Part Twenty Five

Eden: Paradise Lost

Part Twenty Five

Rebecca loads and unloads her sniper rifle as Lily comes and sits down next to her. 

Lily: You worried about your boyfriend? What's his name, Nick?

Rebecca: No, Nick's capable of handling himself. He'll be okay. 

Lily: I'm worried. For him, for Miles. Everyone. But I'm just a worrier. 

Rebecca: It's understandable. Things are going to hell and it doesn't seem like weret going to make it out. 

Lily gulps as Rebecca just stoically loads and unloads her gun again, which seems to make Lily nervous. 

Lily: I'm sorry just... you've been loading and unloading your gun for a while, ever since they left and it's making us…

Rebecca: Us?

Lily: Yes, me and Lyndsey and the other girl, Amber. We're just nervous with your behavior. 

Rebecca: I'm sorry. I'm fine though…

Rebecca unloads again. 

Rebecca: control…

Lily goes quiet and soon decides to walk away and rejoin the others as Rebecca continues to load and unload her gun. 

Brianna sits near Adam as Finch spits out all the blood from his broken nose and loose teeth, Millie keeping watch still as Amber is comforting Lyndsey. 

Brianna: So we both fucked up big the last few days. 

Adam: mines a way bigger fuck up. 

Brianna: On the fucked up scale, maybe. but hey, shit happens. But I gotta ask, man. and be honest with me. 

Adam: Okay…?

Brianna: Why?(nods at Finch) with him I mean. Why the hell would you choose to go with this dude?

Adam: Because I wanted to start a new life, and he was the only one who could give me that.

Brianna: Adam, come on, you had it pretty sweet though….

Adam: You would think. 

Brianna nods as Millie turns to them. 

Millie: They're back!

Brianna quickly stands and heads over as Miles comes into, Lyndsey running as she jumps into his arms but he winces as she apologizes and checks him over as Dustin appeared and had Hockmeyer with them, something that seemed to have happened between when they left the warehouse and returned. Rebecca comes over on a quick limp and hugs Nick as Nick kisses her as Dustin gets Hockmeyer onto a chair and ties him up next to Finch and Adam as Kris comes in last as Millie looks behind him and waits for a few moments. 

Millie: Whoa, hey, where's Jared?!

Kris: He's gone. Cultist got him.

Millie's looks shaken by this as Brianna comes over to him. 

Brianna: You okay?

Kris: I've been a hell of a lot better. But I've been a lot worse too. I'll manage. 

Brianna: Status with the others?

Kris: Haven't checked. Preoccupied I guess. 

Brianna: Then you're not thinking clearly. Maybe you should rest. 

Kris: Don't tell me what to do, I've got everything handled…

Brianna: Yeah, coming back a man down sure seems like it…

Kris turns and pushes her against a wall as everyone looks confused. 

Kris: Step at me one more time like this, and I'll kill you.

Brianna: Likewise. 

Kris listens to a hammer cock back as Brianna has her .44 aimed at his chest. 

 Brianna: It'll be offly hard to kill me now. 

Kris: Didn't say I'd kill you now, said I'd kill you if you test me again…

Brianna: what if I just saved myself the trouble and dropped you right here right now?

Miles quickly puts a blade to her throat and Nick aims at her head, Rebecca doing the same as Millie disarms Brianna. Brianna shakes her head and nods as she steps back and throws her hands up as everyone lowers their weapons as Kris stares her down sternly. 

Brianna: Alright, you win. Again.

Millie hands her .44 back and she holsters it as Kris pulls his radio up. 

Kris: Lance, you read me? Lance...Lance?

Elsewhere, Sub control hub. 

The radio crackles as it laid on the driver's side seat of the Jeep as it was parked outside of the sub control hub. 

Max checks the emp device over as he types up on the laptop and connects it to the device, Lance looking about as Mandy keeps watch, Terry and Makayla are patrolling the area as Max brings up a screen. 

Max: Whoa, hey, I'm in!

Lance: How long?

Max: Few minutes, give or take. The download codes are still attached to the emps hardrive.

Lance: Get the city's power back, Maxwell. 

Max: You got it. 

Lance: Mandy, I need you to go to the car and grab the radio. 

Mandy: Got it. 

Mandy heads to the Jeep and opens the door as she can hear Kris's voice. 

Mandy: Hello?

Kris: Which one is this?

Mandy: This is Mandy.

Kris: Mandy, where's Lance?

Mandy: Inside with the others, Max is getting the power back on to the city as we speak. 

Kris: Mandy, I need to speak with you copy? Mandy?

The radio lay on the ground as Kris's voice can be heard.

Max smirks as he types in a sequence and presses enter.

Max: And then there was…

Lance, Terry and Makayla watch as lights begin to turn on inside of the room as all over Eden power is being restored as lights were coming on, Kris watching as the Prime's main power kicked back on as Lyndsey and the girls cheered as Finch looks at Hockmeyer with disgust. 

Kris: Mandy!? Lance! someone please copy!?

Terry pats Max as Makayla cheers happily, Lance looking about proudly.

Lance: Excellent work, Maxwell. 

Makayla: Fucking awesome dude! heyz where's Mandy?

The back end light in the hub turns on as Makayla looks about and then screams. 

The other three come around to see Mandy's lifeless body leaning against the window as a large portion of her right cheek was missing, as she hit against the glass once she saw them and screeched, Terry screaming in emotional pain ad Makayla hugs Max and sobs as Lance shakes his head and aims his Red9 at her but Terry touches his wrist. 

Terry: No sir. I'll do it. 

Terry draws his .357 as Mandy beats against the glass, Makayla crying as Terry aims and looks away as he fired a single shot that tore through the glass and exploded the top part of her forehead as she fell over slowly once her brains hit the ground. Max looks distressed as he asks

Max: How the hell did she get bit?!

As if on que, The zombies that had to of attacked her appear at the doorway, Makayla turning as she unloads on them as Terry quickly kills three and Lance takes down the ones Makayla didn't know down in her intial clip. The four looking out to see the Jeep was surrounded by walkers as they looked about to see thousands of zombies appearing from the other end of the street, as the darkness that had surrounded them was being lifted as the lights were showing that more and more were appearing all over. 

Lance: oh fuck me running…

Max: Jesus Christ they've got us boxed sir…

Terry:what do we do, what do do?!

Lance: i'm thinking! 

Makayla: We don't have time!

Lance watches as the walkers begins to shuffle towards them in a large mass as some Runners appear from the far end of the road.

Lance: Break for it, run!

The four run out and down into a back alley where Mandy's body was laying as they run between some buildings as walkers shuffle by the radio as Kris was still screaming for an answer. 

Elsewhere, Prime 3

Kris throws the radio as it shatters by the force of the blow. 

Nick: Sir…

Kris: Something's wrong. 

Rebecca: They can take care of themselves...I mean they got the power on...

Kris: Move them up (pointing at the three) we're leaving. 

Nick: Think, boss. To where?!

Miles: This is as safe as it's going to get sir. 

Kris: I said move them up!

Rebecca: No!

Kris: What!?

Rebecca comes to him as he looked bewildered. 

Rebecca: I said, no. Sir. 

Kris: Fall in line, soldier!

Miles: No, she's right. 

Kris watches as Miles, Nick, and Millie stand by her as Dustin keeps his gun trailed on the three as Brianna stands nearby and grins. 

Millie: It's suicide what your asking. 

Nick: Tend to agree. It's a bad case yeah but Lance and them are capable. You can't ask of us to leave when there's no plan. 

Kris: You are the 23rd and you will…

Miles: The 23rd is dead sir!

Kris lools taken aback as Miles looks wounded for even saying it. 

Miles: We've lost, John, And Colby...Jared, Ajax...Krista. how much can we stand to lose before you realize were not a unit any more. 

Nick: We've got...wait (looking around) where's Mary!?

Brianna: About that...she said she had something needed to do once Miles took off to help you guys out. But she's been gone a while. 

Nick: And now we've got Mary M.I.A. sir. Boss, Miles is right. The company is dead. All we can be now is people. Just trying to survive. Together. 

Kris sits down as the group stand around quietly. 

Kris: I'm sorry…

Kris looks at everyone as he has tears forming. 

Kris: I'm sorry this happened...I'm sorry I couldn't…

Kris clutched his knees as he Millie comes and sits next to him as she pulls him to her and let's him sob against her shoulder as Nick takes a knee and pats him as Mary comes from out of the elevators and looks at the scene with a confused look. 

Mary: Guess I missed something heavy. 

Miles: They he'll have you been!?

Mary: Jared?

Nick shakes his head as Mary nods and takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes. 

Mary: If you wanna know where I've been, I suggest you follow me.

Kris is helped up and he wipes his eyes as the others follow her, Lyndsey keeping close to Miles as Brianna turns to Dustin. 

Brianna: Think you can handle watching them alone?

Dustin: I got it. 

Brianna: Atta boy. 

Brianna follows after them as Dustin looks the three over and spits as he smacks Hockmeyer across his head.

End of Part Twenty Five.