Part Thirty Two

Eden: Paradise Lost

Part Thirty Two

Mary sits against the barricade as Lance comes up next to her. 

Mary: You get the sleep order?

Lance: Yeah, you?

Mary: Yes. 

Lance: I doubt I'll sleep much. I never slept when I wanted too. 

Lance leans against the barricade as Mary plays with her thumbs as some men are off compacting metal plating under the tanks. 

Mary: What are they doing?

Lance: The tanks are a structural weak point. The zombies can easily crawl over and under so they're blocking the bottom so none can just easily crawl through, and then we're going to place two of them machine gun mounted jeeps behind the tanks to keep anymore from crawling over. 

Mary: Smart. 

Lance nods as Mary pulls out a cigarette and lights it. 

Mary: You know, I was hoping to die after my son was torn to shreds. I just wanted to not have to live with myself anymore. 

Lance: Zombie outbreak always seems to bring out the suicidal tendency.

Mary: Why is that?

Lance: You know, in all honesty, it varies for me. I would lay awake all night in a bed, with a gun in my hand tucked under my chin, and would be three seconds away from pulling it, but I...just couldn't do it. I wasn't living when everyone else was, and when the world went to shit, I could handle it all. And it tore me apart each and every day. To live more in a dead world...that's no life. 

Mary: Oh, I imagine

 Lance nods as Mary finishes the cigarette.

Mary: But we owe it to ourselves now. To live, to live right. To survive the new world dead or alive. Whatever it ends up being. Lance: I agreed to an extent. 

Mary: We'll survive this right? I mean, we're good enough...strong and skilled... we're not…

Mary begins tearing up as she tries to speak but only lets out jumbled sobs.

Mary: We're not...going to die, are we?

Lance: I can't answer that. Because I genuinely do not know. 

Mary begins openly sobbing as Lance leans over and hugs her, comforting her. 


Nick slams into Rebecca a few more times from behind as they both howl out in orgasm as he bucks into her as she grinds her hips back as Nick rubs her hips and leans his head down over her shoulders as Rebecca reached back and rubs his head as she turns and looks at him as they both stare into each other's eyes as they kiss. 

Rebecca: Don't you fucking die on me...but even if we do...I'm glad we got to be together one more time…

Nick nods and she caresses his face as they kiss and then hold each other tightly. 


Shane and Kris patrol the area as Brianna sleeps on a cot in one of the middle tents, Dustin and Makayla share a bed nearby as Miles lays against a wall with Lyndsey sitting in his lap as both are asleep as Terry sits on his spot at the barricade sound asleep. 

Shane: We've got ten miles of area to cover, with a little under 3,000 men, not counting the civilians. Even if we had Zero Company, that's an extra what, 1,000-1,200? 4,000 people to fend off ten square miles of area against a half a million plus dead fucks, the math is not on our side, Kris. 

Kris: We'll manage. 

Shane: We don't have enough rounds to suppress 500,000 zombies, let alone if we find out there's more. We're not outfitted for such an onslaught. The gunship haz six missiles, a couple thousand rounds for the mounted machine guns and even then we only have so many reloads for the mounted torrents guns around the barricade. And what, eight shells apiece for the tanks?

Kris: We'll hold. 

Shane: Kris, 3 hours, 180 minutes to hold back the goddamn army of the undead is way too much time, and we don't have that. We're not even guaranteed that the general's men will show in time, this gamble isn't…

Kris: They'll be here. 

Shane: We've had the power on for the last, what, four hours? We've got no word from them, nothing, I've been having for hours. Kris, face it , we are on our own…

Kris: i can't believe that. I have to keep the hope, not just for me, but for everyone, Shane. Please, just...stand by me on this. 

Shane pats him on the shoulder as he shakes his head. 

Shane: When this is all over, I'll take us all to my mountain base.

Kris starts to laugh as Shane pats him and smiles as Kris nods at him as he checks his watch to see that it's 2:10am

Kris: Get'em up. 

Kris watches as the group begins to gather together as the base was now fully awake and alive with activity as everyone was getting prepared. 

Kris: Cayce, was about to procure these…

Shane hands everyone an ear piece. 

Kris: Multi waved earpiece radios, we'll be able to communicate throughout the entire base. Brianna , it's imperative you listen the most, because you're going to to have to assist the most positions. 

Brianna: On it. 

Kris: This is the last time we'll all be together. The grim reality is not all of us are going to survive to see dawn. I just want to say that you all, people I've known for years, months, of even just a few days. You're all my family. And I'm glad to fight beside you. 

Mary smiles as a tear comes down her face as Miles holds Lyndsey as Nick nods. 

Kris: We'll all be together again one day.  But we'll be damned if we let it be today. 

Lance: Fuck, yes. 

Rebecca: Hell yeah, Kris. 

Kris: So let's kick some ass, and survive this night. 

DJ: Now now, that sounds like someone we can ally ourselves with. 

The group looked to see DJ, Finch, Anthony and Adam come over to him and the others as the tension was high. 

Kris: Why now?

DJ: I could see them….coming from the Northeast, like an ocean wave of shuffling corpses. It doesn't matter if we're apart or together, this force is stronger than any of us. 

Lance: Get to the point. 

DJ: Seems like, we better all stick this out together. I'll handle my squad, you handle yours. Work in tandem, and we may just have a chance. 

Kris: Zero Company….welcome to the Misfits of the 23rd.

Lance smirks as Shane folds his arms, DJ smirking as he and Kris locked eyes. 


There is a calm as the moans of the dead can be heard drawing closer and closer as the barricade is surrounded with the men and women ready to give up their lives, an eerie calm only pierced by the dead's moans as DJ steps up next to Lance. 

DJ: Looks like it's starting…

Lance eyes him as Mary watches from afar as shapes begin appearing down the street around the corridor.

Dustin loads his shotgun as twelve armed women make a line around Dustin as the warehouse was boarded up from the inside and outside as Amber and Lily stand in front of a large group of women and children as Amber looks to see a young boy pulling at her. 

Amber: Yes?

Young Boy: They're coming…

Amber's fave flushes as Dustin listens to the moans growing more and more intense.

Kris walks the line on the on the barricade as Miles holds his MP5 in place with Lyndsey next to him, holding a 9mm and a reload clip uncomfortably in her hands. 

Kris: It's starting. 

The area is soon engulfed in the drowning moans of the undead as Kris motions for some men to turn the spot lights on. 

The large and powerful lights flood the area with flourescent brightness as the lights cast a heavenly glow over the base as Makayla looks up at one from her posts as Anthony stands a few meters away from her, watching the undead horde begin to surround them as far as the eye could see. 

Nick pulls the tab of his AR as he watches candidly as the dead begin flooding the area l.

Rebecca checks each rifle and comes to her SVD as she looks through the scope and then looks away horrified. 

Brianna stands next to Terry as Finch isn't far from the two, holding his machine gun awkwardly ad Brianna smiles. 

Brianna: Least I know he'll get himself killed.

Terry: You shouldn't be so confident about anything anymore. I'm sure not…

Brianna nods as she sees the horizon was packed as far as the eye could see with the undead.

 The moaning is a tremendous sound as Kris watches the zombies stop advancing as the base was now completely surrounded, Shane looking about from his position as he nods.

Shane: This is it...should be fun…

A loud screech suddenly pierced the night as Shane shivered. 

Shane: Great…

Kris watched as a lone zombie moved through the pack towards the front of the barricade, Kris aiming at it as Kolton appear, Miles looking at the zombie and then at Kris. 

Kris: Goddamnit..

Kolton: I told you, in death, I'd become more powerful, unstoppable. 

Kris: You son of a knew about the type O blood...what it does. You wanted to die!

Jolyony: Of course. So that I may take part in the feasting of the flesh to cleanse you all of your greatest 

Kris: You are not a person... you're a monster, all you are is impulse. You're not here, destined for a divine purpose. You're driven simply by hunger. You can speak, you can give orders, making yourself seem more intelligent than you are, but all you are is meat, and pus. You're just another zombie. 

Kolton: And all of you, will soon be...dinner. 

Kris fires at Kolton and hits him in the head, Kolton rocking back before he screeches and points as the horde surges forward as Kris screams out. 

Kris: Give it all you got! fire!

The sound of every single gun firing off fills the still night air as Lyndsey screams and drops her gum as she covers her ears as the tremendous sound of gunfire collides with the moaning of the undead. The final clash had finally begun. 

End of Part Thirty Two