One Killing Shot

Haru then suddenly lifted up her left hand and face the sky with her palm; the blue sky then turned into gray and you can hear the loud crashing sounds because of the lightning.

The clouds then showed it's wrath and opened a circle right above Tamaki.

" Shared Magic: Zeus's lightning! ".

* Their world then flashed a blinding light, and all they could hear was nothing, the lightning strike produced a deafening impact that caused thier hearings to be unusuable.


The lightning then vanished out of thin air and a burned corpse just collapsed Infront of Haru. Tamaki's body turned into coal and her hair falled off and got cooked by the high temperature of the lightning.

" That's was quite easy ". Haru stated with a stern face.

She then turned around and faced the gray sky; she then looked at it with quite a relief.


Haru then suddenly heard a rattling sound and a large shadow behind her covered the whole entire Onsen.

She then turned around and gigantic three legged creature with a large fanged mouth and stone-looking body is standing infront of Haru.

" A Spider?! ". Haru questioned.

{ That's the parasite Haru! that's it's true form! eliminate it in this very moment! }

" I-i can't, I can't! ".

Haru's knees are shaking while she stares at the gigantic creature above her.