Part Twenty Four

Eden: Paradise Lost

Part Twenty Four

Kris, Nick, Jared and Dustin come to a stop as they notice the ships only a few hundred feet off from the bank.

Dustin: Why aren't the ships gone?

Kris: I don't know…

Jared: Wait, wait, look!

The four draw their guns up as Jared leads and knocks a zombie away with his shotgun as he ran to the edge of their pier, Dustin keeping watch as they all looked on in terror

Nick: Good God…

The four watch as people were running and fighting for their lives in both boats as zombies were all over, walkers and runners alike as people jumped overboard, as others were committing suicide or being torn and ripped apart.

Jared: We have to do something!

Kris: Nothing we can do for them…

Jared: No, fuck no, I will not keep doing these useless ass missions, especially to save the guy who did this in the first place!

Nick: Jared! Fall in line, soldier.

Jared: Stop me, then.

Nick punches Jared as Jared reels only yo strike Nick back, Dustin watching as the zombies were beginning to take notice of their commotion.

Dustin: We're going to have a lot of company if they keep fucking around!

Kris: Enough!

Kris pushes the two away from one another as Jared raises his shotgun at Nick's head.

Jared: I'm going to save as many as people as I can on that you can come with, or try and stop me…

Kris: Jared... you'll die…

Jared: I'd rather die for them then die for that scumbag.

Dustin: We need to go, now!

Kris tenses up as he curses to himself and grabs Nick as he looks at Jared.

Kris: Goodbye, Jared…And good luck.

Jared: Thanks, sir..

Jared jumps over the right side of the pier and onto a motorized small boat as he gets it started as the other three head off as they move past the zombies as Jared quickly takes off as the zombies began to fall into the water as they came for him.

The three make their way towards the warehouse, bit stop as they are soon surrounded by Cultists, each holding up machine guns as the three look about and lower their guns as the warehouse doors slowly open and a man comes walking out with two large men who wore spiked brass knuckles

Man: My children, you have come to grace us with your presence, and your sacrifice.

Nick: Fuck off, nut bag.

One of the cultists hits Nick behind the leg and forces him to his knee as the others aim at Kris and Dustin.

Man: My name is Kolton Havis, your Messiah, your Providence.

Kris: You're...rather were, one of the President's aids on the board?

Kolton: Was another life, a secret life.

Dustin: You'll be dead soon, so don't hold your breath on enjoying your "real" life.

Kolton smiles as he osved and points at the pier.

Kolton: Is that your friend out there? Driving out towards the ships to try and help them?

Kris: He's got nothing to do with this anymore!

Kolton: I think differently. He's still breathing, his flesh, still upon him. Expiation of the flesh, is the only way to save your soul, and the dead, are our Sheppard's.

Kolton signals to his men and one of them aims a sniper rifle at the boat.

Kris: Jared!

The sniper fires.

Jared continues on towards the second cruise ship but the bullet hits the the motor of the boat, Jared drooling as he looks about did the shooter as he couldn't tell the direction as he looks frantic, as another shot rocks the underside of the boat as the hole began to take on water. Jared looking about as the boat began to sank as he tries to think of what he can do, but he never gets the chance as a zombie allears from the water and grabs a hold of the side of the boat as it snaps at Jared who moves back and blows its head off as another Zombie ngrans the front of the boat and leans itself up as the boat dips into the water and knocks Jareddosn as more appear from all around him as the zombies began to converge on the sinking boat as Jared blows another away but screams as one leaned and grabbed his shoulders as it ripped flesh from his neck, and then one bit a large chunk from his arm, Jared screaming as the zombies began to tear and bit off pieces of his flesh as he and the zombies soon disappeared under the water.

The three watch helpless to do anything as Kris lunges at Kolton only did one of the cultists to beat him down with their guns, Kolton smiling as Kris lays in a heap as he suddenly bursts into tears as Dustin and Nick looks about I'm shock at what was happening.

Kolton: Bind them, bring them inside, we shall let them watch the sacrifices before we deal with them accordingly.

Kolton turns and heads on inside as the others tie Dustin and Nick up as they head towards Kris who turns the radio and shouts

Kris: 41-6! 41-6!

A cultists knocks Kris out as they drag the others and Kris slowly inside the warehouse.


Lance listened to Kris's distress call as Brianna had Terry's Radio as Miles comes over to her.

All: Shit.

Miles grabs his MP5 as Brianna grabs him, Miles watching Lyndsey looked at him terrified.

Miles: I have to save them.

Brianna: A 41-6  is human trouble, not dead heads. You're not gonna be able to help them out by yourself.

Lyndsey: Miles…

Miles: I'll be okay, babe I promise.

Brianna: Let me…

Miles: No, you and Millie have to be here for the girls and to watch these assholes. If anything happens…

Amber; Miles, don't leave...You can't leave us, Lyndsey…

Miles comes and kisses her as he heads off.

Miles: I'll be back, with my guys.

Lyndsey goes to Brianna as she cries onto her chest, Brianna patting her as Finch sneers and spits out some blood.

Finch: Don't expect them to be back anytime soon…

Millie comes over and slams the butt of her gun into his mouth as he screams and moans out in pain as he spits out a few teeth.

Finch: Crazy bitch you knocked out my teeth!

Millie: Like that's noticable with you, you goddamn hick.

Adam snickers as Finch gives him a look.

Terry looks at Lance as Lance drives with a torn expression.

Terry: Boss.

Lance: We're to far and to close to our current destination... there's no time…

Kayla and Mandy give each other a look as Max reads over codes on his laptop.

Elsewhere, The Warehouse

Kris stirs awake as he looks to see him hanging a few feet off the ground as he was hanging by his wrist next to Nick who was next to Dustin.

Nick: Guess that's good timing.

Kris: Why?

Dustin: They're starting…

Kris looks to see 27 men standing along an altar that was set in the middle of the warehouse as Kolton sits in a throne with the two large men at either side as Five people were chained together, one of them being Hockmeyer.

Kolton stands as the men stop chanting.

Kolton: Tonight. Our dreams of expiation for cleansing begins, and we will start with these five unpure souls. Bring them out, prepare the first.

The men unchain the first, a woman stripped to get bare skin as she is roughly beaten and placed upon a sturdy marble slab that was about four feet high, Kris and the other two watching in silent horror as the sight.

The woman begs and screams as she looks up at the three and pleads as she watches some men pull inside 6 chained zombies, the woman crying as Kolton smiled and claps.

Kolton: Let her cleansing begin!

The 6 zombies are rustled near the nude woman and soon begin tearing into her as Kris looks away, Nick trying to breaks his bindings as against the beam as Dustin watched aghast as the woman finally stops screaming as her body was gnawled down to nothing but flesh stripped bones.

Hockmeyer watches horrified as the second person is unchained from the group as the 6 zombies are pulled away from the torn apart.

Kolton: Yes! Yes give them to God! Gicenthem to their maker!

Kris: you son of a bitch! I'll kill you!

Kolton: Killing me, will only make me stronger with God.

Kolton signals and the men let the 6 zombies loose on the man as they turn into him as well, eating at his face and eyes, tearing away at his skin as he's tkrn apart Kris screams enraged.

Outside, a few cultists patrol, keeping the nearby zombies away with silenced guns, but as a few walk together, Miles appears and slices ones throat open before he tossed the dagger into the others head, as he scoops up a silenced pistol and fires at three random places and then up at the roof , Miles walking off without looking as he sees four bodies drop from all around where Miles bad been.

The third person in the line is being ripped apart now, as Kolton takes a drink from his wine glass as Nick and Dustin try to break the beam to free them but can't get it to budge as Kris spots something and nudeges Nick, Nick stopping as he looks to see Miles knife a Cultists in the back of the neck as he had snuck inside and dragged the body out of sight.

Miles signals to them and Nick hits Kris who was looking as the fourth person was being prepared as Hockmeyer was cleverly picking his cuffs as the Cultists were changing and staring down the altar as Kris mouths a number to Miles, Miles nodding as he slips away, Kris stopping his struggling.

Kris: You guys be ready, when we hit the ground, get to cover.

Kolton: For our fourth saved soul, let his flesh be…

Miles opens fires with his MP5 and blows the chains off that were holding them up, Kolton and the Cultists go into a frenzy Z Kris, Nick and Dustin drop and get to cover as they work the chains off of their hands as Miles runs and gets to cover.

Kolton: Find them! kill them!

Hockmeyer frees his hands as two of the cultists grab him at the same time, Hockmeyer breaking away as he punches one and the throws the other off if him as he grabs the cultists and snaps his neck before he disarms the other as it raised it's pistol at him, Hockmeyer firing two shots as he kills the cultists before he shoots the Cultists that were holding the chains to the 6 zombies. Hockmeyer running from the altar as he finds cover as the Cultists aim and fired at him Kolton watches the zombies go instantly back to the fourth man's body and begins to feed on him Miles drops two Cultists before shouldering the MP5 and tosses two blades into a Cultists chest as Kris grabs nearby machine gun as he turns to Nick as Dustin keeps watch.

Kris: Grab our gear! I'll cover you!

Nick and nods and sprints and grabs the cluster of their gear as Kris fires  a few times to draw attention away from Nick as Dustin grabbed a cultist that had tried to sneak up on Kris, Dustin bashing the Cultists head repeatedly against a crate until the head becomes nothing but meat as Nick brings their gear back over as they quickly put their vests and check their guns as Miles tosses a blade at Kolton that gets caught into the arm of one of his bodyguards.

Hockmeyer watches as the zombies, which where still shackled together go after a nearby Cultists that was firing at Miles and begin to tear into him as he waits a moment before he fires six shots and hits each zombie in the head. He goes to run but Dustin appears and puts his gun to his head.

Dustin: Don't you fucking move, asshole.

They both quickly dive in opposite directions as a few Cultists aimed and fired at them as Nick drops one as Dustin kills the 2nd as Hockmeyer drops the third, as Kris kills three by firing into their backs from behind as he was able to get around them and ambush them.

Kris over near Nick as some of the cultists try and flee.

Nick: Why are they running?!

Kris: No idea…

Miles watches as the two men surround him as Kolton smiles as he draws his Bowie knives.

Kolton: I shall enjoy your death…

One of the men attacks but Miles moves and cuts him across the arm but he's punched in the back right shoulder by the other with the spiked brass knuckles as Miles yelps. He pull his shoulder down and around as he slides back at the other man but missed as the first goes in for a blow to the face but Miles spins and slices the Bowie across his throat, the man's own inertia causing him to decapitate himself.

Miles ducks the last man's attack but is kneed in the mouth as Miles falls over as the man raised his hand and punches down but as he does a bullet punctures through his skull as his brain blow out into the floor as Kolton was now alone, surrounded by bodies.

Kris appears in front of him as Nick helps Miles up as Dustin holds his gun again on Hockmeyer as Dustin had taken his pistol away.

Kolton and Kris star each other diennad Kris pulls his .50 up.

Kolton: Seems my men have abandoned me. Good, they follow orders well.

Kris: I told you I'd be the one to kill you.

Kolton: I told you I would only…

Kris fires four times watchimg as a large portion of his chest is blow out from the four huge rounds as Kolton slumps down lifeless as Kris turns and aims at Hockmeyer.

Hockmeyer: Whoa easy there champ…

Nick: Yes boss, think it over…

Kris: This is all his fault... Jared was right, we should've tried to save more deserving people like the ones who are dead at our feet them trying to get justice to by saving this sorry motherfucker!

Miles: I have a compromise.

Miles turns and tosses a throwing knife into Hockmeyer's shoulder, Hockmeyer screaming as Miles then tosses one into his thigh.

Kris smirks as Miles pulls the blades out and quickly gathers the ones he can find as Kris holsters his gun and turns to leave.

Kris: Better get back.

The group all take off as Hockmeyer struggles to stand and leave, but eventually does as he's quickly assailed by shufflers who arrive from the gunfire and as some time passes we see Kolton rise up, his eyes dead and chalky white as he screeches.

Elsewhere, the Bank.

Shane lights a cigarette as he sits on the edge of the roof across from the door that lead to the access stairwell as Shane stares blankly at it as he notices a hand poking through the clump of dead bodies that was stacked against the door frame, Shane taking aim as he fired and hits the emerging head as the body adds to the gory wall that was being used to barricade him from the thousands of zombies still trying to get to him. Shane comes and grabs a machete he had nearby that was dripping wet and as he cuts the head off and and pushes the back back inside towards the back as we see that staircase is completely stuffed with the dead, as zombies literally snap of limbs and strip away flesh to crawl through the thick barricade of rotting corpses. Shane flicks the cigarette over the side as the ever moaning and reaching up at him undead continue to make their presence known as he lights another cigarette.

Shane: Gonna be a long fucking night.

He checks his watch as it was only 7:56 pm.

End of Part Twenty Four.