Part Two

Eden: Paradise Lost 

Part Two

President Andrew Feet, an old and determined looking man who's seen a lot in his sixty years, sits in a luxury suite in the "Prime One" building. Andrew looked out at the view of the city before turning to address his guest. American Progressive Party figurehead and opposing political partner Justin Finch sits in a plush chair as he was a hefty man with an unearned smirk drinking at a scotch a soda a secretary made as Andrew shakes his head as he sees the grin. 

Andrew; Eden all accounts, the last known American city still in operation, still with a beating pulse.

Justin: That it is. 

Andrew takes his seat across from him.

Andrew: Stop it, Finch. 

Justin: Excuse me?

Andrew: Enough, Finch! Goddamnit, this city is all that thousands of people have left…

Justin: I represent these people, President Geer. I know all too well what this means to them and it is because of that they a new head of state has to come into play. Democracy has to flourish, under me, I can promise everyone that peace of mind. 

Andrew; We are surrounded by walls to protect us from the hordes of the living dead. There can be no peace of mind in this world. 

Justin: That, that right there is why you're unfit to lead. 

Andrew: We tracked them to Georgetown, and once we get the confessions of what you're behind, you'll be banished. maybe even put to death, who knows when it comes what General Marcus would want to do. And once that comes to pass I will not have to worry about you anymore 

Justin smiles and puts down his drink as he finishes it in a large swallow. 

Justin: If that's what you think.

Justin stand sand turns as he heads out of the suite as the president shouts

Andrew: You won't get away with it! Whatever it is you're planning we'll stop you. I'll stop you from killing Innocent American lives!

Justin: President Geer...if only you had a clue. 

Justin stood at the dear and turns 

Justin: if I can't bring America into this new age the way it needs to be led, what makes you think I'll let you?

Justin heads out as President Andrew shakes with anger and despair. 

In the Square, a ten out of ten beauty named Lyndsey Cooper walks along with her friends Lily Hernandez, and Amber Smith. The three shop at various kiosks about the Square as there were hundreds of people out now.

Lyndsey: Do we have enough bread?

Amber: I think so. 

Lily looks over a menu as she picks the items from the menu that the Clerk quickly goes and gathers.

Amber: So are you and Miles still going steady?

Lyndsey: Steady enough. 

Amber: Don't be coy, girl. Spill. 

Lyndsey: Me and miles are just out taking time, that's all. 

Amber: Well I think it's cute. You being so much than him and all. 

Lyndsey: No, you're just making me sound like I'm some kind of cougar!

Lily comes over with a bag full of times as she giggled and said

Lily: Well I mean you kinda are. 

Lyndsey huffs as she storms off as both women laugh and catch up to her and try to cheer her up as she seems a little upset about their accusations. 


 Nick checks his AR-15 as Ajax loads a chrome plated MP5 machine gun. Jared straps on two bandoliers full of shotgun rounds as he grabs a Spaz 12 gauge and loads it. Colby holds up two submachine guns as Krista checks her sights on her M16 turning on the red dot attachment as she smiles. Miles spins a throwing knife and adds it to one of the many belts he had strapped across his legs, arms and waist as two large Bowie knives were stuck to ankle holsters as he had a 9mm on his hip as well. Shane holds up a bolt action rifle and has grenades strapped across his chest as Millie and John carry dozens of clip reloads into two large backpacks as they are each armed with a 9mm beretta and M16. 

Rebecca holds up her left arm and watches as a retractable blade comes through her sleeve and on her right arm a small deringer pops out of the sleeve at the same time. She smirks at Nick who puts his chrome .45s in their hips holsters as she retracts the blade and pistol and grabs a SVD Sniper Rifle. Mary holds up a crossbow as she carries a shoulder satchel full of arrows, as well as a compressed diamond bow with laser sightings.  On her hip was a 9mm and a lone submachine gun. 

Kris walks in with a wrist held tracking unit as he had a .50 cal desert eagle on his hip, a 12 gauge tactical with two six sided round chambers, and a M16 with a modified front attached grenade launcher. 

Kris: 23rd..let's go.

The group load up into the armored camper drives out of the checkpoint as the Gates quickly begin to shut behind them a few moments later. Kris and Nick looked over the tracking beacon signal as the rest were checking on the map on a built in wall mounted TV as John was the driver for this mission.

Kris: We all know the blue dots represent the deaders, anything red and yellow is what we're looking for. 

Nick: Looks like most of the activity is 

Nick leans in and types in a sequence that comes up on the monitors that shows what appears to be thousands of blue dots around a specific area. 

Rebecca: What the hell is that?

Jared: Some kind of hold up spot? Warehouse maybe, meat plant?

Mary: Too many deaders, there's gotta be people there. 

Krista: I agree. 

Shane points to a heavy blue dotted area. 

Shane: We'll want to come in Best way to avoid the cluster fuck of dead heads. 

Kris: John, you're going to take a right in about two miles. 

John: Got it. 

John moves the armored camper into the direction of a shuffling corpse in the middle of the road that was standing about idly, the corpse exploding into meaty viscera upon impact. 

Industrial compound, Georgetown.

Terry Lewis comes into a room, a .30.30 repeater rifle in hand as he had two 357s on his hips as Kyle York and Cody Lundberg stand on alert. 

Terry: (to Cody) He cracked in yet?

The three look at their comrade who was sitting at the computer typing away as Maxwell Harrison was looking from screen to screen as the server was connected to various monitors and other servers as  a large automated door sat closed a dozen feet away. 

Kyle: Nothing yet. 

Terry: We're running out of timeFrankie's been bit. 

Cody: Fuck. 

Kyle: How?

Terry: Beats me, damn thing came out of nowhere. 

Kyle: Runner?

Terry: Yeah..

Kyle: Who's gonna…

Terry:  Me. 

Cody: Where's the boss?

Terry: Patrolling the area with Jasmyn and Dustin. Collin says there's a thousand of them outside trying to claw their way in. Whitney's holding the back end which is pretty barren. 

Kyle: Why are you down here if you have to take care of Frankie?

Terry looks at Maxwell with a somber expression. 

Terry: I was hoping to have a little good news, I guess.

Terry turns and heads off as Kyle and Cody go back to guarding Max as Max looks at the screens intensely.

Terry makes his way back upstairs for a few flights before he gets to the roof access door and heads through as Collin Sorino looks at him as he held his sniper rifle to his side as he was smoking a cigarette, Dustin Rodgers stood close by with a AR pointed at Frankie Donahue, a pale and detailed young woman who was no longer poised to have much of a life at all 

Dustin: About goddamn time. 

Terry ignores the comment as he comes and kneels in front of Frankie. 

Terry: How ya feeling, Frankie?

Frankie looks up at him and forces what little smile she could muster as her face was flushed with no color, her arm missing a large chunk of skin as it was wrapped with a makeshift tourniquet that was soaked in blood. 

Frankie: Cold…

Terry: Frankie...I'm sorry. 

Terry feels the breeze as Frankie looks at him with pleading eyes

Frankie: Why haven't you killed me yet? Why haven't you…

Terry: We can't yet...we have to know if...the reports and everything we know is true... I'm so sorry, Frankie. 

Frankie: Kill hurts so badly...kill me...just fucking kill me…!

Terry scoots back as she lunges at him, Dustin and Collin aiming at her as she screamed, her arms and legs tightly bonded as she merely falls over as the growing noise of the undead drowns out her shriek. 

Terry: We better be right about this...fucking Christ we better be right. 

Frankie lay crying on her face as Terry looked over the building to see thousands of walkers and runners reaching up at the sky towards them, others were trying to beat themselves into the barricaded doors. 


Makayla Brooke, another member of Brianna's mercenaries, does a line of coke as Mandy takes a shot of whiskey, Brianna rolling a joint as the three girls eventually light it up and pass it about in the booth at the tail end of the bar. Brianna watched Kayla and Amy entice some customers on stage and Mandy hands Brianna another shot from the whiskey. 

Mandy: You can't tell me these perks aren't worth showing some titty, you just can't. 

Mandy takes the shot by herself as Makayla wipes her nose. 

Mak: Got that right. 

Brianna: I like killing zombies. Sure stripping pays more but there's no thrill in this. 

Mandy: Ah, stop whining. 

Brianna smirks but it quickly fades as she notices something towards the back end of the private booths. 

Brianna curses and quickly gets up, striding over towards the back end as Mandy and Makayla watch confused but only for a moment as the two quickly follow behind Brianna as Amy and Kayla watch from the stage much to the displeasure of their viewers. 

Brianna comes to the private back end room and rears her leg back as she kicks the door in with a precise strike. 

Four Men looked up as the Fifth was tearing at the woman's shirt as he was thrusting in between her legs hard and violently as she screamed. Two of the men cheered for their bud and another approached Brianna as she had the joint still lit between her lips as the other man continues raping the defenseless woman. Brianna sneers as she spots the joint out and and she quickly kicks her legs down and pops a spring loaded ring hooked blade from her hip as she grabbed the hilt and stabbed it upwards and into the man who was approaching her as she stabbed him between his legs. He screams as she pushes the blade up and then rips it backwards as she watches his balls and some small intestine fall from out of the torn hole. The Rapist stops instantly as the other three go for the pistols, Brianna wasting no time as she pushed the disemboweled into Two of the men forcing them back and off of their feet as she ran and disarmed the third as she breaks his arm and took the gun from his unclutched fingers as she then shoots him the chest twice. 

She turns and watched as the other two push their dead friend off of them and aim at her but before they could get a shot off Mandy ran and side kicked one in the face as Makayla runs and brings the other man down again as she wrapped her arms around his neck and snapped it as they fell. 

Mandy watched the man she kicked try to stand back up but she kicked him across the face and then with all her might she stomps down over his temple and feels the heel of her stiletto boots breaking through skin and skull as she impaled him, killing him instantly. The Rapist quickly tries to get away but Brianna kneecaps him from behind and blows both of his knees out with precise shots to the back of his knees as the rapist screams and falls over as his knees bleed heavily, the victim curled up she was crying as Makayla goes and comforts her as Adam runs into the room surveying the damage. 

Adam: What the fuck happened!?

Mandy; Dirt bag on the floor there  and.his dead buddies were gang raping Caroline. 

Adam: goddamnit. 

Adam rears back and punches the man in the face as hard as he could before he pulled out a .44 Magnum. 

Adam: Should I just blow his head off?

Brianna: Not yet. 

Brianna comes over and with Adam's help, picks the Rapist off of the floor and and puts him on his stomach flair over the table they had Caroline, his knees dangling as blood seeped and he was losing consciousness as Bianca pulled his pants back down. Adam comes over and hands Brianna a loaded long barreled Shotgun that one of the military guards carried. Makayla, Mandy and Caroline watch as Brianna sodomizes the Rapist with the long barrel of the shotgun as he cries out in agony as Brianna's face never changes as she as Adam comes around and outs the .44, to the rapist's head. Brianna and Adam nod and both fire at the exact same time.

The shotgun round tears out his stomach and chest, blowing a hole through the table as his entrails and a pool of blood instantly blast out of his dead body as at the same time his head turned into gory pulp as the .44 round blew everything from the top part of his eye line off.

Brianna lis the shotgun out and rips it on the floor as Adam walks around and wraps his suit coat over Caroline. 

Adam: Nobody fucks with my girls and lives. 

Adam lets Caroline sob against him as his bodyguards stand guard as some men come inside and begin to clean the scene up as Brianna comes over to Mandy and Makayla. 

Brianna: I thinks it's time we get back to what we do best…

Makayla: I think you're right. 

Mandy: Damn. I loved these perks…

Brianna turns and heads out as they follow close behind.

End of Part Two