Chapter 32. A demon and the nine tailed.

Atmospheric tensions were at stake when a mild drizzle transformed into rain. Silence had filled the tunnel as gargoyle were grimace at what happened to Rimmon. Rimmon's entire body was nothing more than remaining embers of burning ashes, whilst a blue coloured arrows were almost completedly into dusts.

" Ouch! That's how demons die? Quincies sure are interesting. I can get used to this." Naruto's voice commented.

One of them located Naruto's physical form emerging from the tiny `puddle` from the pipe and his wet hair was stood out. Naruto was seen taking slow steps towards them, whilst carrying a cross bow both with his hands. Without any instructions, the fearing gargoyles released Takeō and removing Abbadon's intertwined barbwired like ribbon on Cherry's right leg, which was almost impossible.

His spirit energy flickered around the tunnel in just minutes when he stepped his feet towards them. The icy cold wind blew passed Shinji and his gang as they halted on Naruto rescuing these kids or ending the gargoyles himself. Takeō and Cherry were reunited once again as they went with the other kids.

However, one them noticed that Naruto's nine tailed spirit energy, he realised he wasn't a Quincy at all.

" Brothers and sisters, don't be afraid. That's just a naïve fox carrying a Quincy equipment. Attack him now! " He ordered as they spread their wings and raced towards him.

Without hesitation, he gently raised the cross bow, stretching it ahead of the gargoyles as he pulled every trigger and killing them off one by one, yet proven difficult as they came in numbers.

Kensēi, Sasuke and Shinji saw Naruto struggling to kill them.

" Shit, Naruto's gonna get himself killed. We have to help him." He said and then insisted, "Sasuke; you help these kids escape and guard them with your life, while Hachigen, you'll be healing these victims, preventing from reproducing and Mashiro, you'll break every cage and freeing these kids. Rōjūrō, Love, Hyōri, Lisa, Shinji and I are going to attack these grotesque fuckers. So, let's do this!"

They all agreed and everyone took out their weapons and zanpakuto from Lisa's training bag as they took charge in and attacking them one by one.

They split themselves as the six, Kensēi, Shinji, Lisa, Hyōri, Love and Rōjūrō were shooting and slicing off the gargoyles as they ( gargoyles) were headed straight towards them, while the remaining two, Hachigen and Mashiro activated their kido spells as they broke every single cage, bringing potions and healing equipment for the raped victim.

At first, she winced in pain when her pierced and damaged flesh shrunk into its original self before Abbadon `violated` her. Once it made contact with a Holy water, it didn't caused her anymore pains and she was fully recovered.

Continuing slicing and shooting of gargoyles, majority of their injuries were like thousands of painful glimpse of lightning struck at each of their bodies as their fleshed stone coloured skins were exposing their fiery `meaty` side. Hyōri grinned gently as she glanced at them burning to death.

The more physical energy they used on fighting them, the less gargoyles were attacking them and defending their `meals` , the more time Sasuke have had on helping the college kids to escape.

" I hope this better work, uncle Kensēi! " Sasuke mumbled as she turned herself into a nine tailed fox, similar to Naruto, except her fur was chilli red in colour with fire brick red marks on her body and each of her tails. She drew closer to Takeō, which frightened the lad.

" Don't be scared. I'll get you all out of here. Now come with me." Said Sasuke. Takeō was hesitant, until he got up along with Cherry, holding her hand and followed him. The other kids noticed Cherry and Takeō's departure and decided to catch up without second thoughts.

The moment they got out of the tunnel, they saw Kisuke's silver van standing at the side of the road. By then, all of the college kids went there for help and Kisuke was happily agreed to do so and he took off, leaving Sasuke behind.

In the meantime, more than dozens of gargoyles were fatally giving up their ghosts as majority of their burnt wound related casualties appeared on their skin. Every remaining demon embers and ashes fell to the ground with a flaky, silent sprinkle.

A dimmed muteness surrounded the deeper side of the tunnel as Kensēi and the others strolled down the quiet passage. The moment their path was blocked and neither angry demons nor gargoyles at site, they immediately ceased fire towards the light of the tunnel.

Even though it was dreaded, the portal that Abbadon summoned Rimmon with, still appeared on the other side of the tunnel.

{Hadō : Kami-sama no Mizuchirō }

With a tip of her finger, Hyōri unleashed few droplets of water like bullets shooting the portal and removing any blood smeared demonic symbols on the floor and it instantly disintegrated into nothingness.

" Coast is clear for now." Kensēi sighed as he was the first one to leave.

As Naruto was following him, he quickly asked : " Are we supposed to catch up with dad or something? We might be freezing ourselves to death before reaching our home."

" Don't worry about the freezing temperature. It'll snow in the afternoon like it does every winter. It's nothing new here."

" You know, back there. Thanks for saving me, but just a reminder that I can save my own ass, uncle Kensēi." Naruto said.

" I know that. But that doesn't mean you'll get yourself and your sister killed."

" Hey! We'll chitchat later. Right now, we got to get out of here before we'll attract any unwanted attentions from humans." Sasuke spoke outside, whilst all agreed and head outside before the icy breeze hits on the tunnel.

By the time they ran towards a van standing at the side of the road, a shadow cornered their path. Then suddenly, a dark entity immediately emerged from the shadow and grabbed Naruto's ankle, as he tripped and fell to the concrete floor. Everyone halted as they tried to shoot it, but noted the cross bow had none of any reishi* left.

" Leave no intruders alive." The dark figure hissed with a disembodied, almost wind-like, voice.

" Oh shit!" He muttered.

" Naruto, hang on!" Sasuke shouted, turning her nine tailed fox form into a human once again and chanted :


She created three waves of fireballs from her hands and shot straight at the figure, eventually it might hit Naruto. Unfortunately, the shadowy figure got up and used its golden wings as a shield, blocking Sasuke's attacks.

" Neither puny dumb fox powers nor Quincy weaponry can annihilate me." It bellowed.

" Hey, ugly bastard! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" Lisa thundered. She pulled out her duo crossbow and as she pulled the trigger, it shoots multiple arrows. Surprisingly, the shadow figure shield himself with its golden wings. However, it released its bone hand from Naruto, a painless dark tanned mark appeared on his ankle.

Naruto nimbly crawled back to his sister and his group. He shivered as he gulped :

" Shit, we need to fucking retreat immediately!"

The figure chuckled with smirk on it's dark face:

"You sure have the balls to kill Kazumi's armies, kids. You may have crossed the limits, yet at the end of the day, you will regret ever stepping your feets into my territory. NONE OF YOU WILL ESCAPE MY WRATH!! "

Once its eyes glowed red after mere seconds, it was fuming with anger as he rose his skeletal hands from the shadows. A sudden flabbergasted gasp diverted from Shinji and the others as gargoyles and Hallows emerged from the darkness that lurked around them as they knew they were almost had nowhere else to go.

Sasuke noticed a Quincy crafted Holy water on Lisa's charcoal black windbreaker on her side pocket.

" Aunt Lisa, can I please have that bottle for a second? Sasuke asked.

" Why? This is for the emergency!" Lisa replied.

" This is an emergency! We'll be dead before you know it!"

" Fine, kid. Just take it. "

Lisa immediately threw the bottle towards Sasuke, but ended up taken by a Halloween with a dark tentacles. Then it gave the bottle towards the shadowy whom laughed like a maniac.

" You can have all the tricks upon your sleeves, soul reapers. But you're making a huge mistake of killing me. You have all underestimate my power of Celestial art and now you shall all be perish one by one. ANNIHILATE THEM ALL!! ATTACK!!" The figure dictated.

All of the gargoyles and Hallows were awakened from the shadows as they drew closer towards them. All seemed lost, until an audible sound of a vehicle approaching straight towards them was heard from the distance.

The car window was opened and tossed a bag of coarse salt in one of the gargoyles and a blue beam appeared at another opened car window, aiming straight towards the coarse salt.

[ * POOF!* ]

Shinji and the others ducked at the incoming attack as it created a small explosion with a burst of coarse salt scattering at dark entities.

Overwhelming screech and howling filled the tunnel as coarse salts impaled their eyes. The shadowy figure was stunned at what it witnessed and by the time it activated a purple ish spirit ball at the van and threw it towards Shinji and the others, it eventually came to a halt as if it saw a ghost from a past.

The back door was opened and a huge stocky man with a tanned skin and dark cornrow hair was at the back of the van and simply yelled :

" Get in!"

Almost immediately, they all went inside the van. Almost all of the hallows regained their eyesight and didn't hesitate to go after them.

Hyōri saw those hallows and activated her kido, eliminating them instantly. She then saw another glass bottle of a Quincy crafted Holy water on the back.

" Hey, ugly fuckers! Fetch this!" Hyōri shouted. The remaining gargoyles glanced and gnashed their teeths as they charged straight at her.


" Not yet." Hyōri muttered with an answer. Swiftly, she turned her arm and threw a bottle into mid air. As it was launched straight to the tunnel it landed on one of the gargoyles and Hallows, as Hyōri managed to get inside the van and they're all took off.

[ KLING! ]

[ * broken glass sound * ]

When the glass bottle shattered into pieces, a radiated unearthed aura swept across it as it acted like an extreme wave of burning furnace. The entire deep end of the tunnel grew lighter with flames and warmer. All of the dark entities shrieked in pain as their bodies goes up in flames by the holy water and another bottle from the shadowy figure exploded too.

However, it disappeared as its hand were burned as well. Once their whole bodies surged with fire, they're all shredded and burn to ashes, leaving no life left.



Outside of the bar in the late autumn morning after the rain had stopped, Abbadon's fist landed on Ginjō's abdomen and fell flat on the road. The Xcusion were all on their knees with their hands tied to their backs. Most of them were pretty beaten badly and their Fullbringer accessories were guarded by red skinned imps. Standing in front of Ginjō was a tall ivory skinned man with a denim black straight hair.

His eyes gazed straight at Ginjō as his grin appeared on his face. Luckily, neither Orihime, Chad nor Ichigo were there at that point.

" Tsukishima, I trusted you! I took you in and this is how you repay me? Now you're siding with a demon. He lied to us about the Soul society." Ginjō grunted, struggling to get up as he began coughing blood.

" You don't know anything, fool! You know why Abbadon lie for a good reason. So you can join us and be our knight." Tsukishima said and calmly added, " And since you have a goal to destroy Aizan's plan, you left me no choice. Bon appetit, Abbadon. Start with a girl."

Riruka's heart beats faster than a drum. Abbadon simply grabbed her dark red hair pigtails, forcing herself up. She couldn't scream because it would cost her a life at the hands of a demonic entity.

" Please don't do this, Tsukishima. She doesn't deserve this." Jackie begged. However, Tsukishima ignored Jackie's request. When he turned his back, he saw a Smoke wolf growling at them, along with an adolescent with bags full of sweet treats trying to calm it down.

" Smokey, wait!" He shouted. Smokey immediately took charge at Tsukishima as it released an ember beam at him.


Tsukishima unleashed his spirit sword from a bookmark. He sliced the beam into nothingness as he dashed and headed straight towards Smokey. The smoke wolf briskly grabbed his sword with its mouth and Abbadon noticed Tsukishima was in trouble.


A black flame went horizontally straight to Smokey and Tsukishima. Smokey, swiftly teleported itself and beheaded Abbadon and landed straight towards the building. Tsukishima held Abbadon's spell , nearly destroying him and his sword. Noticing they were under attacked by a hellhound, the imps charged towards Smokey as they held her down. Amid how difficult it was to hold her because of her inferno fur, Smokey managed to burn them alive.

In the meantime, the boy saw the Xcusion and ran towards them for help.

" I should apologise on Smokey. She can be much more like a vigilante. " He softly said as he unfastened the ropes from them.

" It's okay, kid. I____" Ginjō said, but was interrupted when Tsukishima stabbed the boy. Surprisingly enough, he was lucky he survived because of something that was glowing in his forest green jacket. Tsukishima then removed his sword from the boy's chest.

' Huh? What's this? ' Tsukishima wondered. When the boy took out from a glowing pocket, came out a hōgyōku dragging the souls of the burnt imps towards it along with the remaining dead gargoyles and Hallows.

Both Tsukishima and Abbadon were astonished at their discovery - the boy must've killed Aizan for the hōgyōku, but with what method?

Abbadon went berserk as he went straight at the boy and pointed his demonic sword at him.

" You killed Aizan for a hōgyōku?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Abbadon shouted.

" I... I didn't do anything, I swear! This yeouji* just sliced him into pieces and I saw it myself." The boy trembled.

" LIAR! You'll pay with your blood, Furūki Ōtōkawa. "

" Wait, what? That's my grandfather's name, I'm Kurama Gumiho! " He answered Abbadon.

" Cut the crap, Ōtōkawa! Time to send you where you belong!" He bellowed, raising his sword and aiming it on Kurama.

Fortunately, Smokey shook herself, grabbed Kurama's hoodie and ran away. Abbadon was spreading his bat-like wings until the voice of the shadow figure said:

« It's useless to chase Ōtōkawa, Abbadon.»

« Huh, Baltoh?» he wondered

« Just find Kisuke Urahara. He's responsible for killing our army for Kazumi.»

Before Abbadon could ask him, Baltoh simply disconnect him, telepathically.

" You find the Soul reaper and the visords and deal with them. I'll find Ōtōkawa." Abbadon ordered before both left Ginjō and the others.

" Shit, that's means he's after Ichigo. We have to stop them." Ginjō stated.