm clothes disappeared from his body, while his his hands and feet were magically turned into claws and revealed his nine tails. His eyes were transformed into sky blue colour foxy eyes, revealing his true nine tailed fox form.

Naruto immediately smelled the jasmin aroma and went outside at the drizzled rain. Lisa then pulled out weapons as they followed him to pinpoint where Abbadon was hiding.


As dawn was lazily approaching, Naruto somehow reached towards an abandoned tunnel deep below the town. Whilst the others had followed him and stopped the van because this could damage it, Naruto released the sneaker from his mouth. By then, he turned himself into his human form again before rubbing his head with pain. The remaining eight, including Sasuke, got out of the van and managed to catch him up. Kisuke remained behind.

The moment they got there, a light skinned, wearing a green yellow tracksuit recognised a painful, sharp scream coming from the tunnel. He stopped and took out his zanpakuto from Lisa's large grey training bag. The little pig tailed girl saw him and asked softly :

" Hey, Love. Why are you standing here and grabbing a zanpakuto like a fucking maniac?"

Love raised his hand and finally explained when he heard a booming demonic laughter

" Shush, Hyōri. Can you hear that ?" He whispered.

Everyone remained silent until a voice combination of a painful cry of a girl and a begging to let her go and a demonic laughter, as if he was enjoying her suffering and mentioning Kisuke's name as well.

' Wait, that asshole imagining my dad. Eww, what a fucking pervert.' Naruto thought, feeling disgusted. Sasuke does felt the same way as her older brother, yet couldn't help sympathised the poor victim.

As minutes pass after a horror sounds echoed throughout the tunnel, the victim released a final scream and so does the sadistic entity, releasing a powerful roar. Naruto and the others went inside to investigate and tried their best not to get caught.

Almost immediately, they saw one of the female college students with long blonde hair smeared in blood as her entire body was covered in bloody slashes and bruises and her clothes were ripped into shredded pieces, whilst her face was brutally beaten. Her nose was gushing with her own blood and stained towards the concrete ground.

Standing behind her was Abaddon, sadistically smiling at her suffering, which boiled Shinji's blood. Abaddon watched as his greyish semen gushing through her bloody ` vagina` as his horse sized ` penis ` was removed from her inside, eating her skin like acid. Trembling and felt vulnerable, the girl was in agonising pain on the floor as her tears were streaming down on her bruised bite mark cheeks.

Until then, the sadistic entity grabbed her bloody hair and drew closer towards him, realising yet again, a painful scream and panic. Abbadon hushed the young woman and whispered:

" I'll save you for dessert."

He licked her bloody cheek and dropped her to the ground as the thudded sound was emitted. Then, he sat down on a boulder along with gargoyles guarding with the other eighteen kids.

Right next to him was Cherry, still holding on her injured leg that Abaddon damaged it those 5 days ago. Shinji and the others needed a good foolproof plan to save them. All of them gathered around and finally Shinji had an idea.

" Alright, here's what we're going to do. Naruto will sneak into an area a few feet away from them. Once Abbey leaves, we'll snatch those kids to safety and wipe their memories of what happened." Shinji reported.

" Yeah, great plan. But, what about those ugly shitheads they're called gargoyles? They'll rip us to shreds." Hyōri responded.

" No problem. These Quincy weapons, that were created a long time ago for demon hunting, will eventually stop them." Lisa explained, tapping the bag.

Suddenly, a bright blonde hair man with a side fringe, sensed another demonic spirit energy. The others felt the same way too.

" It looks like we're having another problem." He said. The others took a peep through the tunnel and saw a flash of red light popped in about 2 meters above the ground and held it's form as a burning sphere.

As the spirit energy increased, the sphere trembled when a claw-like point was cut through, like a magical knife slicing through mid air. By then, two claws pushed against each side in opposite direction, slowly stretching it into a two dimensional circular curtain, within two feet longer.

That might be an opportunity for Naruto as he spotted droplets from a pipe, along with it tiny ` puddle ` .

" Sasuke, I think I know what to do. I'll get closer to them and strike when the time comes." He said

" Naruto, you idiot. What if you get killed?!" Sasuke hissed.

" Not quite. I'm a nine tailed fox and so are you. We'll kick their asses if we have to."

Everyone was amazed at first. Then, Naruto asked Lisa a bottle of holy water and a cross bow. She handed them out to him and wished him luck before disappearing into the water.

When Naruto was still inside the water, a demon leaped out into the ground and gasped for air. He looked similar to Abbadon, apart from his hair and lacked a goat like horns, meaning his twisted horns are similar to a bull. Wearing a medieval style armour and a metal shackle on each wrist.

" Damn you, Abaddon. You could have gotten rid of Samael's brat in the first place before he sealed me into a tortured chamber, yet being summoned was better than this." The demon snarled as he got up to his feet.

" I don't need help form anyone except for Kazumi, Rimmon . If I can get rid of Sai, I can do it better than Lilith. That's your job: To end the life of Sai Khitan once and for all." ,

Abbadon added., " What about him? Is he dead?"

" Not really. A Soul reaper captain must've saved him. That's all I know." Rimmon answered.

' Wait, a captain? Did dad know about this? And who is this Sai Khitan?' Naruto thought and listened properly between two demons arguing.

" You're as weak as that pathetic traitor, you shit eating fool. None of this wouldn't happen if you don't follow that bitch's order. We would have finished Samael's cunt boy he called grandson." Rimmon clicked his fork tongue.

" I don't care about that prick and his maggot grandson! I just want to end that substitute soul reaper and his blood in my hands before I'll finish Kisuke as my perfect snack." Abaddon roared and Naruto was contempted at the entity's words.

He raised the cross bow as he aimed it at Abaddon, however, Rimmon was about to leave.

" You're wasting my time. I'll go and find a human to feed." Rimmon hissed

" Wait, hold on a second. I don't want us to start our mission on the wrong foot."

Abaddon said with a smile on his face as he picked up Cherry on the ground with his barbwire like ribbon around her leg and floral dress and threw her like a pile of trash.

Rimmon caught her by the wrist and grinned, taking a great pleasure in the way she sceamed when he dug his claws into her soft flesh. Suddenly, Takeō tried to get out and tried griping Rimmon's neck as he managed to get out from the others.

However, two of the gargoyles used their staff and hit his entire body until he covered himself like a cocoon and the gargoyles dragged him towards Abaddon and Rimmon.

Shinji and the gang were all disgusted with the demon's and realised the Soul society was better than Hell itself. Meanwhile, Takeō cried in tears as he sobbed:


Abaddon slapped Takeo in a demonic strength, he spat blood on the ground and fell on the floor.

" QUIET, MAGGOT!!" Abaddon demanded when he saw Takeō sobbing in pain.

" Wait. I think I have an idea. Why don't you grab those Fullbringers and bring them here, whilst I enjoy torturing these two souls? It'll be as easy as pie once we deal two of our problem."

Abaddon's malevolent smile appeared on his face as he got up from the boulder and said:

" Now, were talking. If you excuse me, Tsukishima would show me where Ginjo and the others are hiding. Have fun with your new toy."

Rimmon laughed echoed at the tunnel as dropped Cherry to the ground. Watching Abaddon disappeared from the portal, sadistically, the demonic entity kicked the poor girl and knocking her at the side of the tunnel. When she saw Kensēi's coat peeping through, she struggled to crawl her way towards the lights, practically as her tears were dripping to the floor.

Sadly, she was halted and gave an agonising screech when Rimmon slashed her back and licked the blood off the bladed talons as her shredded bra and dress were scattered and fell away. Takeō tried his best to look away from the horrors he'd witness, but the gargoyles forced him to look at his girlfriend one last time.

" Please don't hurt me or my boyfriend! Please don't!" She begged the demon.

Without a clue Naruto was under water and armed with a Quincy crafted weapons, Rimmon laughed cruelly and said to Takeō:

" Did you hear that, human?! She's begging for mercy. Unfortunately for you, she's going to die right in front of you. All you have to do is sit down watch the sho_____."

' NOW!' Naruto pulled a trigger and an arrow flew and landed straight to Rimmon's throat, cutting his speech instantly. When blood gushes through his suit, Rimmon touched and noticed a circular star symbol on his throat.

' A Quincy crest. That means.....' Rimmon thought before Naruto shot him once again from his knees, arms and heart all the way to his head. Rimmon was dropped to the floor shaking as the arrow contained a Quincy's spirit energy enough to kill him.

[ *BOOM*]

His entire body was burning from inside and out resulting an explosion and killed him.