Chapter 33. Wrath of the arch demon

Abaddon rushed into the midst of the tunnel, finding out if Baltoh's words were true. When he finally reached his destination, he was horrified at what he witnessed.

Bodies of dead gargoyles and Hallows were nothing but burning ashes and their blood stained the concrete floor. They were no signs of the college kids at sight. It's as if they were magically vanished by some miracle. When he tried sniffing and located any of Rimmon's scent, there was no signs of his spirit energy. Just a mere ember, he could only find.

However, when he saw a cap from a broken bottle glass, he immediately identified at what it was.

' That's a Quincy crafted weaponry. If Quincies were extinct, that means.....' He thought when he realised that only one person had those weaponry.

He went berserk as he punched the ground and his demonic spirit energy, deactivating his sword.


He screamed at the top of his lungs, echoed throughout not just the entire human world, but also on the spirit world too. Everyone stopped at what their doing as they listened to his booming bellow, calling his name.

Meanwhile, Kisuke was driving all the way to the hospital because of Naruto's injury. The stocky, tan skinned man turned to Kisuke as he actually heard Abbadon's screaming voice.

" Did you hear what he said?" He asked.

" Loud and clear, Tessai." Kisuke simply answered.

" You do know that Abbadon is going to kill you for this. How can we intend to stop him? "

" Leave that to me. I'm gonna hunt those responsible, especially Aizan. They took everything away from us and lived like it didn't happened. Let's see if Kazumi can protect him this time."

A smirk appeared on his face, which worried Tessai and the others. Tessai remained silent at that moment. However, Sasuke noticed the college kids aren't there.

" Uh, dad. Where are the missing kids?"

" The same place we're taking Naruto for treating twisted ankle. At the hospital. Don't worry about everything else, Kiddo. I have to remove their memories of what happened." Kisuke cheerfully answered.



" Hey, is Uryuu Ishida available?" Ichigo asked the receptionist at the Karakura hospital as nervous as he was.

A good looking receptionist, simply looked at Ichigo and on the computer and immediately asked:

" Are you related to the patient?"

" Umm, technically he my friend." He answered.

" Alright, Mr Kurosaki. Since visiting hours had started 5 minutes earlier, please take a seat and I'll call you, if he's available." The receptionist insisted.

Ichigo, immediately took a seat with other ill and injured patients as well as the visitors. Some are here for an appointment, whilst some wanted to see the doctor as soon as possible.

To Ichigo, he had to see Uryuu about the incident that Ichitaro had disappeared that day. A lot of things that happened to him, whether he had eaten or drank anything from the Soul society or if he'd have kept his powers, Ichitaro might be safe. But he couldn't. They're a lot of things that he'd gone through and worried about his friends' reactions.

When the receptionist called Ichigo and which room was Uryuu was staying, the was nervous and scared at the same time.

In Uryuu's room, Chad and Orihime were there. Uryuu was laying on the bed and seemed getting better. Anxiously, she asked :

" Are you sure I'm not allowed to heal you?"

" It's not that, Orihime. I just don't want everyone here from the hospital, finding out that I am fully healed. " Uryuu answered, which calmed her down.

" Oh, I get it. You just want to take it slow. I understand."

With smiles on both of their faces, they joined their hands. As Chad was enjoying their moments, until Ichigo arrived. Chad was amazed when he saw him.

" Don't worry. I'll meet up with Ginjō and the others. It won't take long."

Both Orihime and Uryuu were looking at Ichigo and a distressed Uryuu and said:

" Look, I know what you're thinking ______."

" It's okay. Tanjirō, Ichitaro's older brother, told me the two of you were the only ones who saw Ichitaro before he went missing. I just want answers, no trouble." Ichigo interrupted him.

Chad heaved in relief with one breath, realising that Ichigo had taken this matter in a mature manner. Orihime was curling her lips and finally confessed:

" Well, it's true. We were the ones who last saw him that day, but these men.... they aren't from the Soul society. We don't know who they were, but their spiritual energy wasn't a soul reaper, but a demon."

" More stronger than we thought. And then there was that strange lady attacked Orihime and by the time I tried to defeat her, I couldn't remember what happened next. It's like a Fullbringer attacked me and I zoned out. I couldn't depict what his spirit energy was at all. It's like he could ` mind control ` someone's memories or something." Uryuu said.

That's when Ichigo noticed someone can possess that kind of ability. Ginjō once told him about a certain friend that killed and abandoned the other members of the Xcusion squad for his selfish desires. With his eyes closed and his spirit energy floated like a livid robust wind, Ichigo finally said :

" Thanks for telling me everything. Now, I'll deal with Tsukishima once and for all. As long as Ichitaro is safe, I'll find my way to bring him home."

Baffled and agitated, Ichigo's friends remained behind as he exited. He immediately annexed his spirit energy. He was resented at what Orihime and Uryuu had told him, yet Chad decided to check him.

" Wait, Ichigo!" Orihime squeaked, releasing her hands from Uryuu's as she exited, leaving him all alone. Uryuu glanced at her departure as he couldn't tell her his true feelings for her.

In the meantime, Ichigo fast walked through the elevator whereas Chad and Orihime ran towards the hallway.

" Ichigo, hold up! You can't defeat Tsukishima at your state. It's too dangerous." Chad stated.

" I know that. But Ichitaro is out there at the Soul society and I've failed to protect him. If I didn't have sacrificed my powers, he would've been safe and....". Ichigo said, immediately paused as he sighed a deep breath filled with misery and continued," I get that Rukia is there, but I'm afraid of the result if she's _____."

" You know it's a good thing. Since Rukia is at the Soul society along with Renji and the others, they can protect him for sure. Just don't worry about it." Orihime spoke, knowing very well it won't cheer him as much as Rukia does. However, Ichigo was halfway better at that point.

Until Abaddon's audible voice echoed throughout. Ichigo, Chad and Orihime had listened this incoming echo.

" I..I had to check on Uryuu. " she trembled. By the time she was leaving, a wolf like figure appeared on the window and briskly went towards Orihime.

" ORIHIME, LOOK OUT!!" Chad shouted.

[ *CRASH!*]

Once Orihime turned her head, a wolf body came straight towards her and she barely escaped from being crushed. She gave a tiny, broken yelp when . Both Chad and Ichigo looked at a dark cherry furry entity as it was whimpering in pain with blood and slash wounds on its body. Meanwhile, another figure also crashed through the wall like a wrecking ball and landed on Ichigo.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the boy wearing warm clothes and tried rolling him over. Kurama slowly got up and looked around and finally saw Smokey laying on the floor.

" Smokey? Smokey, hang on." He shouted, trying to crawl away from Ichigo.

' I don't know what the fuck is wrong with that kid, Why was he acting weird recently?' Ichigo groaned. And finally asked, "Hey, kid. What the fuck is wrong with y___?"

However, his question was cut short when Tsukishima arrived. Orihime crawled out in shock and tried to run away, but immediately stopped as Tsukishima used his bookmark sword and stabbed her collarbone. Ichigo was horrified when he saw her blood gushing through and turned to Tsukishima. He simply grabbed his hallow pass and activated his zanpakuto.

" You bastard!" He shouted in a livid tone.

Tsukishima giggled and said:

" Oh, if it isn't Ichigo Kurosaki. We meet again. Sorry for interrupting you and your friends. I have to kill Furūki Ōtōkawa."

" Which one? Are you delusional or something?! "

" Not really. That boy you're standing next to you, is Furūki Ōtōkawa, one of the founders of the gotei 13. Let's just say, he once murdered a saviour for a hōgyōku."

' A hōgyōku? ' Chad thought as he raced towards Orihime and removed Tsukishima sword from her. Orihime was groaning in and the six fairies from her flower pin appeared in front of her.

Tsukishima immediately caught his sword and aimed on Kurama. When he raised his sword up, Ichigo blocked his sword attack.

" I can't let you take an innocent life." He said.

" Well in that case, enjoy your shared grave." He said. Attacking Ichigo once again.

[ *CLING!*]

Their swords clashed as their spirit energy grew stronger, nearly blasting everyone away.


Kurama activated a green jelly like wall and it instantly protected everyone from the hospital, including Orihime and Chad, whilst the fight between Ichigo and Tsukishima intensified all the way outside.

" Are you sure you're alright?" Asked Chad as he watched her blood gushed from her breast and on her shoulder.

" Don't worry, I'll... find... Uryuu and be okay." She huffed in one breath. Struggling to get up, Chad managed to help her, but her stubbornness had pushed him further.

Suddenly, Orihime almost fell down, due to her pain. When Uryuu used his arrow and cut through the wall, he saw her laying down and groaned in pain. Two of the six fairies, Ayame and Shun'ō, decided to heal her and preventing any blood losses.

" Tsukishima was there. He attacked Orihime." Said Chad in a sombre tone. Uryuu simply turned and looked at their battles.


Meanwhile outside of the Karakura hospital, Kisuke and the others had arrived, along with Yoruichi, who travelled herself in her cat form. When they arrive, they saw Ichigo and Tsukishima clashing their swords.

" Well, isn't that strange? Ichigo is fighting a Fullbringer." Yoruichi spoke herself. A sudden demonic spirit energy had passed through, which she sensed it. Abaddon flew towards the hospital and attempted to destroy Ichigo. Immediately, Yoruichi raced towards him and headbutt him on the stomach and landed on one of the empty ambulances. Then the Xcusion arrived in a nick of time.

Chad and Uryuu saw them including Yoruichi. Whilst Kurama was healing Smokey's wounds and Orihime's were in a near closure, Tsukishima stopped himself as Ginjō shouted:

" You're not supposed to do this, Tsukishima! She'll betray you just like everyone else in the spirit world!"

" You don't know anything, Ginjō. Kazumi should have killed that kid a long time ago if it weren't for that old pest." He smirked.

" You're a bastard, you know that?"

" I do."

By the time Ichigo was about to release his attack, Tsukishima speedily rushed towards him and stabbed his stomach. Everyone was flabbergasted and angry at the same time. As he released his sword from him, Ichigo fell to the ground as blood stained at the road.

" YOU'LL PAY, MOTHERFUCKER!!" Ginjō thundered, fuming mad at Tsukishima's action. He ran towards him and took his cross necklace from his neck as he chanted:


His cross necklace transformed into a larger-sized Long sword. Their fights started escalating when their swords clashed, but this time with their fists and spirit energy collided.

Meanwhile, Chad and Uryuu had to find out if Yoruichi was alright. Yoruichi simply shook her own body and Abaddon raised himself and saw the black cat, distant away from him. He simply chuckled before wincing in pain by the impact of the stomach as he noticed Yoruichi's spirit energy and said her:

" You sure have the guts, Shihōin. Too bad your fiance isn't here to save your ass."

Abaddon placed his hands on the ground and activated a spell as his hands glowed red.


The ground vibrated by Abaddon's spirit energy. A spiral circular portal appeared on the road and cannibal demons crawled upwards, as they were shown off their pale bloody meat instead of skin,similar to a zombie movie. Abaddon laughed once again when a Quincy arrow pierced through his left arm. Abaddon quickly removed both of his hands and felt a sharp pain. The spell vanished and only 15 of them make it out.

" How about we beat yours?" Uryuu requested. Chad was giving Uryuu a piggy back ride and he simply got off Chad. Abaddon gnashed his teeth and was baffled at him - Quincies were supposed to be extinct long time ago thanks to Kazumi and Mayuri.

" I'll kill you, Quincy boy." He threatened.


Abaddon activated his other spell as five black stars headed towards Uryuu. Uryuu simply leaped from his attack and shoot some more arrows. Abaddon took cover from a shattered ambulance, until it hit him on his right knee.

Whilst the cannibal demons took charge on the others, Chad activated his Fullbringer powers on his arms and punched one of their pale skins. One of them charged at him with a doppelgänger ability, similar to Chad's and threw a punch to him. Chad immediately grabbed both of it's fist before knee kicked it. As the other Xcusion were fighting against those demons, including Yoruichi, Orihime felt left out, watching them struggling to beat those cannibal demons and their doppelgänger abilities. She even watched Ichigo grabbing his stomach from bleeding to death.

Kurama saw her sad expression and asked:

" I know that feeling of wishing you wanted to help, but you couldn't. My parents did that too when they fought a monster. You're not going to take it personally, aren't you?"

" Oh no...not at..... Maybe I am. I failed Ichitaro. I failed Tatsuki, my friends. I failed Aunt Tomoē and even Sōra. I even fail myself. I guess my love for Ichigo did made me weak and because of it, I couldn't fight to save and protecting them." She sobbed, as her tears fell from her cheeks and those memories of her seeing everyone suffered, whilst couldn't do anything to help, including her last relative. Sympathetically, Kurama wanted to give her a hug, but one of the six fairies wouldn't let him.

" Then it's not too late to make things right for everyone, including yourself." One of them said. Orihime wiped her tears and saw all of the others as well.

" Tsubaki?" She simply asked.

" Yeah. Tsubaki is right. If you want help them, you had to boost your self confidence first." Another one spoke. All of them agreed.

" I don't know how. "

" I know it's difficult to you, but letting go of your feelings for Ichigo and focus on yourself. Make yourself happy and thus you'll boost your confidence." Said Ayame.

" You can do this, woman. We believe in you. I believe in you. You should too. " Tsubaki said.

In which, Orihime took her breath and sighed. She looked at Kurama and Smokey and said :

" Furūki?"

" That's my grandfather's name. I'm Kurama."

" Oh, it's a strong name. Now here's my plan."


During the battle, almost all of the cannibal demons were destroyed and everyone was exhausted. Tsukishima was laying on the road and Ginjō pointed his sword at him. However, Abaddon side slapped him to wall and he took Uryuu, Ichigo and Yoruichi with him.

He smirked at them as he raised his hand. Suddenly a golden orange coloured arrows sliced his arm in half and when he looked at who it was, Orihime and Kurama were.

" I wouldn't let you harm them, if I were you." She said, confidentiality.