Smiling Fear Infront

{ Haru?! What are you doing?! don't just stand there, that thing will squash you! }

Union said with a panicking voice.

Haru's knees collapsed on the ground and she just stared at the ground. Her pearl white knees got covered by dirt and her legs looks like a dirty; white canvas.

Her breathe feels heavy and her heart is starting to hurry it's beat.

The monster-like creature then lifted it's left leg and moved it above Haru. The creature them smiled and bites its bottom lips because of excitement.

Daggering eyes then sprouted on the creatures head and looked down on Marco with killing intent.

" Die slowly ". The creatured screamed.

{ Haru! }

* Haru's perspective:

There's no way, I can't, I can't fight that spider monster, I can't even look at it, those legs and that scary looking lips and fangs. I hate it. I hate it!

I can't move even a single inch to my place, I feel like this is the end of me, I want to fight but. But that monster is....

" I hate it! ".

Sorry Marco, I'm useless against-


" Demon magic: World's Collapse ".

A dark line then traveled through the body of the creature and it's body got split in half; and collapsed on the ground.

" Aghgg! ".

The Creature then screamed in pain and looked at a man standing behind Haru.

" Ma-Marco ". The creature stated with a pitying tone.