New Life, World and Mysterious Voice


〈Unique Host assimilation complete!〉

〈Bodily injuries have been detected!〉

〈Awakening host…〉



Apollo groaned in pain while looking around. However, as he did so, he realized all that greeted him was more darkness followed by pain. At first, Apollo thought this matter was related to the injuries suffered during Melina's training, but that wasn't the case.

In fact, he was in a completely different world in a foreign body. A surge of memories assaulted Apollo's mind. Some were familiar, such as the lasting look of disgust present on his mother's face. Others were foreign, like a scene where many kids poured rocks and the like over him.

"What the hell is going on?"

[What's going on is you have assimilated.]

"Ah! Who is there?!" Apollo exclaimed. He tried to turn his head, but he soon realized all of his movements were restricted. With time, the memories involving the kids made sense.

"Was I buried?" 

[Not you, but that's more or less the events that transpired.]

The voice from before spoke again, but Apollo didn't react the same way. Instead, he assumed he had gone insane after dying. However, this thought saddened Apollo as he felt worthless.

[Are those pitiful emotions of sorrow that I sense? This can't be true… Don't tell me that I've awakened in possession of a pushover.]

"I am not a wimp!" Apollo scowled.

[Oh? Then what do you call those thoughts? Those are thoughts belonging to a wimp. A strong individual converts their negative emotions into fuel and triumphs above adversity. I am ashamed.]

"You don't know me or my story, so shut up. Besides, who are you to speak about how I should feel? Everyone has discarded me!" 

[That may be true, but who cares if you have been discarded? Do you feel the need to be accepted? Acceptance won't carry you through your struggles; only your actions will.] 

"That's easier said than done, you strange voice. I have no source of strength. I can't use Mana, so my body is frail. I am powerless!"

[Were. You were powerless. The situation now is entirely different. Do you really believe you are still in the same world? Foolish. You have transcended the limbo barrier and arrived elsewhere.]

"Limbo barrier?" Apollo muttered in confusion.

[An immaterial realm where recently deceased souls visit to determine their final destination. However, you are lucky because those struggles don't limit you. You have been forcibly pulled from its clutches to accomplish greatness.]

"How so?" Apollo asked. The claims of this unknown voice sounded very strange to him, like they were too good to be true. What if some malicious entity only sought to entice him with attractive promises? 

[By accepting your destiny.]


Apollo remained silent in return. He thought his destiny was death at the hands of his mother! Did something more lie in wait for him?

"What do you mean?" Apollo finally asked.

[Accept the Demon Monarch System and become its rightful holder.]

'Demon Monarch System? Why does that sound oddly familiar? Wait… is that what the mysterious voice said before I arrived here? But…'

"Was it you who spoke to me before? I thought it was a hallucination."

[That wasn't me. I've been in a perpetual slumber since my fate befell me. If someone spoke to you, it must be someone with strength transcending my former self if they could communicate through the limbo barrier.]

"I see… But, what will happen if I accept this so-called system?"

[Well, if we're being specific, you can't deny the power. However, you will never become strong if you don't want to activate it. It'll remain inactive but in your grasp if you don't wish to accept it.]

Apollo pondered the answer before making this crucial decision. 'A demon… I've heard stories of them from the serfs. They were regarded as beings of sinister orientation capable of unleashing untold destruction. Will… I become that if I accept this system?'

[You worry about becoming a demon despite experiencing how malevolent humans can be? Are you sick in the head? You will make it nowhere if you maintain this outlook.]

"Get out of my head. Your voice is too intrusive!" Apollo shouted.

[No. I'd be a fool to listen to a little brat. My actions won't be dictated until you accept your fate.]

"Fine! Fine! I understand already; just shut up!" Apollo roared. He was already agitated with the confusion of memories assaulting his mind. Both sides were rife with torture, neglect, and abandonment. Apollo was simply furious. 

[What a delectable emotion. It would be best if you channeled it productively. The Demon Monarch System would be your perfect outlet. It has the power to change everything.]

"I understand," Apollo said. He balled his fist while exhaling heavily. "I will accept its power." 


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of explosions occurred within Apollo's body as his eyes widened in pain. He vomited many times as the tight space filled with what seemed to be blood or another bodily fluid.

〈Complete assimilation has occurred. A perfect merge has taken place. Optimal parameters have been recorded.〉

〈Needless energy sources have been expelled, creating an optimal sub-environment for the host's latent power.〉

〈Demon Monarch System… Active〉

All of a sudden, a screen appeared in Apollo's view containing all relevant information. 


(Demon Monarch System) Lv.1

Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Human

Level: 1

Experience: 0/100


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 10

Perception: 80

Vitality: 10 (2)

[Stat Points: 10]


The screen listed information related to Apollo's current state. Aside from the discrepancy with his health, the status screen reflected his body's current capabilities. However, Kieran was curious why the system also possessed a system alongside him.

"Two questions… why am I still a human, and why does it say the system is Lv.1?"

[Why do you think? You're to grow into a demon. It can't make you into a demon without you first supplying it with enough sustenance. As for its level, that's naturally related to your only abilities. The higher the system level, the greater the access to its unique advantages.]

[I would advise that you use those additional stat points to help you. Your body is pitiful enough as is.]

Before making a decision, Apollo hovered over each of the stats to understand their effects clearly. 

Strength affected the solidity of his muscles, increasing its limits marginally with each additional point. 

Agility involved all matters of quickness, whether it be how fast the user could move or how quickly they could react. 

Stamina referred to the user's resilience and how quickly or slowly they would become exhausted.

Perception concerned the sharpness of the user's five senses and marginally increased the user's awareness with each additional point.

Finally, Vitality summarized how exuberant the user's condition was. Increasing this attribute would improve the user's overall health and function of their vital organs.

After obtaining this general information, Apollo allocated some points where he saw fit. 

〈Vitality has increased to 15.〉 

Afterward, Apollo burst through the rubble he was buried under and inhaled deeply. The wounds on his body stopped bleeding after raising his Vitality but he still felt a stinging pain. However, Apollo wouldn't dump all of his points in Vitality just because of this pain.

A situation could arise where he depended on those points.

Nevertheless, Apollo's mind wasn't on the pain he felt. He stared at the foreign world that greeted his sights. This certainly wasn't the same world.

"What is this world?" Apollo muttered in faint shock.

[Your starting place.]

"Enough with the vague answers… do you know about this world or not?"


"Then why was I brought here?" Apollo frowned. What would he do if even this voice was unfamiliar with the world?

[That's for you to find out. If you're curious, then find out the information for yourself.]


〈System Alert: You have received two missions.〉

〈Mission Log: «A New World», «Journey to Monarchhood (I)»〉

〈System Alert: A Main Mission has been given by the system's warden.〉

「Quest Name: Journey to Monarchhood (Part I)

Quest Type: Main Quest

Quest Information: The Demon Monarch System is in an infantile state and depends on your growth to thrive. Thus, it is time to step upon your path to Monarchhood and start your journey to becoming the monarch of the Demon Race.


-Achieve Demon Monarch System's 3rd level. (0/1)

-Reach Level 100. (0/1)



Time Limit: 5 years

Rewards: ????, ????, ???? 」

A great deal of information was redacted for this quest, but Apollo ignored that fact and browsed the second quest's information.

「Quest Name: Knowledge of the New World

Quest Type: Starter Quest

Quest Information: You are limited by your lacking knowledge of this new world. You must change this fact quickly.


- Learn of this world's history. (0/1)


-100 Experience

- 5 Stat Points 

Time Limit: 1 day」

"I guess that helps, but there is still one last matter," Apollo remarked while closing his quest menu.

[That is?]

"You. What is your name? If we're to be together, I should at least know your name."

[I was once called Azridan. That's how you may address me.]


〈System Change: The warden will now be addressed as Azridan.〉

"Azridan, huh? That's a pretty cool name," Apollo commented.

[While your subtle praise is welcome, I suggest you leave this place. You're still not healed, and this wilderness seems to be home to many dangers.]

"Yes, yes! I will go…" Apollo froze and narrowed his gaze before continuing, "Home."

Memories foreign to Apollo flooded his mind upon the mention of going home. It was as if he relived another life in a matter of seconds.