Chapter 34. Kisuke Vs Abaddon


Few of the remaining lieutenants gathered around the assembly room. Some were injured pretty badly, whilst others are on duty on helping rebuilding the Sēireitei and the other patients as well, due to the impact of Katsuya and his army's havoc. Rukia didn't go there because she'd to take care of Ichitaro and his sisters, whilst Renji was waiting for his verdict for keeping them by Yamamoto and Hirōshi.

However; Feng Huang, Xià Xuê de, Li, Qīngtíng and Hēimâ were present as the substitute lieutenants for the day as well as among other 3rd, 4th and 5th rank seated officers.

As soon as Chōjirō arrived at the lieutenant assembly room, all of them stood up and took their seats when he sat down on his chair. He spoke:

"Alright, listen up. A demon is attacking Karakura town and it's now our duty to defeat him before he could destroy yet again. Should we fail, it'll be all over. "

" Wait, before you can continue, Master Chōjirō. Can I ask you something?" Qīngtíng asked.

" Sure thing. "

" Where is Rakshasa ? I know that he's controversial amongst the Lion clan and the Kuchiki clan. And he's Wolf Khitan's child. But, wasn't he responsible for controlling Hell itself and keeping demons at bay from humans? What's gotten in to him?"

" That I could not answer because it's new to me. All I know is that he disappeared when he finished building a certain place at Hueco Mundo. No one knew exactly where he went or whether he's dead or alive." He explained.

He immediately cleared his throat as he them gave each of them instructions and possibilities on defeating Abaddon. Within few minutes passed, everyone dismissed themselves. When Li returned and checked on the triplets, he saw Rukia was there as Izuru dismissed himself after he noticed Li had returned.

Rangiku spotted him and asked:

" Hey, isn't that lady that healed Ichitaro supposed to be here? Where is she?"

" Well, it's a long story." Rukia answered before leaving. Once he saw him, Li immediately said:

" You're seemed keen on taking care of them. "

" It's true. I once took an oath protecting them by a certain someone. I hope I might see him again." Rukia explained and finally requested Li. " Now that you're going to the world of the living, can you give this to an old friend of mine? I can't let anyone know that they're from the world of the living and they knew him longer than I did."

" You mean Isshin's kid, right? He seemed everyone knew him in the Soul society. Are you sure about this?" Li asked.

Rukia nodded as he gave her a folded paper and three of the triplets' cellphones.

Li examined one of the flip phones and the folded paper, in which he was amazed.




Abaddon chanted on a spell, shooting a trout coloured beam straight towards Kurama and Orihime.


Kurama also chanted and this time caramelised sugar rose from his hands to the ground and both escaped as they leaped away from Abaddon's spell, causing a clash.

[ *BOOM!!*]

The explosion shattered the shield into billion pieces and Abaddon shield his own face from it. Once it's passed, he removed his arm and immediately saw Kurama's right leg was landing on his left side. Abaddon briskly blocked his kick, then grabbed his leg and threw him in mid air.


Abaddon launched a heavy purple flames at Kurama. Bravely, Orihime immediately activated five of her fairies.

" Kurama, hang on!" She shouted.


[ *POW!!* ]

She conjured three of her fairies and each of their spirit energy from her morphed into a triangular shaped shield, countering his attacks as the flame went to its separate ways and destroyed fewer buildings. Then, they scooped him and he activated his very own healing power to Ichigo, Uryuu and Yoruichi.


A green mist was released from his hands and repelled a sweet candy apple scent. As it crawled towards their unconscious bodies, this gave Orihime an opportunity to protect them and distract Abaddon.


Two of her fairies were morphed into a dome like barrier, attempting to heal them instantly. As such, they simply dropped Kurama down and he continued healing them.

" Demon, you can no longer hurt my friends anymore!", She exclaimed Abaddon. Orihime then turned to Tsubaki and simply said: " I'm ready."

With a deep breath as Abaddon smirked and headed straight towards her, Orihime immediately increased her spirit energy to Tsubaki and finally chanted:


A burst of energy turned Tsubaki into a small plane shaped arrow and headed straight towards Abaddon. Abaddon's entire body was sliced in half, yet it didn't explode like any other demons. Chad struggled to get up and limped towards her as he was impressed, even though he was injured on his left leg. When Kisuke and the others arrived towards the hospital, Tessai saw the battle and was amazed at Orihime's confidence. But Kisuke sensed something wrong.

By the time, Tsubaki and the other three fairies returned back to Orihime, a mysterious rectangular prism shaped crystal captured and froze all of them, one by one. Orihime gaped with horror and as soon as she tried to reach out Tsubaki, screaming his name, a powerful spirit energy, disguising as a black ball of smoke, was heading straight towards her.

At first she evaded its attack as she rushed straight to her fairies, but it catched her and grabbed her neck. It then turned itself into a humanoid demon and once the smoke clears, it was revealed as Abaddon.

Kurama and Chad saw her in danger as her emitted yelp was heard.

" Orihime, hang on!" Chad shouted.

He ran whilst he hopped on his injured leg as he tried reaching out on her. But more gargoyles appeared so sudden, they captured him along with the Xcusion team.

Kurama also raced in and saved the others. As he was activating a certain spell that could stop them, but was halted by Tsukishima, who was bleeding and covered in slashes by Ginjō. He pointed a sword right at his throat and devilishly smirked which terrified him:

" Don't even think about it, Ōtōkawa."

Meanwhile, Tessai and Naruto saw Orihime might die from Abaddon's grip.

" We need a plan. Fast!" Tessai stated. Once he turned to Kisuke for answers, he was nowhere to be seen and he noticed that he's after Abaddon — on his own.

Abaddon smiled at Orihime who was struggling to wriggling herself free. His fiendish smirk appeared on his face as he gave her a spine-chilling smug. His robustful hand slowly `squeezing` her delicate throat, screaming in pain which Uryuu woke from a `slumber`.

When he opened his eyes, Uryuu was terrified and livid. He got up as he snapped:


He activated his spirit bow from his bracelet, but the gargoyles punched him in stomach and grabbed his arms as they removed his bracelet from him

Abaddon, immediately turned to Uryuu and, in a conceited tone, responded with a booming laughter:

" Oh little Quincy. Not much of a tough guy, aren't you? You should be watching quietly like a little good boy you are. Enjoy what I'm about to do with her."

" You won't get away with this. YOU HEAR ME?!"

" I just did. Besides, you and that little girl aren't so bad at fighting yourselves. But I'm afraid you have to do a lot more than that if you want to stop me, which is impossible. Even if it means ending her fragile life."

" NOOOOOO!! ORIHIME!!" Uryuu screamed, he couldn't bare witnessing Orihime's death. Just as Abaddon was choking her, a powerful red beam connected on his jaw and he was heaved and crashed weakly on the ground, broke Orihime free. Many cars were halted and some were hit by Abaddon's body.

[ *CRASH!!*]

[ *SCREECH!!*]

He struggled as he got up and turned around, looking for someone who've done it like a madman loosing his sanity.

" You should leave the girl, you pervert. She's not even your type." Said a voice, in which Abaddon recognised him.

When he turned, he saw a figure standing distant away from him and his smirk somehow annoyed him. Abaddon snarled at him when he knew it was Kisuke Urahara, pointing his finger at him as smoke appeared from it.

" Hello, Abbey." Said Kisuke, blowing his finger acting like it's a gun.

" Kisuke Urahara! You sure have the guts to be here!" He snarled.

" It's not their fault, but you sure have crossed the line. If Rakshasa was here, _____." Said Kisuke, calmly and cheerfully. However, to Abaddon, he was annoyed as hell. He simply cut off his speech when he thundered, fuming mad about Kisuke:


As he ran straight towards him, Kisuke rose his zanpakuto and chanted:


His zanpakuto glowed scarlet and struck a vigorous scarlet line towards him, slicing his arm off and screamed in pain. Abaddon saw Kisuke's zanpakuto its shikai* form for the first time in his life. He went down on his knees and thought:

' Now he's asking for it.'

He immediately regenerated his arm as he got up. Just before he could sprint, Kisuke disappeared and reappeared Infront of him and shoot another scarlet beam from the tip of his blade backwards, crashing towards a truck. Many people ran away, including the female truck driver, revealing a bloody hole on Abaddon's chest.

" Damn it. He got me." He winced at himself, then added, " You have your` fun `, Kisuke Urahara. Now it's my turn!"

He regenerated his chest once again and cracked his neck, knuckles and shoulders for a warm up. He instantly summoned his demonic sword from his hands, revealing a black and silver similar to Kisuke's zanpakuto, except it's black and golden line with a red tassel at the end of the hook like hinge.

In full speed, Abaddon took charge as headed straight towards him and so does Kisuke, creating a powerful clashing wave that spreads throughout Karakura town and blew the gargoyles away. Majority of buildings and cars were severely damaged and gave a commotion to others.

[ *DOOF!!* ]

Their swords collided on each stroke, attempting to slice each other. The battle between them was on.

Ichigo and Yoruichi managed to get up as Uryuu ran towards Orihime, who was coughing and gasping for air. However, one of the gargoyles stood behind them and raised his hand towards them.

By then, an unknown powerful blue beam struck him and his head was blasted int tiny bits of brains, eyes, blood, tounge, teeth, horns, skulls and meat that scattered on the street. An audible thud was heard by Ichigo and Yoruichi and when they turned their backs, they saw Li lowering his right hand.

" You've returned to the Soul society, huh?" Yoruichi asked.

" Maybe. Duty calls." Li simply answered. When one of the gargoyles flew over straight at Li,he rose both of his hands and a magical force, pushing it backwards as it vanished into thin air. More and more gargoyles appeared, which might be a little bit tricky for him. Yet his siblings and the lieutenants, including Chōjirō, arrived and attacked them head on.

Li immediately threw a piece of paper with a picture of clothes in it. Yoruichi, briskly went towards it and grabbed it transforming herself into her human form, but this time with her orange top and a black ninja style tights. The half dead cannibal demon and rushed towards them. Both Yoruichi and Ichigo raced towards it.

" Time to go back where you belong, Ōtōkawa." Tsukishima said in a cold tone.

Just as Tsukishima rose his sword towards Kurama, Tessai activated a spell that blasted him away. When he landed safely towards the ground, Tsukishima spotted Tessai helping Kurama from his knees.

" Gosh, this is why I hate Soul reapers." He muttered.

He activated his spirit energy and with a tip of his blade, aiming it towards Kurama. But Tessai sensed his spirit energy and immediately blocked his attacks.

" If you want to kill him, try passing me instead." Tessai said in a courageous tone.

" Challenge accepted." Tsukishima chuckled lightly, spitting blood from his mouth and they too collided as well.

Meanwhile, as minutes passed, a battle between Kisuke and Abaddon continued creating more mayhem on the streets of Karakura town. Abaddon volley punch Kisuke on both angles and was thrown to the ground. Kisuke gracefully used a tip of his zanpakuto and grinded on roads safely. He shook his head as he held his green and white striped straw hat. He chuckled as he said:

" Out of every demon punches I've suffered, yours is the worst. Even a four year old child can do a better job than you."

" Shut up, Kisuke. I should have dragged you to Hell and be my bed warmer for all eternity!" Abaddon sneered, thus making Kisuke laughed.

" The only bed warmer I have is my fiancée. I don't need an ugly demon as third party." He laughed.

" You mean that Shihōin cat lady? I'm impressed." Abaddon smirked.

" You'll be even more impressed."

Kisuke's spirit energy rose to the point that it almost dropped Abaddon. As his zanpakuto glowed scarlet, his smirk disappeared from his mouth. He started shaking in fear and was in horror. Kisuke finally explained to Abaddon:

" This is Benihime's technique that only you can see it once and never again because you'll dead afterwards. I was going to use it on the Soul society for turning their backs on me, but a little dragon lady once told me Kazumi and Aizan were involved in this and so are you. I'm not going to say it's name, but you'll enjoy it more than your victims, you sick rapist. I'll never utter the name of the red princess's technique. Only you can see it and never again."

Multiple scarlet turned crimson ribbons quickly raced towards Abaddon and he was flapping with his bat like wings away from it. But it intertwined all over his body and even sliced his `penis` and burning it into a fully burnt meat. As Abaddon screamed in pain, a ribbon also burned his entire skin, except his face. But when he was about to finish him instantly, a phone was ringing on his side pocket. When he removed it, he saw a call from Kazumi. He answered her call, just to hear her voice.

«Hello? Abaddon? Is it done? Did you kill all of them?! Answer me, damnit?!» she called.


After moments had passed, few of the gargoyles retreated, knowing that soul reapers are super tough. Even Tsukishima ran away from Tessai. Li and Hēimâ healed both Chad and Orihime's wounds. Uryuu was sitting along with her as he was worried about her. When Orihime looked at Uryuu, they both smiled at each other with a burst of relief and joy.

Once Li was done, he gave Ichigo a folded paper and three of the triplets' cellphones. When he opened a folded paper, he noticed that Rukia's drawings had been improved, giving him more hope.

Yet,swarms of yellow hornets arrived on each and every spirit realm, giving a crucial news about Aizan's death. Mixed reactions occurred on different entities and rulers and once it reaches on Kisuke, a smile appeared on his face.

« Abaddon, why are you silent? Cat got your tongue?»

« Aizan's dead and so is your plan » Kisuke answered as he threw Abaddon's phone towards him and sliced the demon in half, killing him instantly.