Part One

Eden: Paradise Lost (A Zombie Tale by Dadrizzle30)

So the backstory on this tale is that it's technically a sequel to two separate zombie stories I wrote back in 2006/2007 respectively. But re reading this massive undertaking has led me to believe the story can stand on its own and I believe that you guys will respond in kind. So without further adieu, I bring to you my epic zombie take from 2011…

Nick Garza ran as fast as he could as he had barely let the car come to a full stop as he had stripped his seatbelt off and was running at a full sprint towards his apartment complex. He never made it past the military service men as a large force had completely surrounded the building, Tanks and Armoured Keeps sat all along the outside as Military Grade Choppers flew about the night sky, shining spotlights down over the various windows of the building as Nick fought like hell to get her Marines off of him. 

Nick: My wife's in there, goddamnit! Let me go! My daughter' girls...let go of me!

Military Grunt: Sir! please...calm down!

Nick strikes the marine and he lets go as the shot landed flush, allowing Nick to run a few more places before being struck in the stomach by another Marine, the force dropping Nick to his knees as he gasps for air. A few paces away from Nick were two stern looking men, Shane Yates and TY McBriar. Shane sighs and lights a cigarette as he Ty pulls up a thermal image on a wrist mounted portable smartphone. 

TY: Fuck. This building is crawling with them. 

Shane: Pretty much what we expected. I guess we don't have a choice. Initiate Protocol 6-G. 

TY: Shouldn't we at least try and see if there can be any survivors?

Marine: Runner! We got a runner!

Nick looks up as everyone unleashed a barrage of gunfire on what was clearly a Running Zombie, the Zombie becoming instant ground beef as it's body was torn to shreds by a hail of unrelenting bullets as he was taken down without a second of hesitation. Shane grunts and looks at TY who looks solemn. 

Shane: Suppose that's going to be your answer, TY. 

TY: (touching in a sequence) Initiating Protocol 6-G...General?

Nick looked up as some soldiers were standing around him on guard as General Marcus Reid, a large and astute looking black man walked over towards them with a serious look of determination on his face. 

Marcus: Do It.

Voice: Daddy!

Nick looks up horrified as he sees his youngest daughter screaming for him at one of the spotlit windows on the eighth floor. 

Nick: Olivia!

Marcus: Cancel the detonation!

TY: I... General…

Olivia: Daddy! Daddy I'm…

Her sentence was silenced as a ball of flame erupts from the apartment complex as it exploded.

Nick: Olivia!!! Nooo!!

Nick screams in anguish as he gets up and runs towards the the towering inferno as she building was collapsing into fiery rubble, TY and Shane quickly cutting him off and subduing him as Nick screams and begins to sob in emotional agony as General Marcus watched the sight with tears forming in his eyes as he knew all to well the pain this man before him was experiencing. TY comes over as Shane was holding Nick down and doing his best to console the grief stricken man as he was a crying mess. 

TY: General...I couldn't stop the order…

Marcus: It's not your fault, TY. It's mine and mine alone. 

TY: What now sir?

Marcus: We go back to EDEN. And be sure we bring him along…

The words seem to echo in the mind of Nick as the fire from the rubbles shine in his eyes.

One year later. 

Nick sits up from his cot and rubs his face as he clearly had been having a dream thinking back on that day. He sighs and makes various waking up grunts and noises before he stands in boxers and heads to his closet as he opens the doors and reveals one outfit, and an arsenal of weaponry. Nick grabs the garb before he begins to load up his guns, a tedious process he thought, but one he never skipped as it takes him several minutes to load every magazine in the respective guns before he heads into his bathroom with his outfit and a loaded .45. He showers, shaves, brushes his teeth and then dresses, eventually going back into his room as he draws his gun suddenly as he spots an unexpected guest. 

Nick: Goddamnit, Ajax. What the fuck are you doing here?

Alexander "Ajax" Jackson smirks as he sits on Nick's cot, taking an unnecessary cocky bite out of an apple.

Ajax: Just another beautiful morning in paradise, ain't it?

Nick: Doesn't answer my question. 

Ajax: Relax, I got orders, have to round everyone up, you're the last. 

Nick: Could've just knocked, I should've shot you(holstering the .45).

Ajax: Yeah, but you didn't. 

Nick: Still could. 

Ajax: come on man, stop playing. 

Nick smirks as he grabs his gear bag full of weapons and ammo and follows Ajax out of the room. 

EDEN, one of the last American strongholds. It sat in Washington DC, covering nearly 500 miles, as largely erected skyscrapers dubbed "Prime's" sat in the middle of the central area to EDEN and houses nearly 100,000 inhabitants. The middle section of EDEN, dubbed "The Square" was the bulk of EDEN and the largest residential area covered by the military at every corner. The outer leg of EDEN dubbed "Fools Landing" bordered the city's outskirts and was the underbelly of EDEN, as well as the strongest military presence. EDEN was bordered by large bodies of water on its left and right and a giant cemented barricades with snipers posted at strategic ends as well humanly mounted and automated torrent guns. Two large automatic steel enforced slide doors were mounted on each barricade to allow vehicle passage, and helipads were situated all over EDEN. Two large cruise ships sat docked at a nearby port and were constantly patrolled by military as these ships were the lifeboats for the inhabitants in case of a breach or outbreak. 

Nick lived in a complex in the Square and followed Ajax thought the squares central market area 

Ajax: Boss wants everyone to meet at the southeast outpost in Fools Landing.

Nick: Alright, guess I'll just follow you then. 

Nick flashes his ID to an assigned guard and the guard scans him and Ajax through, Ajax walking to his parked vehicle in the large garage section of the Square as Nick goes to a black crotch rocket. Ajax takes off and passes the check out barrier as Nick follows close behind as he rides without a helmet. 


Two Teenagers walk up to a building that was already humming and bristling with life already at this early hour and the Bouncer checks their ID scans before checking them out. 

Bouncer: Don't expect me to believe you're 21. 

Teen 1: How much it gonna cost us, man?

Bouncer: 600. Apiece.

Teen 2: aight, shit. Pay him. 

The teens pay off the bouncer and the bouncer nods as he pockets the cash and says 

Bouncer: Alrighty, boys. Welcome to Apocalyptica. 

Apocalyptica, the always vibrant, bumping with vice club in the heart of Fools Landing was pulsating with all forms of decadence, which was solely encouraged, for a substantial price mind you. 

The two teens walk in and marvel at the glorious sight that enticed their young minds. The two story building was lightly dimmed and playing loud and pulsing trance music with appropriate strobe lighting accompanying it as a large stage was set near the middle of the building as various exotic dancers were showcasing their beautiful naked bodied as other strippers danced in cages that were placed all about the club as some were even suspended in the air on the upper levels. A bar was located near the back where patrons were served by topless women as gambling machines were ringing loudly as poker and black jack tables were also being used as military paid bouncers were posted all over. In corner booths there are wealthy men snorting drugs off of bare women's backsides and chests, as some are even enjoying blowjob's by multiple women at once as another was being taken from behind as he dropped hundreds over her back and ass. The Two Teens dab each other up before they go their separate ways to enjoy their time inside. 

Backstage of the exotic dancers platform was Brianna Danielle, a hardened but beautiful woman who straps her bra on after getting off of the stage, quickly lighting a cigarette as Kayla Leon comes over as she takes hers off and checks herself out in the mirror. 

Kayla: Again, tell me why we're doing this?

Brianna: it pays, Kayla. More than mercenary work has.

Kayla: We're trained killers, not strippers. Evelyn, back me up please. 

Evelyn Mercer count's her money as she takes a joint and lights it. 

Evelyn: You should be counting what we made, child. 

Kayla: ugh, goddamnit. 

Amy Mire pokes her head through the curtain and grabs Kayla by forearm

Amy: Come on girl, it's showtime!

Kayla begrudgingly goes along with Amy as Brianna turns to see the owner, Adam Davis coming over. 

Adam: Here's your cut. 

Brianna takes the wad of cash from Adam and smirks. 

Brianna: Thanks, Doll. 

Adam: I told you stripping pays well. 

Brianna: It'll do for now. 

Mandy Grier, an even more beautiful tatted up beauty comes over and takes a few bills from Brianna, handing her a packet of pills. 

Mandy: Let's party, hoe. 

Brianna shakes her head and follows Mandy as Adam just whistles as he watched their nice asses sway as they walked off. 

Adam: I love the end of the world. 


Ajax arrives first with Nick pulling up close behind as Nick flips him off as the two get out of their vehicles as they head towards the outpost where the rest of their team had already assembled. 

The 23rd was comprised of squad members Nick, Ajax, a young blonde haired lad name Miles Reed, a cute faced young woman named Krista Grier, a hotshot buzz cut former marine named Jared Morten, a brunette with a harsh demeanour named Rebecca Briggs, a bald and bearded former mercenary named Colby Jerrett, a goofy tatted up guy named John Lordis, the quiet and tough looking Mary Galvan, and a younger Asian woman named Millie Yen. 

Nick and Rebecca kiss as Jared leans over to Colby

Jared: You think he's hit that yet?

Mary: None of your business, Morten. 

Colby: Mary you're only mad cuz you're a lesbian and no chick wants to hang you.

Mary: At least those chicks no what they're doing, more than some I would say...

Krista and Millie snicker as Mary smirks as Colby flips her off, Nick running his hand over Rebecca's cheeks as he smiles.

Nick: Ya miss me?

Rebecca: Not even a little. 

Nick: Ouch

Rebecca: Don't worry, I'll make it up to you. 

Nick: Looking forward to it. 

Ajax coughs to get their attention as the two look over to see Shane Yates standing near them.

Shane: Let's save the pillow talk. 

Nick: Yes, sir. 

The two sit down as Ajax stays put, Shane looking over everyone before turning on a 3D projector screen with a virtual map being shown covering a large area. 

Shane: Georgetown, about 6 miles north of here outside of EDEN, anyone familiar?

Jared: Gonna garner a no, sir. 

Shane: Morten, shut up. 

Krista: What's so important Georgetown, sir?

Voice: Two military jeeps were apprehend, used to clear the access checkpoints and are currently residing there. These Jeep's were tagged with our integrated tracking beacons without their knowledge. 

The group looks over to see their leader, and one of the lone survivor's of the first major EDEN which was called Haven City. Kris Scroggins looks them over as he comes and stands next to Shane. 

Kris: Whoever these people are, they bypassed EDEN security and are currently in Georgetown. 

Nick: Someone outsmarted military intelligence, how hard can that be?

Shane: Soldier or not, that's out of line. 

Nick: Good thing I'm not considered a soldier. 

Kris: I don't care what you call yourself, speak as candidly as you want, just as long as you follow orders. 

Nick: Always. 

Kris: Big wigs upstairs want these bastards apprehended and trialed. That's where we come in. 

Colby: Wouldn't it be easier to just assume that these guys are chomped zombie food? There is a shit ton of deader activity outside these walls?

Mary: Stealing two keeps means a sizable enough party if they're a solid group, it's better to assume they're still alive. 

Kris: Exactly. 

Miles twirls a throwing knife as Ajax folds his arms.

Ajax: Bring em back alive, sure.  What if they're hostile?

Shane: General Marcus wants them alive, do not kill any of them, no matter what. 

Nick: Why?

Kris and Shane share a look.

Kris: President Geer thinks these men are a cudeta splinter group under orders from A.P.P Political Head Justin Finch. 

Mary: Why would a high ranking politician hire mercenaries to usurp the current party?

Miles: And why would they go to Georgetown? That doesn't make sense. 

Shane: Were hoping to find out. But unless we have something to point this back to Finch, we can't do anything about it. General Marcus will not have another EDEN fall again by human tampering. 

Kris: This isn't just about capturing potential political terrorists, this is about preventing a possible Haven City reoccurrence, something I do not wish to live through again.

Rebecca: We understand, sir. 

Nick Huff's as Rebecca nudges him

Shane: I'll be accompanying you under general Marcus's orders. 

Jared: Oh, how fun. 

Krista: Shut up, Morten. 

Kris nods to them all

Kris: Gear up, we leave in ten.

The group head off to begin gearing up as Shane and Kris walk over and begin to discuss amongst themselves. 

End of Part One