Part Six

Eden: Paradise Lost

Part Six

Kris shakes his head as he pushes the com in to turn it off. 

Kris: What now. 

Lance: Collect the lab data, have Max analyze and plan accordingly.

Nick: Can we leave this place, it's giving me the…

Nick goes down as the zombies great Dane tackles him from behind, Nick screaming as the large dog snaps down at his neck but Lance shoots it off with his AK, Colby shredding it with his two machine guns. Nick stands as the German Shepherd and St Bernard appears snarling from the dark back corner of the large cage, Kris watching as they wait and look about before they charge directly towards the closest person which was Jasmyn.

Lance turns as the German Shepherd bites into her leg, Jasmyn screaming as it severed it off with a violent bite as Jasmyn screams and then coughs up blood as the St Bernard changes pass her and lunges at Miles, who rolls out of the way and tosses a dagger that stabs the dog in the neck. Nick opens fire at the giant dog as Terry shoots Jasmyn in the head as the German Shepherd tore her throat out. The dog snarls and snaps at them as it rushes Terry but Lance spins in front of it and swings his scythe he had taken off from around him as Lance watched the blade sever the dogs head in one swipe as Terry shoots at the head once it lands on the floor.

The St Bernard was still rushing towards Nick as he peppered it with rounds, but it's finally put down when Shane hit a direct shot to its brain with his bolt action, Mary firing an arrow from her crossbow into its skull for good measure. 

Kris comes over to Nick who shakes him off. 

Nick: I'm fine. 

Lance: Where the fuck did they come from?

Max: I didn't see... what happened!?

Lance: Jasmyn's dead..

Kris: It's not his fault, Max didn't have any sight, and my thermal didn't catch it either. Lance: Goddamnit!

Lance kicks a cage as he grips his scythe to the point that his hands began to bleed. 

Jasmyn laid wide eyed as blood poured out of her open orifices. Lance puts the scythe away as he rips his sleeve and wraps his hand quickly, Lance pulling a cigarette out as he begins to walk off. 

Lance: Let us leave this place. 

Everyone soberly follows as Lance fights back the pain from losing yet another comrade in arms. 


Evelyn zips up her boots as Adam stands near Brianna who is loading her stuff as the other girls in her crew were doing the same. 

Adam: Brianna, baby girl, you don't have to go.

Brianna: I appreciate everything, Adam. I and the girls really do, but this…(looking around and pointing at the array of guns and weapons) This is ultimately what we do. What we always should be doing.

She puts the strap of her shotgun around her body as Adam nods and hands her a giant wad of cash. 

Adam; This should help.

Brianna: Adam, no…

Adam: Keep it, you can never say I didn't do anything for you girls. 

Adam kisses her cheek and walks off as Brianna pats the money and puts it into her bag as she turns to the girls as they were waiting for her. 

Brianna: Alright, ladies. Let's do this. 

Industrial complex

Max takes the flash drive that jasmyn had used to download the data and he was loading it into the sub control computer database, Max running the sequence to decide. 

Max: It'll take about half an hour. 

Kris: Any faster ways to get it?

Max: Not without corrupting a good amount of data.

Shane: Well need all the evidence to back out claims. Can't risk it. 

Kris: We need to first establish contact with John at the camper, then get in touch with General Marcus. 

Max: outside of town you can probably reestablish lined phone calls.

Shane: Then we need to get back to the camper. 

Kris: Alright, me, you, Miles, Krista and Colby will head back to our camper.

Nick: What do you want us to do?

Kris: keep Lance and crew company, and update us on the download. 

Jared: Yes, sir. 

Kris comes over to Lance as he sits in a chair in the corner alone. 

Lance: I'm sorry, Lance. 

Lance doesn't say a word as Kris taps him on the shoulder and heads out. 

Max works on the decode but notices a blue dot move on the senior scans towards the complex.

Max: What the hell…?

Whitney looks up at them as they were heading down the stairs towards her

Kris: We're heading out

Whitney: Alright, should be unlatched, from when your other team came in…

Max looks and says out loud as he watches the sensory scan.

Max: The hell is that!?

Whitney steps aside as Kris opens the back door, everyone's weapons leveled before they all stop dead. 

Standing a few yards away is a fur fleshed, blood dripping  zombified Grizzly Bear as it had John's head clutched to his giant front page. 

Kris: Holy shit…

The beats roads and then drops onto all fours, crushing John's skull into gory pulp as it charges towards them. 

Kris: Back! Back, get back inside, run!

They all quickly run inside as Whitney watches the charging bear in horror as Kris slams the door.

Kris: Have them lock it!

Whitney: lock it, Max! Lock it now!

The door slams inwards and the sheer force of the Bear's body colliding into the back entrance causes the door collapse as Whitney disappears under the falling down as blood and bones crack and spray from the impact as the weight from the zombified bear crushed Whitney's body. Kris watches as everyone runs up the stairs as Colby fires down with his submachine guns, but the bullets seem to do nothing to slow the Bear as it roars and begins after them. 

Lance runs to the monitors as Jared runs out after watching the Bear kill and crush Whitney.

Cody: Jesus Christ…

Lance: Stay here!

Lance and Terry run out behind Jared as Kyle follows close behind. 

Kris and the other burst through the doors into the foyer, Jared running up to them as he aims his Shotgun as Kris and Colby shut the door but it's to no avail as seconds later the Bear charges through the door and Jared firing a multiple times at the Bear but it doesn't slow it's momentum as Colby backs away and fires the rest of his clips into the Bear's side and head as the Bear roars and turns and charges him, Jared falling back as Lance and the others appear just as the Bear stands up and hovers over a terrified empty clipped Colby. 

Kris: Colby!!

Colby can only watch in horror as the Bear comes down over him as it latches it's jaws around Colby's skull. 

Kris opens fire, screaming as the Bear Rios Colby's skull cleanly off, everyone getting an angle to finally open fire on it as Kyle tries to run up on him and get a direct shot to its head, only for the Bear to claw him across the arm. Kyle screams as the wound is large and gaping as Miles looks about and grabs a grenade off of Shane's vest and tosses it at the Bear's roaring mouth. 

As he did this Krista takes aim, lining her red dot directly over the grenade and fires a single round that hits the grenade. The grenade explores as the bullet compressed the explosion, containing itself inside the Bear's skull before the Bear's head blows off of its frame in a small fireball which was followed by flesh, blood and brain, skull matter sloppily blowing all over the place as the zombie Bear's now headless body falls over and lands near Colby's own dead body. 

Kyle stands as he holds his arm as Terry checks it over, Lance pulling out his Red 9 Mauser.

Kyle: Boss…

Lance: I'm sorry…

Terry: Wait!

Lances emotionlessly fires a point blank round directly into Kyle's forehead, as the radial spray splatters out the back or his head and Terry gets some splatter across his face as he watches his friends body fall over as Kris curses and throws his gun down as he grabs the back of his head, and paces, about Shane patting Miles as Mary and Dustin run ins and look about at the carnage as Dustin spots Kyle's body.

Dustin: Fuck!

Nick stands near the stairs, not wanting to go in as Collin and Rebecca runned down from the roof access, their rifles raised as Collin goes in first, as Rebecca stops and comes to Nick. 

Rebecca: What happened?

Nick's nods towards the door, Rebecca looking at him, and then at the door as she goes towards it as Nick folds his arms with his head hung as he hears her curse, as he shakes his head and goes back into the sub control room. 

Miles drags Colby's body and begins stripping the body of useful weapons, ammo and gear. Lance stands, arms folded as Collin comes over to him as Terry was smoking a cigarette as he shared it with Mary. 

Collin: Outside area is virtually clean. Me and the chick took out most of the walkers in the area. It's a short walk from here. 

Lance: Thanks, Collin. 

Lance holds his right arm as he had taken some damage years ago from the Haven City incident and rubbed it to get some sensation as a few of his fingers weren't working right. Kris came over towards him as everyone was still processing what had just happened. 

Kris: Nerve damage hasn't stopped your arm being completely useless I see. 

Lance: Took a few years to get used to it and not being able to feel anything in these fingers has been... different.

Kris: You're different, Lance. 

Lance: Like I haven't noticed. 

Lance begins pacing as Kris nods and follows. 

Kris: it's not a bad thing. 

Lance: Hmph, you could've fooled me!

Lance's outbursts seem to catch everyone's attention.

Lance: I lost a lot of people today, because of what I came for, for the truth! And as of right now, I don't even know what to do with it. I was always the man a step ahead, always!

Kris: for yourself. You were always a step ahead for yourself, but you're a leader now. The responsibility, the weight, that weigh's, Lance, it weighs heavily. You're just starting to realize it is all. 

Lance: Maybe, I don't know. 

Kris pats him on the shoulder as Maxwell, Cody and Shane come inside into the open foyer. 

Maxwell: I've got the files decrypted and downloaded. Now I just have to get back and decode it all. 

Kris: Better than staying here any longer , we need to inform the General of what we learned, and regroup inside safer grounds. Shane: I agree. 

Lance: Well give y'all a ride back to the tour vehicle. Misfits, pack up. We're leaving. 

Kris: 23rd, let's do the same. 

The two groups all fall in as they begin to leave the industrial complex as Millie wipes her eyes and places Colby's hands across one another over his chest as Terry closes Kyle's eyes and lights another cigarette and is the last to leave behind everyone. 

End of Part Six