Rapid Departure


"W-what? OH MY GOD! How did you kill that beast like that? Your cultivation rank betrays you," Nadida blurted with a bewildered expression. Her crimson hair flared as she stormed up to Apollo and fervently inspected his body. She didn't understand how his small boy performed this feat.

"Where did you hide your strength? I don't remember a Rank 3 Mortal being capable of such movements nor should they be able to deal with a beast of that standard," she continued oblivious to the fact that she was touching him a little too closely.

Expressing his discontent with a frown, Apollo glanced over toward Irauk before attempting to escape her grasp, "Can you stop… you're touching me too much. And for your information, I'm a Rank 4 Mortal, not Rank 3," Apollo correct whilst shaking his top robe. The dirt had clung to some of its seams.

However, Irauk intervened by channeling Natural Essence into the fabric before giving it a gentle shake.

Fwap! Krrrk!

A sound similar to a lightning strike echoed, which put both Nadida and Apollo on alert. Just a simple motion had produced a sound similar to essentially a Rank 1 Spirit Beast's last straw attempt at survival. Ogling at this man, Apollo could only speculate how strong this person was. 

"You may wear it now. The robes are clean. Although, you'll find new attire in the reward I gave you. After all, you'll need a change of robes if you're to train here without a residence to return to. Those you wear now won't fit you in the years to come," Irauk said upon returning the top robe to Apollo.

Finally escaping the curious Nadida's grasp, Apollo quickly wore his robes and distanced himself. 

Meanwhile, Nadida approached Irauk with a proud smile before holding out her hand, "I've completed the mission. And did so beautifully, if I might add. If you don't think so, you can check for yourself, Teacher Irauk. There are 18 Essence Cores of Spirit Beast in the Late Stage of the 1st Rank."

Many crystalline objects of assorted colors appeared in her palm as she presented them to Irauk. Every single one was as she said, earning his praise, "Indeed. You have done well. You haven't let me down on any of my spontaneous tests thus far."

"So, what is my reward? It shouldn't be any less than what you give Adeon or Ragnvald," Nadida demanded with a competitive gleam in her eyes before glancing over at Apollo and thinking for a moment before continuing, "Oh! And you can't spoil him just because he did remarkably well! We're all talented, so I'll be watching you Teacher."

Irauk shook his head with a wry smile and released an exasperated sigh, "What!? Wha-... Who do you think you are, my mother? No! You're my disciple to be. How dare you tell me what to do. Do you dare believe I won't increase your requirements twofold? Damned spoiled lass," Irauk spat while surprisingly still tossing her a pouch of her own.

"Thank you, Teacher!" Nadida giggled before smiling sweetly as she examined the contents of the bag she acquired. It was similar to Apollos, except it was slightly larger. As for the contents, that was unknown.

At that moment, numerous sources of rustling were heard as one by one; Rhett, Adeon, Ragnvald, and Socorra appeared in that order. Each of them approached Irauk, presenting the fruits of their labor. They had all completed the task. However, hilariously, Rhett only completed the bare minimum by collecting 10 Essence Cores belonging to Early Stage Rank 1 Spirit Beast.

"You... Why are you the only one who does the bare minimum? Is food the only thing present on your mind, you oversized walrus?" Adeon scoffed derisively. This wasn't the first time Rhett had only attempted the bare minimum to complete a task.

"It is okay. Sooner or later, he'll find his motivation," Irauk interjected, also mediating the tension. However, if one looked closely, there was a mischievous expression creeping upon his lips.

"Teacher, I don't think you should continuously support his antics. You'll end up fostering a negative trait in this fool," Adeon countered without pause. Similarly, he gave Irauk a frigid glare. It seemed he picked up another quirk. He was on par with Nadida when it came to matters regarding their attitudes!

'Damn! What is wrong with these kids that I picked up? Does talent equate to being a quirk?' Irauk internalized while releasing another exasperated sigh.

"It isn't your place to try and reprimand the teacher. Watch your words and be respectful," Ragnvald interjected before giving Adeon a stern look.

However, while these guys moderated themselves, Irauk focused on Apollo.

He pulled him aside before revealing his intentions, "I will be departing shortly. However, unlike the others, I won't be bringing you with me. I can tell from your personality it is best you hone yourself here alone. I will see you again in the future. Based on your talent, we are fated to meet," Irauk grinned before tossing Apollo a small handbook.

"Inside is the information you'll need. I was aware of your brief blank expression earlier when I mentioned that beast being a variant. Allow that booklet to divulge the information you need," Irauk instructed before vanishing in the direction of the Shadowy Forest's exit.

Before leaving, Ragnvald approached Apollo, "You said your name is Apollo, right? I look forward to meeting you again in the near future and having a spar with you. From the Teacher's words, I can infer you are decently skilled."

"Sure," Apollo nodded with a simple answer. Once he received confirmation, Ragnvald left as well.

"B-bye Apollo! See you in a few years," Socorra exclaimed in a timid voice. But, she was too shy to stay for a response, so she scurried away.

Meanwhile, Nadida gazed at him with a peculiar look. "In the future. We will fight and I will win. I don't need to be superior to you, but I hope you view me as your equal."

Apollo could only look at her with a blank stare as she departed. 'Uh...what was that about?'

"Treat me to some Rank 3... No, no I mean Rank 4 Spirit Beast meat in the future," Rhett ordered with unsightly drool dripping down his lip chin. It was clear he possessed an alarming admiration towards food.

Adeon, on the other hand, simply spared Apollo a glance before leaving.

It was weird. Just as quickly as they met, they departed. Yet, throughout this matter, Apollo felt this odd foreboding that he would be seeing them again very soon.

[I'm picking up fluctuations from the pouch you have been given. Furthermore, I think it is wise you take a look inside that booklet while you seek out a decent area to rest yourself. I think today warrants you calling for an early finish. Instead, let's reflect upon what transpired.]

"I agree with you there. Although my status seems fine. My mind is extremely tired for some reason," Apollo voiced. Shortly after, he scoured the area for a suitable place to rest. It wasn't long before he found a feasible area.

'There will suffice,' Apollo thought, but the chosen spot would require some effort to reach.