Part Three

Eden: Paradise Lost

Part Three

Georgetown, 6 Miles from Eden

John drives pass the " Entering Georgetown" road sign and parks near the outskirts of town. John turns back to face everyone as he nods at Kris. 

Kris: Alright, everyone, focus. No mistakes. John, hold down the fort. 

John: Yes, sir. 

Kris and the 23rd file out of the armored camper, guns leveled as the form a specific formation as Kris is the last to exit the vehicle as John shuts the door closed behind them 

Kris: Bravo team. Ajax, Millie, Colby, Miles and Shane head on. Alpha team with me, we'll head to the targeted location. 

Jared, Mary, Krista, Rebecca and Nick follow Kris as the teams split and head to their designated area. 

Industrial complex

Max stops typing as a red flash begins to sound off like an alarm as it continues until he punches in a code on his laptop, Max checking it before he pushes in his earpiece.

Max: Boss...the Sensors just flared. I've got red dot activity...two teams it seems, one beaskmg here...the other westward to flanm the front end. Yes sir. 

Max pushes in the com link again and switches feeds as he turns to Cody and Kyle. 

Max: You know what to do. 

Shane and Ajax lead as Shane stops them as a cluster of walkers stalk the streets as Mille checks her thermal scanner as they didn't notice a small pod hidden by the brush flashing red. 

Millie: These are the only ones I see for the next six blocks. 

Colby: I count twelve...maybe a thirteenth somewhere near…

Shane: Any gunfire at this point will only draw attention to us in a defenseless area,  no we need to to take out silently. 

Miles comes between Millie and Ajax as he draws two throwing daggers. 

Miles: Give me a few minutes, I'll clear the street. 

Miles quickly creeps down and throws two of the throwing knives, hitting two zombies as they dropped as Ajax smirked. 

Ajax: It's always fun watching that scrawny bastard kill deaders. 

Miles stabs one through the brain as he pulls that knife out and tosses it into another one's skull. Miles watches as the remaining ghouls begin towards him, Miles drawing for daggers as he underhand tosses all four and drops four  zombies at once with blades into their skills as the blades drilled through and struck their brains. 

The remaining four zombies draw closer and Miles draws another three daggers and spinning each one before he tossed them, watching each knife hit their targets with uncanny precision as he watched two bit one zombie in the skull and the other went through its eyes. The last two zombies were now within arms reach of Miles. 

Shane tense up but Ajax touches his chest and just shakes his head calming Shane as Miles drew one of his Bowie knives and cuts clean through one's neck, taking the head off as he moves back and tosses a dagger down and into the severed heads forehead as its jaws were still snapping before the dagger tore through its skull. Miles then quickly runs and slams the Bowie knife into the last zombies temple.

Miles smirks as he collects his thrown daggers and Millie scanned on the thermal before she quickly shouted

Millie: Miles!

From Miles right a Runner appeared and came bolting into view, but Miles calmly turned and threw one of the collected throwing knives backhanded, the Runner falling over as it spun in mid air as the blade impaled through its left eye. Miles quickly tosses another into the back of its head for a double tap as the others come rushing down to regroup with their comrade as Miles pulls the blades out of the Runner and holsters his Bowie.

Shane looks at the dead walker carnage and nods. 

Shane: Impressive, but we better hurry. 

The bravo unit reform up together and head on. 

Terry stands with his arms folded as Frankie breathing slow and steady as her veins are protruding through her pale flesh as Dustin and Collin watch the area. 

Terry: Frankie…

Frankie: Mm..

Terry: How do you...feel?

Frankie just labors and doesn't reply. 

Dustin pulls the tab on his machine gun and aims at her as Collin looks at her and then turns away as he closes his eyes in shame. 

Collin: Fuck…

Dustin: Least it's over for her…

Terry: Now we wait. 

Terry pushes the com link in from his ear piece.

Terry: boss...she just...yeah. we're waiting right now. Understood. 

Terry pushes the earpiece in and draws his .357 as he steps back from her. 

Dustin: What now?

Terry: Stay aware. And we wait. 

Kris and Alpha unit stop as Nick and Mary share the thermal goggles as they watch the thousand plus zombies surround the complex. 

Nick: Bravo unit's not in place yet, there's still too many. Plus we would've heard something by now. 

Krista: Let's give them time. 

Kris: The longer we're out here the more vulnerable we are. (Pushes in ear piece), Shane, where is bravo?

There is silence for a tense moment. 

Shane: (over the radio) In place. Waiting on your go. 

Kris: Are y'all I'm a defensible area?

Shane overlooks the complex from a abandoned building as Ajax hoists a rocket launcher up as everyone else was preparing to defend the new barricaded building

 Shane: I guess you can say that…

Ajax looks through the scope on the launcher. 

Kris: (over radio) let it rain. 

Shane: Over. 

Ajax fires. 

The rocket sails and hits a large clump of walkers, exploding as the fireball sends dozens of zombies into the air and falling over like lifeless dominoes as the core hit by the rocket were completely blown into first bloody bits. 

Kris: Let's go!

The Alpha unit heads towards the back, not noticing a runner spot them from amongst the Walker crowd as the larger pack began towards the sound of accompanying gunfire. 

Terry, Collin and Dustin look over from their spot on the roof as a large portion head towards the other building where the Bravo unit was cutting down as much as they could. 

Terry: Diversionary team. 

Dustin: Didn't work well enough.

The three look to see a large pack of runners run behind the other side of the building. Terry sighs and turns around, screaming as Frankie had stood up and was facing him.

Shane watched as the walkers come shuffling together as the runners were now upon them much faster than the larger horde, Colby mowing a few down as Miles tosses three blades and takes two out as Shane fired and blows the back of one's brain's out with a well times shot as he bolts the rifle and takes aim again as Millie kills two with quick three round bursts but she quickly hops back as three runner slam their arms into the window she was firing from, Millie taking precise head shots as she drops them and checks the thermal scan as they dropped off from the window.

Millie: Fuck…

Blue dots from all over were beginning to surround their building. 

Millie: Oh fuck…

Kris and Alpha Unit turn the corner to the back end of the complex where a decent amount of the walkers were spread about as they shuffled aimlessly.

Kris: Alright...let's..

Voice: Hey!

The 23rd turn to see Kyle standing at the backdoor. 

Kyle: Hurry your asses, now!

Kris: You are under direct violation of…

Kyle: Goddamnit, run!

Nick: sir, we need to go!

The unit takes off as the zombies begin to take notice of them as Kris finally spotted the group of runners that were sprinting at them at full speed as Jared takes a few pot shots to trip them up with sporadic shotgun blasts.

Kyle fires over them and shoots at the zombies nearest the backdoor as he clears them a better path. 

Whitney Mendel and Cody appear next to Kyle and lay more cover as Nick butts his machine gun into a zombies head to move it out of his way as Mary comes up behind him but she goes down hard as a legless walker grabbed her ankle and snagged her down onto the gravel, the Walker quickly climbing on her and snapping its jaws at her, but Krista runs but and kicks it off, putting a round into its skull as Rebecca runs by and helps Mary up as Nick and Jared Lau cover along with Kyle, Whitney and Cody as Mary stands and quickly follows behind Rebecca as they run inside, Nick firing the rest of his clip as he drops as many walkers as he could  before he moves and lets the others lay more cover as they take out the remaining runners, Kris moving himself quickly in as Kyle and Cody shut the door and barricade it back up as the sounds of zombies beating and moaning against the now closed the door was all that could be heard. 

Cody: (pushing in earpiece) Lock it!

The doors suddenly hum and as three metal long bars were attached to a super reinforced metal door frame directly in front of the back door. 

Cody: Good job, Max. 

Jared: Who the fuck is he talking too?

Kyle: Our tech specialist Maxwell. These doors are all reinforced with electronic locking mechanisms.

Kris: I don't know why you helped us, but you've got a lot of explaining to do, because as of right now you and your group are terrorists against EDEN.

Kyle: You may think differently in a few minutes. Come on, I've got orders to bring you guys to the foyer.

Kris: You knew we were coming?

Kyle: Our boss had a clue. I'm sure you and him need to talk. 

Nick and Rebecca share a look as they follow behind Kris as the other three led the way.

Shane reloads as Ajax is positioned at another part of the roof, mowing down walkers as they clustered together.

Shane: There's too many!

Ajax: We got to hold, sir!

Shane: Goddamnit I know!

Shane snaps the bolt and fires, dropping a charging runner as inside, Colby shreds a zombie's head open with bullets as Millie blows one's fingers off as it swipes at her. Miles held the back end down as he stood two of his daggers into the protruding heads of zombies trying to crawl through the window.

In the armored camper, John watches the activity from the tv screen as John curses as he starts the camper up and begins towards the deaser activity.

End of Part Three.