The Boy's First Life (II)


A girl of similar age stood before Apollo. If one looked closely, they'd noticed resemblances in their features. Their dark hair of a similar tint, clear silver eyes, and finally, their nose, mouth, and chin shape.

"Miss Verina, is the surprise you spoke of Apollo?"

"Correct, Melina. It's only right that you display the true talent of a Kaiser heir now that you've succeeded in becoming an Apprentice. What better audience than your brother who can even sense or interact with Mana?" Head Magus Verina said.

Her tone carried blatant mockery as she lifted Apollo's chin and smiled into his eyes. "You'll be a good boy, right? You should play with your sister."

'Play…' Apollo thought while glancing at Melina. He gulped in silence before returning to Head Magus Verina. Apollo felt Melina would be wicked and almost abusive because Head Magus Verina oversaw her personal lessons. With them spending ample time together, it was only natural that Melina adopted some of Verina's proclivities.

On the other hand, Miss Clarice sulked as she listened to the conversation. Unlike the rest of the children present, Melina succeeded in becoming an Apprentice Mage! This meant she wasn't limited purely to basic spells. Although her mana capacity was still unknown, there was a chance she could wield Tier 1 Magic Spells!

"Begin!" Verina exclaimed before slowly floating into the air. She gained a vantage point of the training session and monitored what took place.

Melina gave Apollo an innocent smile the moment the training session started. However, anyone who knew this girl understood the attitude she presented was fake. To describe her in a simple phrase, she was a sadistic cretin.

Melina started with a small fireball that Apollo dodged with little effort. Although she succeeded in becoming a Mage Apprentice, her casting time and other magical foundation skills were lacking compared to seasoned Apprentices.

Nevertheless, judging by the lack of exertion, it was clear Melina didn't exert herself when conjuring the earlier fireball.

"You don't have the blessing of Mana, so you're nothing more than a little worm," Melina commented. She pointed her wand at the ground a moment later and silently moved her lips.

Blue energy illuminated Melina's wand as she prepared a basic Freeze spell. Apollo found it challenging to maintain his footing when another fireball suddenly appeared and landed on his torso.

Apollo's eyes widened as he felt winded. Although it was a fire spell, the impact felt like he was punched in the stomach.

"Not bad, but I'm sure you can inject more Mana than that into your spells. These aren't the results achieved during training. I want to see those," Head Magus Verina commented from above.

Melina looked up and nodded. The Mana surrounding her grew vibrant as three large fireballs simultaneously appeared. 

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Apollo dived to the ground, narrowly avoiding the attack while wearing an expression of horror. "H-Hey! Those attacks are getting dangerous! What is going on? That was stronger than a basic spell. I thought they weren't allowed to use anything higher than basic spells during the training?"

"That may be true, but I'm the one who decides the training. And, I've been given the blessing of the household's heads to increase the young miss's training. Naturally, this means she must also become used to executing Tier 1 Magic Spells.

"Flame Bullets!" Melina exclaimed.

Unlike the basic magic, Fireball, Flame Bullets was far more dangerous. Not only was the Mana more compact and hotter, but its velocity was also something only Apprentice Knights could handle.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The three flame bullets hit Apollo and sent him flying back. Blood seeped from his lip as he rolled across the ground and groaned in pain. His vision blurred slightly as he tried to gain ahold of himself.

'T-this isn't right,' Apollo stammered in his mind. He didn't understand what he had done to deserve this punishment. It wasn't like he was responsible for his own birth or circumstances. Gradually, Apollo grew to hate the fact he was born into a famed household of Sages, Archmages, and Knights.

All of a sudden, violent crackles flashed in Apollo's eyes as his vision regained focus. This light wasn't something that came from him; it came from the lightning element Melina exerted herself to unleash. 

"Wait!" Apollo exclaimed in fright before lifting his head. 

Lightning was an Advanced Element meaning all spells under this category were highly destructive. Moreover, even the weakest and most basic spell was classified as a Tier 1 Spell that outranked Flame Bullets on the damage spectrum.

Apollo naturally looked to Head Magus Verina for help, but he didn't find it there.

"Lightning is her main affinity, so why would I stifle her growth? Just be a good boy and remain quiet. We'll have someone heal you afterward," Verina remarked indifferently.

She gave Melina the go-ahead to release her magic.

"Chain Lightning!" 

A large crackle occurred, followed by a burst of purple lightning.

By the time Apollo registered what had happened, the equipment defending his body was destroyed. The rampant lightning scorched his torso and sent what felt like the world's most terrifying shock through his body.

Apollo dropped to his knees with a vacant look in his eyes as he fell face first on the ground. 

'I am punished day in and day out for being weak—for sullying the Kaiser name. I didn't ask to be born, yet I am tormented by my family and its reputation. I did nothing wrong!'

Clear tears slid down Apollo's cheeks while he could barely feel his body anymore. Instead of pain, he felt anger, rage, resentment, disappointment, and abhorrence. He felt no one should be treated like this, no matter their social standing.

But… his opinion meant nothing if he didn't have the strength to support it.

Nevertheless, those emotions bubbled up until he could no longer contain them. It was as if something terrifying had burst from the depths of his soul. A sinister aura seeped from Apollo's body as he stood up.

Based on his appearance alone, it was clear he had fallen unconscious. Something else was driving his body, a power with a terrifying origin.

Even Head Magus Verina felt dread as she experienced this sinister aura. "Stand down by, or I will be forced to act."

However, how could Apollo listen to reason if he was no longer conscious? His body moved despite Verina's warning. The intention to kill was evident by how red Apollo's eyes became.

"Inferno Sphere!" Head Magus Verina called out. Inferno Sphere was a Tier 3 Magic Spell infinitely more powerful than the Tier 1 Flame Bullets Melina used.


Apollo roared to the sky and ripped the incoming Inferno Sphere to shreds with his bare hands before continuing his dash toward Melina. His unbridled rage fueled him to the point he would stop at nothing to exact his revenge.

Head Magus Verina frowned before unleashing two more spells.

"Ice Imprisonment! Hurricane Barrier!"

Head Magus Verina walked the path of an Archmage, meaning she manipulated the basic elements—fire, water, wind, and earth to unleash varying spells. Of course, there were Specialized Paths of an Archmage, but that required Advanced Affinities.

Apollo was contained for a moment, but he broke free after assaulting the prison with several relentless punches. When he broke free, several cuts filled his body. Despite his state, he released guttural growls filled with pure hatred.

All the children and serfs had already moved back while witnessing the scene in horror. The boy had gone berserk in its truest form!

"Lightning Condensation: Storm Point." 

A cold voice sounded from not too far away. A condensed beam of lightning so powerful it created a miniature storm while ripping through the air split in two and pierced Apollo's chest and forehead.

From the main gate, an indifferent beauty could be seen walking down the stairs with deliberate steps. She was dressed in luxurious mage robes, a fur coat, and jewels that released mana fluctuations.

"Mom," Melina muttered as she held her chest in Verina's embrace. 

"M-mom," Apollo said after much difficulty. 

The pain of having his two most vital areas pierced restored his consciousness for a brief period. During that period, he could see this woman's disappointment and most of all, her lack of love.

"Don't call me that. I have never given birth to a wastrel. This should have been done long ago. I will not have the Kaiser Household become a laughingstock. So this will be the last day you stain our reputation."

These words were like a tether pulling Apollo to the depths of hell. His mother, the woman who shared his lifeblood, looked at him as nothing more than a mistake.

Apollo weakly extended his hand, but it ultimately fell to the ground as his consciousness gradually lost to the darkness. 'Is this… the nightmare? Is it finally taking me?' He wondered.

A few seconds later, Apollo took his last breath in this world while tears fell down Miss Clarice's face. Although his body was lifeless, Apollo's soul seemed to travel through the endless darkness rather than enter a determined destination.

A presence seemed to guide it through limbo as it met with another wandering soul of familiar origin.

〈My descendant, the time of your awakening has come. The Rings await you… The De… Mo... Sys... awaits you, Z...